So uhh... AV

Seems to be on the contrary.


Queue times were obviously shorter when bgs released… it was something new to do, not to mention half the wow population is warriors and they all began the grind for DJB. Even the pvers were forced to grind av. Anyone grinding for honor also is probably breathing a breath of relief because we can finally play WSG where alliance can’t just run around pvp objectives and now pvp can actually be enjoyed.

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betamage im here to lay the blame at hordes feet, when i say idc, i mean im done with ranking, so av literally dont bother me

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I played WSG all day. Never had to wait for a game. I think the 2-3min delay is when you drop a queue and queue for another game

Queue times are 1 hour, not 2. And we can get a LOT done in 1 hour. 5 SGC Lockouts with some farming time to spare. A full dungeon clear or two. Farm some arcane crystals or a black lotus.

The long queues don’t hurt us one single bit, but keep thinking they do, its hilarious. Doesn’t even hurt the PVP rankers, since they are all in the same boat.

Its great to have time to take a shower and cook a meal between AV games.

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I disagree. In every premade there were at least 5-10 pugs and those pugs would get a win along with 3000+ honor.

I wonder… how are the alliance pugs doing today without the premades to carry them?

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Alliance bring up queue time more than Horde.



So is:

Maybe talk to your faction mates that weren’t in premades. Whom your premades left in lopsided losses. Put that blame where it belongs. On your premades.


uhh i already addressed this, the fact that u brought it up again, well, no need to answer it further.

Not really look at all the Horde posts wanting faction transfers , I guess its true Orcs cant really read to well

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Most the serious pvpers on horde side are enjoying the 10 min WSG queues :slight_smile:

thats great… WSG was the meta in vanilla… should have always been the meta here

Horde didn’t have to fear about getting their Account Silenced because Alliance Pre-Mades didn’t get their Leader Role. Beautiful display of Team Work.

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darksoul, thats the carrot aint it? av to get the rank u want, wsg for actual pvp? love it.

tayta, hold up, we as premades, especially my premade, come in with 33+ people, we almost garantee u a damn win, and we dont even care if u just AFK in the base, just give us assist. is that really that hard? lol. theres 33+ of us, chances are onne of us is lead, but if we arennt, ur holding us hostage. u cant even defend that.

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You mean, your Pre-Made don’t know how to win AV without your precious Leader Role? It’s not a guaranteed win, then. If you don’t have your precious Leader Role.

And I’ll defend the one’s who’s Accounts get Silenced because the Pre-Made didn’t get what they wanted.


I’m sailing awayyyy

Posted by a retail alt. Can’t discern whether OP is actually horde or an alliance poster posting on behalf of horde.

Alliance reroller requesting it.


Retail character, also requesting faction-dominant based faction change.

Alliance poster, not sure if being ironic? Probably. Who cares.

Literally the thread we’re in (spoiler alert: created by Alliance)

Retail alt complaining about artificial queues?

Pretty sure Alliance main based on how many times he alone has posted gloating about short queues and asking if Horde are enjoying long queues.

Back to your kennel, dog.


How fun was the alliance pve rank grind? How much actual pvp did you run into?

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That’s adorable. :beers:


we need the leader roll to mark certain people for certain rolls. i play the pally warmaster roll, it helps us move at the pace we are trying to set. if u cant give assist, a literal 1 click, ur being a toxic player period. sure, 95% is not a garanteed win, but by golly did u really say that? wow. just wow.

imagine u going raiding with ur guild, and u screwing everyone over by doing something that the guild asked u to do but u specifically are eh, screwum, yea, thats what ur doing. idk what other premades are like, but of the 800+ in ours, it was like a mc raid every run, fun and games joking around except for 3 specific spots where joking stops and its businuss time. so no, there is no defense. if u wanna go solo questing, GO SOLO QUESTING, if ur part of a group, u dont get to solo. dont like it? go wpvp by urself.