The event is A+ now, thank you!

Much better for sure, A+ nope.

what changed?

How is it not A+? Its a constant rotation and leveling bonanza

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The only slight criticism I have is that, if you are doing the event to level alts, the blues it drops are way, way too low item level. I’m level 48 and getting item level 67 stuff, while I got 158 gear from questing in Dragonflight.

Other than that, much, much better experience, basically fixed.


Events are now on a 1 hour rotation, quest is now account-wide and daily, event is spammable and rewards have been increased.

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Woah. That seems way better

And the soulbound leveling gear aren’t even for the right spec (spec / loot spec set as marksman got 2X polearms).

Zones change on a one-hour rotation, the event is ongoing the entire time (fill bar doing the mini events, boss spawns, repeat until zone swaps).

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I got the crossbow drop on my druid LOL

Yep its 100% GG

I guess this works in an assembly line way, do all your alts, zone change, do them again.

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What they “listened” to was the sound of players unsubbing. This was echoed in the forums, where many said they were taking the prepatch off. A fair number of those said they hadn’t bought the expansion and weren’t planning on it.

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It feels more fun to do. I’m actually more inspired to get other tmog sets potentially now even tho I don’t play alts, it could be good to get them.

Agree, now I like it :slight_smile: great job

A LOT better definitely…now if they can do something about the horrible lag on Lich King…that would be fantastic! The other zones/bosses are smooth as butter, but Lich…nope.

man…got the 20 Memory of Kalimdor easy enough…25 total, actually…trying the Northrend and lmao…ONE…in about the same time it took to get ten of the Kalimdor. Not dropping at all no matter what Im farming or killing or doing. lol

Had a fun time doing it last night to level this guy up, will do it later today to try to finish the ring and get more essence, Thanks Blizz.

A+ lag with A+ scaling (that is if you like to stand around auto attacking for ten minutes watching a slide slow).

Grindier is not always better. But it sure is the way of the game now. Welcome to full blown, no apologies World of Grindcraft. I guess it’s what the kiddos want…