So now that AV is worse

lets see.

for Alliance, their only motivation for AV was to get rep for the items.

now that the rep grind will be even WORSE for them. Expect fewer alliance to bother and que for AV.

Longer Ques for Horde.

worse games for alliance.

nice blizz.


Yeah, maybe that’s why the Alliance was loosing too.

If they were going into AV just to exploit reputation instead of trying to win, it was an issue.

It’s a fix, only bad players who were using it aren’t happy about it.

Stop complaining everytime, Blizzard did a good job here and this thread wasn’t needed you could have answer in the blue one.


huh? you realize anyone who plays BGs for honor doesnt do AV. they do WSG or AB.

people won’t flock back to AV for honor again… its not a fix at all.

the ques will get worse for horde.

its gonna be hilarious a week after patch day when your AV que is 6 hours long. don’t hate me tho.


They’ll be able to farm rep normally instead of abusing of a bug ? No issue here.

The queues won’t change, some players will still farm rep and without the bug it’ll take longer. So the Alliance players will tag in more AV than before.

You should know that some players play for FUN too, not only to get X honor/rep per AV. Alterac is the only BG without premade so they’ll still play it + There are no backdoors anymore


Yeah, this is not going to go well for AV.



no one on alliance does AV for fun.

a 1% win rate is not fun.

and now being forced to put up with it longer will more likely just cause people to say “screw it” and not go for exalted.

you must be as delusional as the moron at blizzard who made these changes.


The ring will now be skipped, that’s all that’s going to happen.

The ring is only even used for Alts, all mains pretty much have them by now, so all the people who would of gotten it for the hit, will just settle for tarnished rings and lose 1 crit.


im done ranking. i still play plenty of BGs. not everyone does BGs just to get something. AVs a fun bg if you complete the objectives as intended.

only people complaining about this fix are the ones who were abusing the exploits.


Does this guy not realize that some people would like to play just to, and hear me out on this, HAVE FUN?

Rankers, bots, AFKers, and rep exploiters make it impossible for anyone to queue up simply for the fun of it because all you care about is getting your reward while forcing the fastest loss possible. This change isn’t going to fix AV, but it’s one step closer.


Do you believe the ridiculous stuff you type??

You think people do AV for fun as alliance?

It’s really fun losing every match.

I’m sure these changes will now make Alliance start playing…everything but AV.


sounds like a salty horde didnt get his rank cause av games lasted longer than 30 mins…

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i mean…our blind greed is a concern but these are all legitimately good fixes.

there’s still issues with this BG but these were issues also.

right direction.


imagine actually playing av for fun when you lose 99% of the time and half the time are bots


This is lightspeed stupid. But I remember horde thought this after they nerfed premades too. Then their queues went from 10m to 3 hours… And here they are again, being equally stupid.

Somehow in their minds less incentive to join AV means Alliance will join it MORE. It… takes a really special kind of person to think that way. Especially when its been proven wrong once. But alas. Ill enjoy the threads complaining about AV queues. lol.

Just a little history for those who don’t remember how this worked out the first time:

Nothing but horde threads on this very forum, losing their minds when the nerfs to Alliance AV hit and their queues ballooned from 10m to 40m to HOURS… But don’t worry. This time it will be different. After making it even WORSE for Alliance, unlike last time, they will queue MORE instead of less… because thats not stupid at all…



IKR these horde have some completely delusional expectations after yet another alliance nerf.

The plus side is that the 4-6 hour horde queues will be hilarious to watch on the forums.


Nobody’s going to farm a horribly designed BG on their alt for 100 hours to get pre-pre-bis. We’re heading into p5, and its only getting easier to get alternatives. Blizzard is a mess. I only wish I could see the AV armchair generals’ faces when they realize it doesn’t matter how many people follow their “rush x” strategy.


yup, was actually considering doing some AVs on my new warrior until i read these notes.

might as well stick with my tarnishes


I can’t believe that after complaining so much to get the geometry of the map fixed in the Alliance favor, that yall would be complaining that AV is now somehow WORSE for you.

I guess we’ll see if all the “But the backdoor” excuses held any weight though.


I mean… yeah? What’s your point? We’re complaining about a specific aspect that had to be fixed in live, but instead of that fix we got a different one that removes the sole reason any Ally really does AV anymore.

Or did I miss something and now the spawns are equalized?


I was under the impression that the Alliance would be able to hold the bridge if it wasnt for the “back door exploits.” At least that was the talking point.

But I guess if yall went into AV just to cheese the druids for rep, then the rest of the Alliance on your team wont miss you if you dont queue up.

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