So, what's the problem with this event?

480 ilvl : /

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I work from home and still can’t get out of meetings for the kill. They reallllly need to dial the timer way down. The other events felt so much more kinetic/energic/exciting. Where as this is like set a timer on your phone and hope for the best oops got called into a meeting guess i’ll try again in 90 min. ugh.

Not everyone can be there every hour and a half, not everyone has that sort of schedule that allows them to be available during this restrictive timetable. Yes, it will reduce over the weeks. But in 2 weeks DF is basically over.

I say this as someone who does have the sort of schedule that allows me to be there every hour and a half, and the event has just been so underbaked that I’ve just not really paid attention to it.

Why be restrictive over a few limited time items that no one will ever use again and 480 gear that is literally world quest tier? It doesn’t make sense to have to wait 90 minutes between each spawn. An hour at most, down to 30 in the latter weeks would be better.


The meetings are the real time sucks. It’s a long weekend in British Columbia, Canada and I’m remote this week, but you can’t outrun meetings if you’re senior management. I thought I could work the all three kills into my day schedule today and tomorrow, but provincial ministries and city hall departments say “LOL NO WE HAVE MEETINGS”.

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You’ve stated some of the problem. To be successful you have to no life it with at least that many alts to be successful. I’ve done enough on one toon to have my heirloom ring and just broke 10k memories. I also only have a couple pieces of gear per armor type.

The only saving grace is as the event goes on it’s supposed to get more frequent.

The rest of the problem is the bugs, lag, and how fast the event is over if you don’t camp locations ahead of time.

Should have been this way from the start.

No one will scream that. What a stupid thing to say. I can see why you had to post it on an alt.

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Df pre patch , far superior, agreed.


The problem is our society contains a good amount of adults who have the emotional fortitude of toddlers. Many of those choose to come to places like the official forums and places like reddit to have their little temper tantrums and stomp their feet. Mommy bought them a lollipop but it is yellow instead of blue so they need to have a meltdown for a few days.

Having a mature attitude and reasonable perspective on issues like this is far too much to ask of somebody suffering from this condition. You would hope seeing a few words of wisdom by more mentally stable posters would help them cool down a bit and be happier, but these forums are strong evidence that that effort is wasted.

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DF prepatch was a prime example of “Simpler can be better”

it wasn’t complicated, there wasn’t some weird systems in play. You just went to the location, killed stuff. go rewarded.

Toddlers with visa and mastercard… drops microphone

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I have 2 problems.

1 - Lag

2 - I find this rather boring. I mean Azeroth the planet to be sending us messages about it needing help as a way to kick off a new storyline. I’m just disappointed, and nothing can help that.

Well, I have great news for said toddlers: Since this is 2024, the got their way.

Here’s your microphone back: :microphone:
You might need it next time mommy doesn’t give you the blue lollipop.

Thankfully now it will be, go to location, kill stuff, get rewarded

So, bare minimum, you played 11.25 hours, average.

Just read the notes on changes. Mostly all good and how it should have been.

I feel like whoever made the 90 minute decision and the loot/currency drop rates didn’t play test it in any shape or form.

or straight up isn’t a wow player themselves. it was such a whiff of a choice.

There is an article about this on PC gamer now. It’s not terribly flattering. So 100% your concerns are being heard.

World of Warcraft players aren’t pleased with The War Within pre-patch event: With 90 minute waits in between bosses and somewhat-stingy currency rewards

World of wait-craft.

do you feel your real life situation mirrors most players?

I’m retired and I could invest time as I wanted, but it seems Blizz is being really stingy with this event to justify its design. just my opinion.

It’s over-engineered design. I can imagine someone tried to calculate and optimize it in a way where you’d have to play enough over the weeks so that it maintains a certain activity level + not gain currency too fast that people complete and abandon the event at some point. You can see elements of that in Plunderstorm and Remix where it started off that way and then they gradually trickle in buffs.

Issue is that while that works on paper, it’s not emotionally compelling for the player. For PS/Remix, it’s a little less pronounced because the game modes offers enough to mitigate the issue, but this isolated event forced people to confront it because of how prevalent the wait time is. There’s no new shiny paint to distract you. You kill the boss, port out, and there’s a message telling you that the next time you can kill a boss is 90 minutes later. There’s just no running away from how that disconnects people from their gaming experience.

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I prefer to play solo and that is my right!
I also would prefer not to be forced to do a quest just because everyone else is doing it. I have the right to decide what quests I choose to do! I strongly object to having any quest pushed down my throat and that is what is being done with this one.