Kick from dungeon group/raiding group system

This forum is me taking out my frustration out because I am a returning player and I’ve been experiencing the most stupidest and unfair kicked from group system ever, Never have I thought I would actually be mad about this but this needs to be addressed the kicking system is terrible bad in dungeon’s I’ve started playing WoW again just a few days ago got to 120 yesterday and i can’t seem to do my timewalking without having to move constantly if I’m not moving for at least 10 second’s i’m instantly kicked and it’s only been about 5-10 mins of the dungeon not even half way done. I ever say that I needed to afk for like 30 seconds but that’s to much for WoW players nowadays, Their needs to be a better fix on this kicking mechanism like if falsely kicked the player who ignited the vote to kick in the first place should be punished for false kicking a player who was only inactive for less than a min, I’m sure this is gonna go on to be ignored but I needed to let something out because this is absolutely ridiculous.

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People generally do not kick for no reason, and it takes three (I think) people to vote to kick you. While there are some people that do it because they are jerks, nine times out of ten, from my experience, you’re doing something wrong repeatedly. And why would you start a dungeon if you had to go AFK 5 mins in?

And no, there is no system under the sun that will allow punishment for the kickers. That would be absolutely ridiculous and abused by butthurt players.


There is no such thing as a “false kick”.
If a majority of the group wants to kick you, you get kicked.
That’s it.

You had a disagreement with the others. They want you moving and not going AFK, even for a little bit. You want to pause for a few seconds and maybe take a short AFK. This is called a “disagreement” between you and the others.

Neither one of you is right or wrong. But that doesn’t matter. There was a disagreement and the majority sided against you, so you got kicked.

That’s it. Period.


Most stupidest, eh?


It sucks, but groups are in no way obligated to wait for you to afk even if it is only a short bit. They may be rude, but they are not misusing the kick feature. Chin up, I don’t think most people are like this.


I mean there’s something you’re not saying if it’s happening more than once. I pull some pretty stupid stunts in dungeons across all my characters and I’ve never been kicked from a group.


There is a better system. It’s called not going afk for 30 seconds.


Yeah nothing better than sitting in que for 15-20 minutes to then just wait on another random person in my group who decided just now that they need to go afk and do something… You are being the selfish one not them.

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Okay look sometimes I have to pee really badly out of the blue okay.

Ok I got this great idea that I learned from my mom when I was like 5. Before we got into a car, Mom told me to use the bathroom. You can incorporate this philosophy into your life. Use the bathroom, let the dog out, start your laundry, etc before or after you do a dungeon!!


To be fair, it could have been a quickly dealt with emergency, which is why I could sympathize with the OP. That said, the group is still not obligated to wait for them and is not in the wrong for kicking.


If I had an emergency, I would leave the group. I wouldn’t expect the group to wait for me.


Eh to each their own. I would say a quick “Just a sec doorbell rang.” or “One sec spilled water on my keyboard.” and leave it to the group to decide if they wanted to wait or not.

edit: Yes, both these things have happened and no I have never been kicked for it.

So that explains it. I doubt those “30 seconds” to you are 30 seconds to someone else.


Its the World of Speedcraft now. You no go slow, you no stop… people seem happiest when the tank pulls it all to the boss and dps AOE it all down. They will not wait for the tank to pull. They will not wait for the healer to drink.

Find some people you like and run with them - randoms are, often enough, just go! go! go!..

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Just always queue with at least 1 friend. I do and just yesterday some people kept pulling while I was tanking so we sat at the dungeon start and laughed as they tried to kick me and so I as the tank went afk and forced the group of 3 guildies who were powerless to kick me because they kept pulling had to complete the dungeon for me and maybe friend.

I ran TW all weekend…I mean all weekend on my pally and this druid. I was never kicked. Even when I wasn’t paying attention and let people die. I said “sorry about that” and we rolled on.

Me thinks there’s something you’re not telling us.

Just so you are aware. You can get in trouble for that. Best to just kick the offenders. When you hold up the group though it is considered griefing.

Well, yesterday I got kicked out of a timewalking group on the trash before the cave to the last boss. By the way I joined such group after the first boss. I was the second tank. I had a bad feeling about that group but I pressed on. The group was not doing any cc, the healer could not keep up. I paid the price and got kicked.
I did the same encounter in another group and it was very smooth. Just different people.

As a tank I sort of developed thick skin and basically have to ignore toxic people.

I understand how you feel but the present system is inundated with toxic people.

I think the mythic go go go, hurry -up , no errors and if you wipe you are out is the mentality that fuels a lot of toxic players.

Back in the earlier days, wiping lead to get better, try again and again and figure out how to beat the encounter. Nowadays, you make a mistake, one wipe and is over… the group disbands, people leave or you are kicked…
I can go on an on, but the only thing that you can do is to move on and ignore the jerks…

People dont queue into dungeons to carry you while you afk.

They also dont kick for 30 second afks.

So you’re either gone longer than you think, or are otherwise seriously underperforming

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