Kicked from group for stupid reason?

What the is proper dungeon etiquette on waiting for mana exactly?

I was in a dungeon group, and they stated one of the reasons I was kicked was not waiting for mana, and to go back to retail.

I don’t wait for DPS mana, if I see the healers mana is good I just go. As soon as I see the healers mana bar starting to get low, i stop pulling and let everyone drink.

Should I wait for that mage and hunter who oom themselves every pull? Seems a little silly to me. The healer 100% yes, if they’re low i stop, but the mage who was spamming AE? Screw that. Stupid reason to get kicked from a group.


Well, you do kind of need them to have mana to be effective, but…

In your defense, the DPS can chill and drink for the 15 seconds it takes
while you pull and make aggro, they should have Plenty of time.

I heal, and most times you will be just fine to pull while i grab a drink if i need one, long as i dont touch anything, i am not in combat and can drink aside from a few situations.

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I played a tank for years, and I played a DPS for years, both in classic and on Pservers. The etiquette is… every group is different. In some groups, pulling too slow will get you kicked. It really just depends on who you’re grouped with.

Your caster DPSers should be drinking if they are low, and they can keep drinking if you engage… to a point. but, If they are asking you to slow down, just slow down a little bit. Maybe they don’t want to blow through their silvers by drinking constantly, or maybe they just don’t like that play style. Who knows. It seems like you all may have worn on each others nerves quite a bit if you got to the point of getting kicked.


If they wanted you to slow down, they should have said something. If they did say something and you ignored them, they were right to kick you.

If they didnt say anything and kicked you without saying anything, they were wrong to kick you.

Communication is key.


You’re a tank. Ignore them and pick up another group. DPS arent hard to come by. As for healers I’d say make friends with a good one and enjoy the non stop freedom of doing dungeons when ever the 2 of you want.


This is good. Casters can drink if they want, they don’t have to attack with low mana. Sometimes you will get people that complain, but that’s true no matter what you do. Someone always wants to whine about something.

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I like to follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you’d like to be treated. A little courtesy never hurts! Especially in Classic, where there is a pretty reasonable chance you’ll see folks again.


If you got kick from a group as a tank in classic you did other things.

Takes a lot to kick even a not so good tank.


He probably did more than that. Think about it he is a tank in classic. I don’t think we got the whole story.

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If ur struggling on pulls and people are dying…Probalby the healer has no gear and requires full DPS to make it through without a pot…


Pretty much depends on the group/encounter to know if you were right to pull or not…People dying generally a good sign u going to fast for them…Assuming people are dyign with healer oom

From what you describe tho could be some useless old dudes who just didn’t wanna go fast cuz they’re useless

So what did you ninja bro?


Are you 2hand tanking or dual wield fury tanking by chance?

less mana less dps more likely to wipe

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That’s true. I too do not wait for DPS mana, but I do state upfront that they should ask me to slow down if they want to.

So far I find most dps make do with whatever time they have to drink, and wait for their bars to refill (sometimes only half full even) first before starting.

Of course I would only do this if I were sure it’s mage water they’re drinking.

Look guys the 15 year old fell for the meme

Thats the downside to gearing for +damage only. You should be blaming those ‘bis lists’ for not including regen as a valuable stat.


Was this a PuG? It doesn’t sound like a Guild Run. This is more reason why there’s a lack of Tanks in PuGs :cocktail:

Yes definitely this. Just takes a few bad tanking runs with players who just won’t shut up about the run going too fast, or too slow, or that you’re a ninja because you’re rolling on “dps gear”, to make a tank not even bother anymore.

(pugging is ok if you make sure to form your own group or have them transfer the lead to you. If they won’t, you know something’s up.)

are you saying your a tank and you didn’t make your own group or ask for lead after you joined? if that is what your telling me, your doing it wrong.

Hmmmm??? Your special to believe that is all that was done.