San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Most likely quest text made up on the spot. Wouldn’t take too much from it.

It’s important and relevant for vampyr though and lore in general, you could say that about any quest used in that case o.o

Regardless, we don’t know and only have that to go off of. Like I said before, anything is possible and this lore is so up in the air right now it could go into any direction, because there’s so many gaps. Granted, San’layn are labeled as “Vampyr” though so there’s that!

Here’s some questions we’d have in terms of gaps:

  1. Are the vampyr in Stormheim the same as the San’layn, AKA afflicted by the same curse?
  2. How does the curse even spread? Are there more than one ways to do it?
  3. What races can be afflicted? Thinking about worgen curse, we know Night elves can be affected too. Does the vampyr curse only happen to certain people?
  4. Are there different types of vampyr curses?
  5. What is the origin of the curse?
  6. How do you evolve under the curse? We saw Neophytes, marquis/marquees, Blood Prince/Princess (same or different in power?), and Blood Queen. We also heard Shandris say Dreven was training those neophytes up. How?

So yeah, I hope we get answers to that soon eventually. Sadly, I’m not holding my breath.

Or it could just be the npc in this case that is trying to link the two curses to their visual similarities while in actuality they can be two separate things.

I personally do not think they are solely based on the sizable number of vampiric underlings or thralls he created.

I assume for the vrykul he could infest/curse others by physical contact such as nails plunged into the skin or more of a traditional bite or drinking of his blood.

There’s probably only one traditional* type. However most likely many other means to recognized as such.

Unsure, refer to blood mage history for the San’layn, for others, it’s definitely unknown.

Defnitely adamant on the blood elven ability to siphon magic, something nearly if not all blood elves have the ability to do. So that probably means the San’layn probably aren’t really cursed. It’s just their magical affinity to harness or siphon magic(in this case blood) from others.

In terms of the hierarchy the San’layn are establishing or trying to or is already established it would be a definite probability that as you go up the status chain the more powerful they are given their knowledge and age with time.

Much like our society they nourish the new adepts or new members of their society/covenant to refine their ability to tap into the most richest of and abundant of resources, blood. So in this scenario, I suppose a new San’layn in this regard does not need to be undead.

BLood death knight lore probably has a lot in common with San’layn lore. They need to kill to surive. They use magic. The san’layn being highelf/blood elf undead meaning there need for magic to survive enhances there hunger or somehow makes there situation unique (as undeath my quell that hunger in favor of another).

The magics that make the lich king are borne of the Legion… So the origins could be linked to Eredar magics, Ner’zhul’s clan (shamanism and undeath/void), possibly some light influence from Arthas, Arthas’ increased knowledge dealing with Vrykul and Val’kyr (learning from Hellya herself somehow), the drakkari trolls, any of the races enslaved by the Legion such as the Nathrezim who possess great knowledge of undeath/unholy magics, possible old god magics from the undead bug people.

It could be a mix of magics that make the San’layn unique. As former high elves/blood elves they may also have the urge to learn new magics to help sate there lust (which can tie into elemantalists and druids in there ranks). Or the chaotics magics like warlocks. I think the Vrykul curse may be some testing with some old god juice from the titan facility in Nazmir or possibly another facility. That would be cool. Remember vrykul descend from titan structures so the blood curse may not be titan in origin. BLood implies shadow so it’s probably from a contagion in a facility or old god stuff, or void tactics to mind control vrykul units against there kin. Or maybe an enhancement on the curse of flesh vrykul to help cure them?

A bunch of ways this can go. I personally hope we see more San’layn involvement in the horde on there way to recruiting them. Hopefully by the next expansion prepatch.

San’layn joining the reliquary to help study the origins of the curse would be cool, and some more blood god dissection would be a unique frankensteiny thing to do reminiscent of naxxramas construct quarter.

Yea, I thought about wings and a racial glide but since Demon Hunters have it I’m sure that would make some players upset. I want to keep races and classes as unique as possible. Giving San’layn wings would probably take away from the DH’s uniqueness.

Now swarming bats that can fly but only when you unlock flying, that is unique. :wink: It would have to be a channel / cast like mounting and that Worgen racial of course. Being an instant would be too op. Also, I thought if Worgen get to run like mounted as a racial why can’t their enemy, namely vampires, get a flying racial.

You got this covered. :clap: You are far more versed in vampire lore and stuff related. I like vampires but I don’t know even half as much as you do. :wink: I’ll still throw in my 2 cents now and then. Can’t hurt to bounce ideas around. Keep up the good work. :handshake:


Think the Plague Hounds could work as mounts if they got a remodel using the Demon Hunter mount as a base?


Were there any beasts or such with any of the San’layn in Northrend? I’m curious if there might have been any that could be a throwback to their slavery under Arthas that they may have used as mounts during that. I would think something unique for them would be ideal.

We could consider some sort of hawkstrider that has a more raven-esque look as well, to tie them in to their roots to Silvermoon.

Curveball, give them bears.

I would adore having plague hounds mounts like what Nathanos rides.

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I didn’t know he had one and it was EXACTLY what I was thinking of.



They good doggos. We needs some.

(I have one as a pet on my Hunter)


Maybe. The world may never know… or we may. I hope we find out eventually.

Well yeah, none of these questions have actual answers :stuck_out_tongue: they’re more for me to suggest to Blizzard what we’d love to see answered in terms of the lore.

That one I disagree with, I think all san’layn are undead, and the curse renders them into an undead state.

…Ok, wait, they might be labeled as humanoid. Weird. All San’layn are undead, though…aren’t they? considers things

Anyway, there IS something I noticed there. Something odd. The objective is to “Kill HORDE on the Crimson Squall”. San’lay neophytes count as quest credit. Hmmm…

Alright, weird. So these folk, a rank up (I assume), ARE undead.

Could Neophytes NOT be undead yet?! Weird weird weird.

Could also be linked to G’huun, right? That’s also something that might be a thing Or even Drus. Hmm…

Yes I agree with this, I think it would be lovely. There’s so many flying mounts nowadays that I’m sure it really wouldn’t be that much of a bother, especially since Worgen do have a racial ground mount.

Thanks very much, I appreciate it! Yeah I enjoy vampire lore and worldbuild my own myself in some of my series. I can’t apply it to here though because they’re biological vampires, whereas these ones are undead. Still, themes remain the same and can be fun. Your ideas anyway have opened me and a few others I’m sure up as well, no one has brought up that carriage idea at all. I can’t believe we haven’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, or an undead lynx, if you think about it. Though a plague hound would also be cool.

San’layn mages in ICC were being turned into spiders, and there were many Gargoyles hanging out around Naxxanar. Also, I think some of them were being turned into bats.

NOOOOOO CHIIIICKENS! BAH! hates chickens so much :stuck_out_tongue: If we have to end up with it, sure, but uuugh I’d be like “oooof course”.


They look like Bat-Dogs I love them.

Would a spider mount fit them, then? It could fit the theme and could also have a chance of being a very unique mount. Also could be a loose reference to driders, in which they tend to have the upper torso of dark elves in some variations.

Quick edit: There is a bloodfang spider mount in-game from what I searched. It would look really neat for San’layn, in my opinion. ^^


Support again!
I see a lot of passion in San’layn, Ogre, Sethrak, Quel’dorei and Vulpera thread!


Well, we are playing with blood now


We have these in-game as well. Fal’dorei.

It’s also likely a reference back to the original plans when Wrath was being made to have the Vrykul be a vampire race.
It’s why they are named the way they are. Essentially Viking Draculas.


They always cut the good things.

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I’m just intrigued a bit.

Why would San’layn join the Horde if Sylvanas would stop leading it?
I’m just feeling a bit lost there, I think we’ve only seen Sylvanas working with them.
Would there be a “good” faction of San’layn? A bit like how we managed to get goblins. Seems a bit awkward, but after void elves anything is possible in my book.

I was thinking that vampires would make a better class then race but my problem with that is the Alliance has werewolves so I would be upset if they also got vampires. Of course they could give Horde an undead worgen allied race and then both factions could get a vampire class.

The vampire class makes more sense because they could use a type of blood magic where any spells you cast use blood or health but they would have increased leech and get a return of health from your damage and damage from players you heal. Would be cool to have a healing spec where you sacrifice your life to heal others. Could have a passive that you heal for a % of damage that players you heal deal. Also they should have a dps and tank spec. Tank could be transforming into a war-torn reins of the Undercity Plaguebat looking vampire or possibly your wings come out and act as a shield of sorts and you take on more of a bat look.

Vampire class > race but only if Horde gets undead worgen or some other worgen variation. Otherwise it will have to be a Horde only vampire race. I don’t like worgen but I would sacrifice my dislike of them to get a vampire class.