San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Yeah, that bit was very interesting. I don’t know if it means anything for San’layn and such, but hey it might get hype going for being able to use blood magic more. If Alliance gets to use the “taboo” of void centered around a race, I think that it’s fair we get blood magic via a race (undead race).

Well, we don’t know if she is going to stop yet, there could be a twist coming up. However, Rhokan specifically said they needed a home. If they’re like the Forsaken, they can have free will and such. Not all of them have to agree with her if she ends up being someone that, well. Does not remain in the Horde. You’re correct, we only see them working with her right now, and perhaps (hopefully) that can change. A user here, Bagzak, wrote out a few awesome scenarios for ideas:

Essentially, yes. It would be a story similar to DK or forsaken in that they’d be the ones that are more sympathetic/empathetic to the living, want redemption, to help their people again, and such like that.

However, yes, what you bring up are valid counterpoints and problems. All of what we’re saying here is purely speculation. The only thing we know for certain is that the San’layn have no home and are looking for one, and obeyed Sylvanas in order to try and get one. Did their mission pass or fail? Well, we don’t know the orders. So if it was to distract the Alliance at all costs, it did. If not, they failed upon Dreven dying.

At this point we’re throwing ideas into the universe and hope one sticks. We only have speculation for many things, and can come up with “Well, if this is the case, then this can happen.” In reality, there might not be any good San’layn at all. As far as I know, though, they do have free will, so it is plausible and that’s why I’m here.

It comes down to this: We don’t know, can only speculate, and hope that the lore is elaborated upon more, while in the mean time we still give ideas in general.

Whew! Sorry for the wall of text. I hope this helps, though.

This would be pretty interesting too; personally I’m all for races, since I enjoy my classes right now and would love them to be San’layn, but a vampire class would open these ideas to others as well. Plus, it would make sense. If the vampyr curse is the one and the same for San’layn, humans, and Vry’kul, that opens up many things… (this is still up for debate, we talked about it earlier not too long ago, but assuming it is…)

  1. Elves are the first we’ve seen to be afflicted. Blood Elves, specifically. Blood Elves are mutated night elves, and night elves are mutated trolls. Therefore, the curse could very well travel back to those lineages as well.
  2. Humans are descended from titan creations, of which were originally stone. Dwarves are in the same situation, as are gnomes (but as robots). All came from inorganic matter. By extension, orcs are as well, since they came from the rocks of the gigantic stone giants that were brought to life by titan magic. This mean that the curse could afflict these folk as well.
  3. 1 and 2 are a bit complicated, we could easily say the curse could affect anyone with flesh, or at least anyone without another curse, like worgen. We really don’t know.

So, I really do hope they explore this. A vampire class would also be very cool. Cloud of bats and such could be made into an attack. Also, it could have a healing spec too, if you think about it. We have no healers that actually have to sacrifice their health to a great extent to heal others. It’d be a sacrifice, but powerful. They could suck away the health from enemies to feed, and then provide the healing for allies. Yeah exactly, you explained that, derp :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the tank spec, that also sounds cool. I’ve seen many giant bat transformations for vampires. The wings might work a bit better though, because if we have giant beasties, you’d start hearing people say “that’s taking away from druids” or “you could have just been a druid”. There could be a “block” move from gigantic wings, too.

Undead worgen though, huh? That’d be insane. I think it’d be really cool, personally, and is technically possible (worgen death knight) but we’d need the Lich King to make this race. Imagine an undead worgen with half of their face gone, and patches of bone and flesh jutting out. It’d be pretty scary but neat looking.

Also, this got me thinking. It’d be cool if like… we got a death expansion and a “Special curse” box. Something along the lines of a mixture of greenfire and Night warrior, but in depth with lore. Now, this would take a LOT though, because you’d unlock it for every race. Or even maybe just a few races at first but that could be extended… hmm…anyway…

So this mission would be a quest, and you’d explore the vampyr curse in general. It’d be very long, probably a legendary questline. But at the end, you’d unlock vampyr features for the races they’d make it for. Blood Elves and Humans would be a good start, but like I said, the curse could spread. You could then customize your toon to have red eyes and fangs, and some other monstrous features. If you choose that customization, you also get on that toon a “cloud of bats” ‘mount’, which would work as a regular mount but you’d of course be, well, a cloud of bats.

In addition, if you choose, most of your spells would look to be affected by blood, or you’d have a bloody aura, or constant blood dripping off of your weapon/your gear. There’s many possibilities.

My fear with that is as follows:

  1. Every class would be difficult to actually modify spells for this to look bloody.
  2. Letting it apply to EVERY RACE would take a very long time and might be difficult.
  3. We’d not really have any real blood moves unless you’re on a class that has lifesteal.

So. I don’t know. There’s so many ways to go with this, but it’s fun to think and talk about for sure.


I like your idea of it being a quest chain. Could be unlockable for most races, can’t see a vampire worgen tbh, kind of like the Night Elf dark eye questline (Night Warrior?). Only you have to do it on the toons you want it on. So you now have a choice to become a vampire but it is not account wide it is character specific. No reason to make it too easy. I would so replay that over and over, lol. But again, if Alliance has werewolves and Horde doesn’t get a variation of werewolves then I think it should stay Horde only.

Like your thinking. I’ll give you :+1::+1:

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Oh, this is a good idea. Yeah. I think making it character only works. Greenfire is that way too! It could also be high skill level. And yeah I don’t think vampire worgen would be reasonable. It could be Horde only, yeah, but the Alliance would need to get some sort of equivalent thing, I think.

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First, I want to apologize for making suggestion about vampires being a class and not a race. This post CLEARLY says San’layn so I should’ve kept my comments to San’layn and not have broadened the topic. By broadening the topic I muddy the waters. I will try to keep my comments to the topic and try to help narrow down and perfect ideas pertaining to San’layn.

Secondly, I was wondering if there are any racials that get more likes then others? Have you narrowed them down to 4 or 5, which seems to be the average racials a race gets?

Here are five I think work. Three of which I noticed you have in the OP. I haven’t looked through all the posts though because there are a lot so the other two may have been mentioned.

  1. Flying bat swarm that allows you to fly when you unlock flying.
  2. Leech 1% passive (not sure if that is too little, if so then up to 5% max because can’t be op)
  3. Charm Humanoid (can work just like DK’s Control Undead except works only on humanoids. Was thinking of it being a proc but that would tick me off if I was on a kill 15 humans and it procs on last human so I either have to fight yet another mob or wait till proc wears off)
  4. Increase all stats 1% during night / decrease stats 1% during day (just like NE’s touch of Elune. 1% is not much but since it increases all stats there has to be a down side like daylight.)
  5. Bat familiar (it would do some low extra damage like 1% - 10% of base damage and it only attacks with your auto attacks. Was thinking it would fly around you or your head.)
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Sort of like the Bribe skill that Rogues used to have.

I don’t like the idea of a racial that weakens you.

This one sounds cool. Shame it wouldn’t be helpful to casters though.

Could have something like

that Night Elves currently have. Maybe haste/damage during the night and dodge during the day?

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I forgot casters don’t auto attack. How about if it attacks every time a skill is used? Would still be a low damage familiar but it could be used by everyone. Problem with that is that it will fire more often with classes that are faster paced like Enhancement Shaman, which is my favorite class. My Stormstrike procs quite a bit some fights so I would be getting far more damage out of that familiar then a slower class like MM Hunter.

I said it was like Touch of Elune but I don’t want it to be just like that. There is a need to keep classes and races unique imo. Don’t want to start muddying the waters so to speak. And the reason it had a down side is because of the up side. Could always be 1% to major stats during night and 1% to secondary stats during day.

Thank you both for your replies.


This assumes factions still matter in the next expac… which we’re not sure they will.

Oh you don’t have to apologize at all! No worries, we’re easy-going and any idea is a good one when it comes to this. This thread is about vampires in WoW, yes it’s labeled as San’layn, but let’s face it. They might not ever happen, and if they don’t, I’d be sad but it would be alright. Alternative suggestions are lovely because it brings more ideas to the table and we all want different things. I’ll point out “I like ‘xyz’ better” and yada yada, but that’s the beauty of this, we all have different ideas and if it’s relevant to vampires, it’s important to talk about, because we’re trying to bring the myth in all of it’s awesomeness to WoW and make it be playable.

All of what we talked about therefore is good stuff and I thank you very much for bringing in your ideas. Naturally I would love for vampyr elves, but do I think it should be restricted to just them? Nah, of course not. If there’s a way to expand it and Blizzard gives the thumbs up, I’d be thrilled. It’d bring so much rich story, and as a huge vampire lover, I’m a fan.

Besides, while I love elves, I think expanding it to others would be cool. Have we ever seen, in works of fantasy literature, vampire trolls? Vampire orcs? Vampire goblins, vampire uh… Tauren? That would look very eerie and cool as well. It’d be like forsaken variants of all those too, but more regal and of course vampire-theme, on the edge of life but a terrifying monster in order to be so.

Big yes from me, but we already know that from my constant praising of the idea, hahaha!

YEah I think a leech would be very useful, could also have like a lifesteal move that’s on a three minute cooldown. Or a move that increases leech by a % for a short duration.

This one would make a lot of sense I think, considering what Valanar did in Naxxanar with that one human lady. It’s a very good idea, it could be a three second ‘charm’ or something, like how the tauren get their stun. Though I think tauren stun is shorter, however that one is an AoE.

This would work, yeah! We haven’t seen negative effects of daylight yet on San’layn, but at the moment there’s so little lore, I wouldn’t doubt there’s room for stuff like it to be added.

This would be really cool :stuck_out_tongue: Also to not be OP, it could be there for a short duration and again longer cooldown. Many possibilities. Or maybe if you activate it, it could be there for effect but wouldn’t attack until you ‘cast/order’ it to do so, in which their attack would be on that cooldown.

Oh true, yeah that’s an interesting thought. Personally, and I might be in the minority here, I like the idea of being able to group up with the Alliance in RP or LFG or something. Or even having a neutral guild.

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Having watched some classic WoW videos and remembering how the new character intros were, I thought I would try one for the San’layn after having done one for Ogres and Vulpera in the style of classic introductions. I realize that San’layn are more likely as an allied race as opposed to a core race, but I figured I’d still give it a shot. I’ll be using the scenarios I have been typing up as references:

"Monsters. Abominations. Evil. These are but a few of the names often given to San’layn throughout time, but not all is as they appear. Once heroes of Silvermoon, they fell in battle and were risen as slaves to the Lich King, Arthas while given a vampiric curse. After the fall of Arthas, the San’layn sought survival through any means necessary, but even hope and determination had its limits. It was Blood Prince Dreven that reached out to the Horde, and the San’layn played a pivotal role against the remnants of the Blood Trolls and helping their former home, Silvermoon from being lost to the Alliance.

As a member of the Darkfallen Brood, you are tasked with helping the survival of your race as well as making a name for the San’layn, for despite assisting the Horde in many battles, there are still some who would adopt a dubious posture towards them. By standing with the Horde, you not only secure your place in the world, but also would give the Alliance so much fear, that their children would find it hard to sleep at night from the stories told. And should the need to feast upon blood arise, there is always a member of the Alliance not too far away…"

As with my other two intro writings, I’m sure there are parts I could do better in rewriting and structuring, but hopefully people enjoy it. ^^;


Thanks for the kind words. :smile: In the future I will definitely be separating and designating whichever I’m referring to when it comes to San’layn as a race or vampires as a class. The below is for the San’layn race.

The Charm Humanoid, I mentioned before, would have to be a short use skill with a longer cooldown now that you mention it. Since all players are humanoid it would be super op to control a player for 5 minutes, lol. Fun for the vampire but not very fun for those being controlled. But I think 3 secs is too short for any use really. I think it would have to be at least 5 seconds but no more then 8 secs. That’s because of the gcd bs we have in-game. Plus they would only have a basic attack and maybe one other skill.

I didn’t even think about San’layn lore with the night and day skill unfortunately. :frowning: I have to try and remember that they are not like the vampires I grew up with. I did give another possibility in a post above because someone didn’t like getting weakened by it. I suggested that it give 1% boost to major stats at night and 1% to secondary stats during the day. That will probably be called op so it needs work but I think it needs a day and night cycle like Touch of Elune. Could always be called Touch of the Sanguine or something vampiric.

I came up with another racial which I think could be very fun. It is a non-combat, non-damaging spell called Dark Calling or Feed or something similar. You use it on humanoids to stun them while you replenish your youth. Maybe the victim can’t be used to feed by another vampire for 24hrs or something like a debuff to other vampires. It is harmless and can’t be used in PvP but if you want you character to stay young looking you use it once a day or some set time. If you don’t use it you start to look older, more withered and bat like. The possibilities. Mwahaha.

I also thought that when you die you get decapitated. You have 5 - 10 secs to get your head back to your body before you bleed out. Kind of a mini game of sorts. You can only use it once every 30 mins - 1 hr.

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All good with me, and never be afraid to share your ideas. Anything thematically vampires is relevant. Even Blood Trolls technically but in that case I’d probably be like “well blood trolls I’m not sure are afflicted by the same curse if any curse, really”. Regardless, possibilities are endless, and lore is still very much open on all of these cool concepts. I hope they expand upon it, because truly, honestly, it’s tons of fun to see when it pops up.

I think that’s fair! It could be longer on a non-PvP target, and I think making it like a mind control would work yeah. One of the disadvantages would be that you can be attacked during the channel, I think that’s the case with priest MC too though. I’m not sure, I’d have to look into it. The basic attack and one other skill would be a good idea too.

Yeah true that. Well the thing with San’layn lore and any sort of vampyr curse in general, if we want to also include Vry’kul and humans (which again, we’re not sure but are guessing, might be one and the same), there’s not much out there. Slowly is it getting added to, but even the lore we’re getting, some are unsure if it’s even valid, I guess. Which disheartens me somewhat.

Take Tha’lena, for example. A Blood Princess from Legion’s Violet Hold dungeon. We only have dungeon journal information that states she’s Lana’thel’s daughter. That’s it–no who she was in life, no elaboration on if she’s her REAL daughter or if it means something else, no ideas as to if Lana had other children as well. People are saying that’s just a throwback to Wrath and in reality is just something to smile about, not be taken seriously.

Then, they say that about the vampirates too. Again, another throwback, and not legit in lore.

And finally, with San’layn in the Alliance campaign, people pull the “well, they were there to make the Alliance feel good and the Horde not really lose an ally” (Which makes 0 sense to begin with because why would the alliance side feel anything good at all if the San’layn meant nothing in the first place? Why would they want the Horde not to feel like this is a defeat? That whole argument is just the “bias” nonsense, I tell ya.)

Finally… Quill. Nothing. Nada. Just named after Lana’thel.

So there’s constant debate on what is even legit now for San’layn lore. What should be taken seriously? What shouldn’t be? Therefore, all of this is so incredibly up in the air, that there’s tons of elbow room. The being weak to sunlight very well could work out, we could discover this weakness via a serious quest in the future or something. Or, it might not affect WoW vampyr at all! I really hope we get some ends tied eventually.

Oh wow I love this idea. I think it would bring something dynamic and cool to the race. Plus, the side of your screen might look tinged with red the longer you go without feeding. The duration can vary too! It honestly wouldn’t be that hard of an upkeep as well. Go find a humanoid anywhere and feed, boon, you’re set. Some might complain so it might need to be every few days, but I’m game for every day myself. That’s really because I don’t mind things like this and find them to be fun ^^ I’d love to be able to choose which monster form you start looking like too. Having my toon obtain bat features when hungry, oh, or their eyes going pure black, their fangs getting larger, whatever, would be so neat.

Such things could be on character customization screen, like how people can do with worgen.

Hah this one is awesome. Could you imagine how that’d look? I think the head should be attackable and have the ability to be slowed too, or not useable in PvP. The more it’s attacked, the slower it goes or something. It’d look really interesting for sure though, I’d love to see it.

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It’s sucks that Blizz gives absolutely no lore or almost no lore to races they put into the game. Like you said, the vampyr curse could infect all the races from Vry’kul to Blood Trolls or it could be contained in only one race. Wish they would expand on this idea like they did with Worgen.

Would be cool if we get San’layn and the starting quests are like Legion DH’s where we’re in the past and you get to see how the story and characters came to be. Maybe you start as a normal elf and you get bit by a Blood Prince or something and you see all their memories unfold since you share memories now. Maybe we play through some of them as the Blood Prince. Experience the very first vampires and their stories. Maybe how they avoided society but then were found out. Maybe the Alliance wanted them dead and that’s how they came across the Horde. Who knows but there is a lot of possibilities.

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((You knew me as Aribethia too! I relocated to yet another server, one without toxic “bullies”. Need I say more?))

I love this so much lol, it gave me a giggle :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too. At least we can try to tell Blizzard what we’d love expanded. I attempt at it every time a QnA comes up, but with no luck thus far. There’s not much lore answered there. A couple of AR questions have come up, but nothing on these folk at all. Blood Trolls got shot down, High Elves were told “not this expansion” (don’t shoot the messenger if you see this people I’m just saying what was said, I don’t intend on starting an argument), Wildhammers got a ‘not now’ I think… Vulpera got an answer twice that avoided actually saying anything aside from “NPCs getting animations are to make it more immersive” and not a yes or no.

That leaves Vulpera, San’layn, Ogres, Sethrak, Arakkoa, Gilgoblins, and Mechagnomes with no clear answer right now (I didn’t see any other megathreads so if I am missing any, I apologize). None of it has come up in a QnA, and we keep getting a ‘you shall see soon’. I wish they had an actual lore QnA where they did answer lore questions like these. But people keep saying they’re probably saving lore stuff for a future reveal.

This carrot on a stick stuff is driving me nuts though.

I love this idea so much. Thus far, every allied race aside from something like Mah’gar and Dark Irons, which… both had either entire zones or expansions previously in the game, and a decent questline during recruiting them… have had rep grinds and major quests that elaborate more on them. I bet they could easily implement it to be this way for sure via how we’d inevitably have to grind rep for them.

And their mount should totally be a winged/floating carriage or bats or a cloud of bats :stuck_out_tongue:


So you’re going to milk this for all its worth?
Flips hair and climbs into a flame-proof asbestos suit


You don’t need it to be a class. It can be a class as well such as blood mages which many races already have in lore.

But it wouldn’t make san’layn less of a thing. Fel= blood elves, eredar and demons. Yet we have two classes based on that sort of magic. The same thing could happen for San’layn.

Ethereals are made of magic (magic mummies) we still have arcane mages etc. It doesn’t need to a class or limited a race.

Well, it is a high steaks battle, seeing as the Alliance has beef with us. Best for us to hoof it and hope we udderly decimate them. :V

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As long as you steer us in the right direction.
Flips hair and practices going ‘moo’