This is intended to be serious discussion revolving around solutions to the AV queues that are currently around 30-40 mins. We are aware of the Reroll option but some of us enjoy playing horde because we like the horde faction based on lore, esthetics , friends , guilds, etc… Also, we are aware of the " should of rolled alliance", so, tough luck pal attitude, but that just doesn’t help and isn’t constructive. Please be respectful and helpful if you are capable.
Any ideas?
Could it be solved through altering the Battle groups? or Maybe allow priority and the ability for Horde to queue as a group? or is it just what it is and it will only get worse as more Alli drop out after Rank 14.
No solution man. I guess they could alter battlegroups, and try and find a reasonable balance between the pvpers of each faction, but…thats it.
Reroll option isn’t viable either, because then you’ll be in 10 v 40 matches or get kicked for premade sniping. TBH this game is a dumpseter fire, i had such high hopes when blizz announced my fav of all time game.
wouldnt even be able to accurately balance different battlegroups though, who knows which servers have people who stopped queing av. Some servers have had a 50% drop in player bracket pool size.
Queues are getting worst soon for horde, a large chunk of the alliance rankers are bout to hit their GM and r13 goals and are dropping out.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the only thing Blizz can do is divide the battlegroups down further between server clusters. That will make ques better for Horde on pve servers but worse for Horde on pvp servers except maybe Heartseeker (but realistically probably not).
Alliance on pvp servers will remain unchanged while Alliance on pve servers will suffer to the same extent Horde currently suffers.
Don’t know if you can sell that. We’re lucky the devs decided to fix the mailbox issues.
There is no fix for it within the confines of classic, or in WoW as a whole. We have Merc mode in retail and horde still have very long queue times.
Server population imbalances and bg queue times are a bundle issue. You cant fix one without fixing the other.
I can think of a way of making it fair though. You probably won’t like it.
Separate the queues for pvp and pve servers. That might give you breathing room to transfer to a pve server to get better queue times on horde. Pvp server horde queue times would be thrown under the bus even further though.
The closest thing to a realistic “fix” would be:
Earlier Version of AV
AB Launched
BG weekends implemented
Even then it isn’t a fix, as much as an enticement and options for PVP.
The damage is pretty much already done. This is a very cynical POV but migh as well hold out for TBC severs and hope they get thoses right.
the only solutions is either lower the horde pop or increase the alliance pop
It will be even worse in TBC. Nobody is going to roll Ally on pvp server at all. The horde side will be 95% blood elf.
There probably wont even be a large PVE presence Ally side either as there is no reason to be Ally in TBC.
Future expansions to classic are dead on arrival. Blizzard showed us they have no intention of population balancing.
Ripping off the bandaid doesn’t feel like it’s helping at the time, but in the long run it’s the best thing to do. A lot of people flocked to horde. There are consequences.
The only true fix is faction balance.
And your probably right. Classic was such a big hit, i dont see why they would release TBC and WOTLK. Especially if shadowlands Nd the next expac flop.
The only possible option, outside of forcing people to reroll, which they will never do, would be to put mercenary mode into classic, they won’t do that.
It is what it is, merc mode would be nice for near instant bgs whenever you want to play, but too many people would blow a gasket over this and think its a SLAP IN THE FACE!
How will half the alliance players currently playing reroll belf, like they did when TBC originally launched.
The racials are way better in TBC than vanilla, and every TBC pserver has had a problem keeping people playing alliance.
Sure, but how do you do that? Now?
Your only option is to get organized as a battle group and take turns on days your server can queue up.
An earlier patch version of AV would be no different, the problem isn’t AV the problem is cross server battlegrounds. People would still rush the end bosses to gain honor. Ironic they are trying to up their pvp rank by avoiding pvp, but path of least resistance and all.
It’s a population issue. You said yourself. You dont want it fixed.
Going in to Classic I already knew the Horde PVP population would dwarf the Alliance PVP population.
Sadly, any reasonable solution will either immediately be attacked by the #nochanges loyalists, even though the game has already be changed dramatically
it would be at too much of a cost to blizz