Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

We’re working on major updates to the Radiant Echoes event, based on your feedback.

Since the event went live, we’ve been working to address two main concerns: the wait time for the event, and the rate at which you can earn rewards.

We’re quickly changing it so that the event rotates between zones once each hour, and while the Radiant Echoes are active in a zone, they will remain up for the entire hour.

Now you’ll defeat the memory scenarios that surface, and after enough are defeated, the zone boss will rise. After the zone boss is defeated, the memories will begin resurfacing again, repeating the event immediately. If you’re still interested in farming the basic mobs that appeared when the event ended, you’ll find that those remain available in the other zones.

As far as the rewards are concerned, we’ve re-evaluated the numbers and increased earnings. You’ll see the scenarios and bosses giving more currency than before, in addition to providing flightstones and crests so you can upgrade your gear with the vendors now present in Dalaran. The increased rate of completing scenarios and killing bosses should also result in many more drops coming your way.

We spotted players funneling the weekly quests from their alts to their mains, and we don’t want that to feel necessary, so these quests will now be account-bound and they will repeat daily instead of weekly.

As a reminder, you’re still able to transfer the residual memories currency between members of your warband as you wish.

There are some other things we’re working on, such as the occasional scenario getting stuck and not completing. But with this new format, even if a scenario gets stuck, there will be others around that you can switch to and continue to make progress.

TLDR: More, faster, rewards, bugfixes, we hear you!


In a few minutes, we’ll deploy our changes to the Radiant Echoes event to the 11.0.0 PTR.

We’ll be testing the event there for a few hours today, before we bring all of the event improvements to the live game. Please feel free to join us!

If you haven’t tested this particular PTR yet, you’ll find it looking like this in your launcher:


Thank you very much for all of your feedback. Keep it coming!


Thank you, Thank you


Legends. Cheers.

Hey, could we maybe do something about this though? Either have them stack higher, or rather stop dropping altogether once we have the ring.

Also the item level of the gear that drops for low level alts is absurdly underpowered for them. My level 50 alt just got ilvl92 shoulders. He’s already wearing 209.

And another thing. If we buy an item from a vendor we should be able to put it straight into the bank. Just give us the message about how if we do it it will become non-refundable. We shouldn’t have to wait for the timer to run down to share warbound gear with our warband.


Thank you.


So many changes they need testing first!


the events broken atm anyway. seems like this wasnt really tested at all considering the amount of problems this event is causing


rare blizzard W

Y’all remember how everyone was saying “a prepatch is indicative of how an expansion is going to be”

TWW is gonna be one of the good ones boys


Good to hear.


I mean, the big issue is it isnt working. So many issues going on with the event. You can increase the rewards 1000x. But 1000x0 is still zero. Plus all the crashing and such. Can we get an update on these issues even if its an acknowledgement, because this aint it.


It’s hard to call this a W when it was in such a poor state to begin with.

Glad to see fixes coming in, but I can’t help but think that this should’ve never been a topic of discussion to begin with.


Thank you.

Props where it is due for communication.

Now just do this more often.


I’m glad for the people who enjoy time rifts 2.0


Thank you for listening to the feedback!
Im actually really impressed and relieved that improvements are coming.

Faith in blizzard is being restored


Was this not beta tested? Did anybody noticed this was unacceptable to the player base? How about as a public relations move? you are trying to attract new players to the game with a pre expansion event and instead are faced with a poorly planned event extremely laggy and with long wait times.


blizzard caved



If we see a similar post in the Beta forum addressing all the feedback there that has been provided for weeks, then faith will begin to be restored.


thank god

uh why make it account bound? just make it daily, if people want to repeat playing alts, let them repeat


People should not be expected to play 50 alts 24/7 a day for 3 weeks to get everything.

People should not expected to have to play more than 1 character to get everything.


Thank you :dracthyr_cry_animated: