San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’ll try, but it’s rare to do so. Very amoosing when done right. ^^


Please please please no San’layn redemption. I want them to be sinister and conniving. To pick the demon binding, Light corrupting ball Blizzard dropped with the Blood Elves’ Sunwell arc :frowning:

That’s why I’m also an advocate for them getting Paladins. The Alliance should hate them merely on the grounds that they make a mockery of the Light, like the Blood Knights used to do.

Even the Blood Elves should be uneasy around them, and High Elves, so many of which died or lost loved ones to the Scourge, should outright consider them an abomination.

Heck, they could even expand upon the San’layn breed of Undead by revealing that they, too, are created by a ritual relying on the Light, and that is why they are so dependent on blood as a “life force” to sustain themselves.

Just don’t grill me on the right way; I’ve herd it all!
flips hair, sips tea and starts thawing out a steak for tomorrow

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I’m fine with them being evil in some ways, but not PURE sheer, mustache twirling evil, personally. Like the forsaken. I think some of them should be extremely shifty, while others do genuinely want to help, but in their own brutal, bloodshed fashion. A variety and such. None of them will truly ever be “good”, it’s impossible since they do have to devour blood. They could direct it to only the Alliance, but regardless will be seen as monsters, and like any race there will be plenty of sheer evil too.

I just don’t want only and pure evil, if you catch my drift.


So long as they keep being the kind of people who do that I’m fine. :slight_smile:


You kidding? Of course they would :smiley: I think they’d be among the most brutal on the Horde when it comes to dealing with enemies. A somewhat “redemption” or being kind to allies is necessary for survival in many cases, anyway, which is why I believe they’d avoid doing it to horde members (aside from Dreven of whom I still am guessing did so out of desperation).

(Also something like that would be an AWESOME Racial in my opinion. Maybe not a one-shot though :stuck_out_tongue: )


I thought of a way to pick which one a player is but doubt Blizz would do it since the Orcs had as good or better opportunity to enact it on and it wasn’t.

In the character creation for San’layn you should be able to pick which covenant (?) or group of vampires you’re affiliated with. One coven could be the vain ones that worry about beauty, while another could be feral and more bat like. I would like to see possibly 4 different ones but since Orc customization never included which clan you were affiliated with I can’t see it happening to San’layn. To bad, I would love to make one of every coven, covenant, or whatever they’re called.

I think a more druidic/shamanistic dark theme to them would be preferential. The blood elves are about the light. The san’layn could be more about dark magics. The draenor orc clans priest and shamans used the Blood moon. Some druidic art could work around (blood moon) the red moon, maybe a blue moon. (Yes moon puns). The shamanistic would be re exploring primal magics such as blood magics and refining it. Shamans also have spiritual magic which would fit the theme with undead not to mention having access to “BLOODLUST” xD
As for archetypes they can take the classic elemantlist seen in some twilight cults as blood elves. Elemental masters. There resto spec could introduce a blood coler for the water animations to heal with blood (maybe introduce some glyphs for some spells like chain heal = bloody).

As for the druids. If the Sanlayn we recruit is part of a resurrecting old silvermoon elves that died duriing arthas’ assault you could discover some formely retconned high elf druids (being brought back into the story) and showing them warp druidism in undeath with the advancements in story and the sanlayn training. So many died and it’s the reason we have blood elves. The san’layn are the blood elves that went with Kael’thas to outland but I think more can be recruited from the former living or the current living.


That was my favorite part of the alliance campaign. And I would love a quest doing that as horde on a san’layn xDDDD


Maybe the veterans are cruel and have a wicked sense of humour. Newly raced San’layn could be civilians. Your journey can start with joining the army or something. The civilians would be much “nicer” but I’m guessing the soldiers are used to cruelty from serving in the scourge similar to forsaken. I can imagine them and the nightborne getting along with some wine parties or something. (refer to that party in the blood elf starting zone). And some shenanigans happening with arcane addiction or a blood bath. The nightborne did have that novel with the jawless undead… :thinking:

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Though my heart beats for the Alliance and I personally want my High Elves for me I have returned again to voice my support for San’layn for the horde.


I was playing my Arcane Mage yesterday and realized that her orb is a familiar so the bat familiar could work the exact same way. It deals damage, all be it low damage, so the bat could be just a reskin of that. But since that might be op for a racial it might have to be a proc like the Forsaken’s Touch of the Grave. Maybe when it procs it either swoops in for one attack, or it could be a cloud of bats that surrounds the enemy and causes a bleed or it could bite the enemy weakening them to your attacks. Could even be a bunch of blood worms that come out of the ground, attack the enemy and heal you.

As far as Hierarchy, I only saw you suggest leaders but I didn’t notice any Hierarchy. I know there is a queen, a princess and a crap ton of princes but where’s the king? Is there a king? Is it ruled by a queen instead of a king kind of like a Black Window? Is the king not seen and that is where the San’layn are? Wondering if anyone has laid out a hierarchy yet?

This thread is old for some but it’s new to me so lets keep the ideas coming and hopefully the San"layn. :wink::wine_glass::bat:


I love the racial idea for sure, I totally favor the idea of vampire bats swooping down to do the feeding. A proc like that would be extremely cool and I’d be thrilled to see it :slight_smile:

As for heirarchy, the Alliance war campaign revealed a few units: Neophyte and Blood Marquis/Marquess. Then there is the ones that you mentioned.

Personally I’d LOVE to see a Blood King. Could you imagine with updated graphics how awesome a guy with giant bat wings could be? looks at Illidan Oh… Well so what, a Blood King would look glorious with monsterous features like a jaw full of sharp teeth and black eyes, in my opinion. I don’t know if females rank higher than males.

…I do find it odd that the Princess did have wings but the princes don’t. I have a sneaking sucpicion that Blizzard was just being lazy and copied Lana’s model though. Sadly I’m not sure if we should take the princess seriously :frowning: seems like she was just a fun callback and nothing more.


Well Illidan has giant spiky demon wings always held upwards, our blood king’s wings could look completely different with the shape and size and position and stuffz


Maybe only females have wings? Would be a different take on things for sure. Thanks for the hierarchy lesson. :bowing_man:

And I thought of an addition to the racial I was talking about before. The one where you feed on humanoids to replenish your youth. What if it gives a buff / debuff , not sure what it is, but you leave a marker on them that they have been fed on in the last 24hrs. If that player or humanoid is bit a certain amount of times in that 24hr period they temporarily change into a bat like creature. Or it could change them the more they are bit. Starts out barely noticeable and after so many bites they are a walking bat, lol. Blizz would never do that but still, could be fun to play with. I wouldn’t even be doing anything but walking around and biting players. :laughing: Probably would have to make it so a player can only be bitten once per 24 hrs by the same San’layn.

Other racials and vampire ideas I can think of are:

  • Watering Walking or floating. I would use water breathing but Forsaken has that and I don’t want to take from other races. Not sure if it should wear off in combat or stay active. Not much water fighting going on so I don’t see it being op although you could escape faster. (Race or Class)
  • Can’t be seen in water. This is kind of stupid but I was thinking of how vampires can’t be seen in a mirror. Well WoW doesn’t have that but it does have water which is like a mirror. Maybe make it a shimmer like hunters camo so if you move you can be seen? I think it would be cool if it would drop aggro in PvE. (Race or Class)
  • Immune to Bleeds. This is because they are dead and have no blood to bleed. Might have to make it resist bleeds or something. Possibly bleed effects do half damage. (class)
  • Pool of Blood. It is just like the Blood Trolls blood pool. It would be like a 5 sec immune to damage and deals damage skill like theirs is. (class)
  • Bat swarm. It is a disorient for 3 secs - 5 secs. Bats swarm the enemy and disorients it. (race or class)
  • Vampire is a level 110 hero class. That way it skips the Legion weapon requirement and is above the Dh which was above the DK starting level wise. (class)

The ideas listed below are my favorite ones.

  • A bleeding stun. The vampire sticks both hands into the enemy and holds them up. The vampire can’t attack because they are stuck holding the enemy up with both claws in them so it has a bleed to make up for lost dps. (class)
  • Can’t die from falling. Every 15 minutes this skill will save you from taking damage from any fall, no matter the height . It can either have your wings come out automatically at the end so you land or, my favorite, a Selene from Underworld landing where you crouch and walk it off. (class)
  • Passive called Prey or Hunted. When an enemy is below 25% (or 35%?) you get a red version of spectral sight that allows you to always see the target until healed above that threshold. Can see any mob below threshold not just whatever you’re targeting. Maybe they take 5% increased damage from you alone. (class)
  • Skill called Fly in the Web. When an enemy is below the above threshold this skill can be used. You teleport to the enemy and slow them by 35% when within 8 yds of you. (class)

I also think it’d be cool if vampires became a class that they used their hands and claws as weapons. Kind of like how they fight in Underworld. Weapons would just be for stats like a Monk.

K, won’t post anymore for a while. I want to go through all 3,000+ posts and get some ideas, encourage good ones or build upon them.

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I think it would be pretty cool. I mean, don’t get me wrong, another Blood Queen would be fantastic. (Fangtastic). I think a Blood King would be really neat too though, personally. I dunno, it’s not something we’ve ever seen before. Plus it’d be so cool if the missing Blood Princes, well one of them, ended up turning into said Blood King. Or we could even have a Blood King x Queen couple (or King x King, whatever). Chances are we’ll get either a single Blood King or Queen though. Hmm…

This does sound really cool. I can see people getting angry with it though, so I think making a buff you could turn off might work the best. I bet there’s many though that would love it and be amused as hell to walk about as a large monster bat. I think they’d have to give you a cooldown though, like your monster bat fades after so long so you have to start again XD As a class idea this works really well too, if we get a vampire “Class” they’d have this ability or downfall.

Maybe, though I see this going to more of an aquatic race if we get one, like Gilgoblins or something. We might not ever get those, but still, it might fit better for them if we do, or on alliance side, Ankoans. San’layn I don’t really see as water-adept, but if it can be explained in lore it works!

This is mostly due to silver being used in mirrors in common mythos, I believe. But a stealth-like racial regardless makes sense, water or no, because if you can recall, during the second boss in Ankhet the Old Kingdom (Prince Taladram), he vanishes and then appears biting the player. I think we do need some sort of bite racial regardless though, that’s like the ultimate race fantasy.

This works! I think taking less damage works best, because otherwise in PvP druids would have way too hard of a time with them if they were immune. Or immune during a short period of time also works well.

This one is very clever and I’m a fan. I think a blood teleport of similar effect could work too, in that you’re immune while teleporting like a very short distance and it takes a second to go through.

Classic, clever, and straight to the point. This one could work very well.

With an epic starting zone to boot, chock full of lore that would be very rich! This might be a bit of work, but they’d probably get customization similar to DK, with red eyes and one difference–bat-like ears and fangs. Now, designing such ears for every single race might be difficult (or rather every race that gets the class), but I think it could be cool. I think what would make sense would be as follows:

  1. Blood Elves because duh, San’layn
  2. Trolls, they could have blood troll customization
  3. Orcs, they’d totally get the Bleeding Hollow clan (I think I’m saying that right)
  4. Forsaken, because vampire zombies actually make sense.
  5. Goblins(?): Not sure, but we know there’s zombie goblins.
  6. Nightborne, they fit the theme really.


  1. Humans, we’ve seen vampyr in stormheim.
  2. Night Elves, they’re related to trolls and also fit thematically.
  3. Dwarves, constructs like humans so why not
  4. Gnomes, I mean we saw vampire gnomes in hearthstone
  5. Void elves, which are just blood elves pretty much.
  6. Kul’Tirans, of whom are just humans.

Otherwise, not sure what else would fit. Admittedly I didn’t think crazy deeply on this one but technically many races could have an explanation.

Yes, this, although we’d need fresh animations which I personally don’t mind. I think they should be able to use fist weapons too, and it’d work well. Maybe fist weapons, some axes, some swords, some daggers… Now if we get a “Blood Mage” spec, that would be a staff user though. So our melee spec would be the one-handed weapons and fist weapons, caster and/or healer, the staffs. That makes sense. If they somehow manage to give a tank, uuuuh…

Anyway, if they do come out with San’layn, someone made a point before that the vampire class is not out of question either. Look at void elves and demon hunters indeed! Blood Elves did embody fel, and shadow priests embodied void but we got a race after that one too. So I think both work, granted if we get either alone I wouldn’t complain at all.


Aw, but I want to be male and have adorable Batwings.


This is why I nominate a Blood King. And thing we should have wings on our heritage armor if we do ever get them as an Allied Race. Try as I might, I’ve yet to see either a male version of Lana’thel, or a Blood Prince depicted with wings. Though, that does sound like a really neat commission idea. On the table if I get the money for sure :stuck_out_tongue: (I wish I could draw, gods I wish I could draw for these sorts of concepts. Oh well.)

I still fully believe that Blood Prince Theraldis or Atherann will be one of the blood kings. Someone pointed out to me a while ago that in the flashback, Theraldis looks to be a bit more like a leader, I think he was on the horse, which indicates higher status. But who knows.

Me? I am all for a Blood King 100%. And if the dreams of some in this thread come true, Kael’thas is on the table as well. It depends on how that Blood Ritual for resurrection works and if we can get his soul.


I will accept this as a Compromise.

Hey! If Void Elves can have wings for their Heritage armor, so too, should the San’layn!!!