San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Continuing on from the “poking to bear” reply I made awhile ago:

Lor’themar: Indeed, but what of your people? Our people? You know she would likely just condemn all of you, right?
Dreven: Not a moment goes by where I stop thinking about my people, and that is precisely why I do what I do. You see, we San’layn were slaves for such a long time, that we would rather fight than just submit to another Lich King. Were something to happen to me, my people would know, and she would know soon thereafter the blunder of her mistake. Besides, after jailing that Tauren leader, do you think she would just continue to silence us so?
Lor’themar: I…honestly don’t know what to expect with her.
Dreven: Precisely. Tell me, what if you end up as Baine did? Or what if you send your people into battle, only to have her blight all of them to get at the enemy? Friends, family, just gone. In an instant.
Lor’themar: I…I think I understand your reasoning better.
Dreven: There is one thing, since we are discussing this. If we ever have the need to dethrone her…and were something to happen to me…I ask that you help watch over my people. Help make sure that they are taken care of. We…have been through so much and…
Lor’themar: Your people are ours. You have done much for Silvermoon, both in life and in death. All of you have a place here.
Dreven: …it feels good to hear the warmth in your voice. Thank you, Reagent Lord.

This is just showing another side of Dreven. Yes, he can be snarky, towards Sylvanas specifically, but he is someone who is a ruler and wants to make sure his people have a place. It’s important to show that he isn’t one-note and has emotions.