Dumbest reason you have been kicked from a group?

I have made a thread like this in the past, but I always love reading the funny stories people have, so I am doing it again!

Here’s one of my stories!

Years ago, while leveling a tank alt in a Zul’farrak run…

Me: Heads right, towards the basilisk boss
Healer: “You’re going the wrong way”
Me: “No I’m not. It doesn’t matter which way you go in this dungeon”
Healer: “Turn around or I’m not healing”
Me: Ignores the healers words and keeps heading to the basilisk boss

You have been removed from the group

Anyway, what about you guys?


Was in a group with a real life buddy and I was tanking, as a joke he initiated a vote-to-kick and the reason was “farts”. It ended up going through and I got kicked.


For not rezing someone that insulted me. I wasn’t trading insults with him, just said “lol no” when he demanded a rez.

Worth it.

Edit: The whole story is back in the day (Wrath I want to say?) I was leveling a blood elf Prot Paladin. I was running The Blood Furnace and we were just past the first boss. A Shadow Priest pulled a pack that was skippable the same time I pulled a pack that wasn’t. I tried to tank it all (not a big deal) but we ended up dying.

Right after we released, one of the dps started laying into me. He insulted me, my mother and my sexual orientation (up until this, not one word was spoken about anything.) He was doing all this as I was making that really long run back to the dungeon (this was before the graveyard was moved.) The only thing I said in response was “It wasn’t me, it was one of the dps that pulled extra” or something to that effect.

I get back to where we died and I’m just standing there letting him rant. Then he realized I was standing over his corpse and said “rez me.” That’s when I said 'lol no." They kicked me and being a tank, I just requed as soon as the 10 minute cooldown was up. Funny thing… I ran into one of the dps in a later dungeon. He said the group fell apart because they got tired of waiting for another tank. :grin:


When Legion first started warlocks were the only triple DPS class where all 3 specs were behind not only every DPS classes, but even hybrids. It was insane and it went on the whole start of the expansion (the most important part) and wasn’t fixed until after the first raid tier, even though people had made suggestions since ALPHA, beta, and live of the game.

Anyway, people would literally kick warlocks as soon as they got into a heroic (after an hour wait mind you) purely because they were warlocks.

I had someone message me and say “Hey sorry man, I’d rather have another tank or healer over a warlock”

I made a post about warlockifying other classes to be as bad as ours because it was pretty much unplayable.


  • Instead of 100% chance to generate combo points on attacks, It’s now 70%

  • Energy starts at 1 and only generates in combat. Out of combat it will degenerate back to 1.

  • Mutilate may only ever generate 1 combo point.

  • Envenom removed and added back as a talent. Combo points removed but consumed stacks of Rupture.

  • Garrote costs 2 combo points.

  • Rupture damage reduced by 65%, but it may stack.

  • Exsanguination removed.

  • Fan of knives damage decreased and 2.5 cast time added, added talent to make it a two part spell where after casting the knives explode for more damage


  • Deathknights may only enter boss combat with 1 Rune. Other runes decay over time when out of combat until 1 remains.

  • Raise Dead minion damage reduced by 75%.

  • Dark Transformation increases pet damage to normal levels. 2sec cast time and 10sec duration.

  • Apocalypse and Summon Gargoyle cost 1 Rune to cast.

  • Outbreak replaces Defile as a level 100 talent.


  • Ice block removed

  • Blink only has one charge, a 3 second cast time, and a 2 minute cool down

  • Frost nova removed

  • Silence removed and put into talent tree

  • All spells have increased mana cost forcing you to worry about mana, but in exchange you get mana gems back which return less mana than a mana potion

  • All instant cast spells now have 1-3 second cast times, especially Pyroblast which will now have its damaged reduced by half.

  • All primary cast damage spells (Frostbolt, fireball, etc) now have 50% reduced damage, but in exchange you get a 2 second cast “Arcane empowerment” increases said damage by 50% for 12 seconds


  • Ramp up times for damage increased 2xs

  • Burst damage cool downs require a DPS cut to cast

  • Remove aesthetics and give them to other classes without anything in return

  • DPS is now on a cool down of random time increments

  • Oh wait, all that made it live.


  • druid 2 second cast time on every form besides travel, which has 3 and now draws 6% of max health every second.

  • HoT spells reduced by 40%

  • Bastion of Life added as a lvl 100 Talent. Cast a Bastion of Life at a friendly target. HoT effects on the Bastion heal the target for 35%.

  • Wild Growth heals a single target over time.

  • Lifebloom removed and added back as a talent. A talent to increase the targets effected by Wild Growth added to the same tier.

  • Rejuvenation changed to increase its potency over 15sec, starting at negligible healing. Refreshing the HoT will maintain its current potency. (Edit: entering combat reduces its potency stack to 0)

  • Cat Form/etc. were removed and added to a new hero class “BearManPig”. The Feral and Guardian tree have been redesigned as they were originally intended, a summoning class that calls forth woodland creatures to do battle


  • Cavalier can only have 1 charge now a 2.5 second cast time has been added and a 2 minute cool down

  • Hand of freedom moved to talent choice in same row as cavalier

  • Can now be damaged while in bubble but at a reduction of 50%

  • Handful of visual aesthetics taken away and given to other healing classes


  • Your class is able to tame any beast you can imagine and they have most of your non-talent utility built into some of them specifically, but you can only use a bunny rabbit with so little utility it’s basically useless because it does the most damage and not using it is gimping yourself.

Demon hunter

  • Fel rush can only be used if you have a target and it’s in melee range (no, not the 12yd “melee range” abilities, actual auto attack range)

  • Demon’s bite has a 70% chance to generate fury, chance increased to 85% on critical strikes

  • Metamorphosis has been given to a random hunter pet that will be usable after 2 expansions and will be removed by then.

  • Chaos Nova now has a 1.5 second cast time and deals no damage.

  • Eye Beam range reduced in half and you can no longer change directions during it. Also burns your blindfold because… makes sense right?

  • Imprison can be used against any target but has a 1min cd and a 0.5sec cast time(interruptable- chaos school).

  • Sigil of Chains no longer reduces movement speed but now taunts the target.


  • Mind blast and Shadow Word: Void now generate 1-15 insantiy when cast

  • Shadow Word: Pain cast time increased to 1.5 seconds, and duration decreased to 9 seconds

  • Void Erruption now costs 25 insanity

  • removed Dispersion

  • Surrender to Madness removed, given to demon hunters as a level 98 tallent. replaced with “madness blades” allowing you to gain insanity at the rate of 5 per 2 secconds while in combat

  • void bolt no longer scales with haste

  • Xal’Atath, Blade of the Black Empire no longer whispers maddeningly in your ear, and is in fact, now your long lost BFF

  • Your Power Word AoE heal is now replaced with a spell that spawns 4 yellow voidwalkers that travel in different directions and cast one Holy Nova after 4 seconds.


Me: Nǐ Hǎo


I never get surprised by dumb vote kicks going through anymore. I have seen ones like “Ugly transmog” and “Dislikes pancakes” go through lol.


I once said “Hello” in chat. Next thing I know, I saw, “You have been removed from the group.”


being an unholy DK. and ‘not doing enough damage’ in spite of it being a timewalking dungeon and using all my plagues right off the bat.


I would have kicked you too, everyone knows RDF is supposed to be quiet and antisocial.


I always am suspicion of people who say that, I am always like “what’s this person’s game?”.





People pay attention to timewalking DPS? What the heck lol…


Let’s see, one time it was saying high, another was asking if anyone needed food as I had extra. And my favorite during a dungeon getting kicked because I was taunting the boss off of the dps and saving them. I was the tank in that last one.
Though I have a suspicion that people click yes before even reading.


elitist timewalkers do apparently.


No game now. I don’t participate in group activities anymore due this kind of behavior. If I can’t solo it, I wait until I can.


Both sound like very good reasons. I don’t want them clashing with my group and if they don’t like pancakes then they must have something very wrong with them.


I’ve been kicked once for walking to the instance after being summoned. I put it on auto walk while I was flipping my music playlist lol. They must of assumed because I was MG and walked that I was a filthy casual rper.


I actually had the same story happen to me once. Wailing Caverns run. We clear the first side and everyone goes back to the entrance. I instead run to the other side and mention we still have to clear it first.

You have been removed the group

Gosh, I was just so wrong that I deserved that kick. Silly me! :smile:


Here’s another one of mine.

Got into a random Stonecore run on my Priest, back during Cata…

Mount: Drops
Me: Rolls on mount and wins
Tank: “Trade me the mount”
Me “No”

You have been removed from the group


Long story short, Being in a Timewalk and telling the Tank to wait till everybody gets in the Boss room so no credit issues happen, and was removed lol, Plenty of other BS times too!