Pre-Patch Event Kill Quests

ok thanks I didn’t know that - I will go buy the remainder of the tier if I don’t get it the more efficient way.

really this is pretty obnoxious - you are telling me it is an improvement and that we are making things up in fact and it isn’t for probably at least 10% of the playerbase.

The forums are way less than that, I can promise you. Also lack of posts says this isn’t a problem.

Well you are.
It is an improvement. Tuesday to half of thursday, rates were bad. The quest was a weekly, not daily. Bosses were a 1 and done per event.
Like its not even a question that its an improvement.

^ in terms of this, you are just wrong. :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh so you are going to tell me yet again it isn’t regression for me. Trolls get put on ignore.

Tell me something that was a regression.

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Where is the regression though?

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Only if you had eight alts and 40 hours/week of playtime just doing the event on them.

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one example but you can just read the thread instead of wasting my time - I have explained it multiple times.

And obnoxious troll is obnoxious troll. I argued people aren’t insane enough to do this but I guess you proved me wrong.

Awwwwww… Someone’s mad.

That doesn’t make sense since 1 boss kill = the same amount as the weekly, when prior is wasn’t even close. So you essentially double your net with the same effort as before.

To be this just seems like laziness since you want to speed run it and log out.
This hurt a lot of players because the boss died to quickly and the nodes went too fast for participation.

You get so much more currency, it was a fair trade off.

How are they a troll when they categorically explained to you, made sane and reasonable arguments, backed it up by simple math one can do using what the event actually gives us, and commented on the complaints and now praised Blizzard received in regards to the event…?

All of what they said is true. You are just upset that your math doesn’t add up. The event is better now and there hasn’t been any kind of “regression” taking place … regardless of whatever the heck that is even supposed to mean.

They repeatedly told me my experience was wrong and my experience is not wrong and then after I told them I was putting them on ignore they switched characters and started arguing with me again. They earned their troll title.

I fixed that for you.

I tried event on a 50ish hunter and died while killing Arthas.
I got zip, not a single thing aside from quest completion.
which got me the 3k reward but the boss did nothing for me.
He respwned a bit later and this time i didnt die (almost but still survived the damn DoT) and still got a big fat 0. maybe the first kill locked me out of anything for the 2nd kill.

It is better for functionally everyone, so I re-fixed my own words since you seem insistent on trying to change what folks actually said. Only the lowest of the lowest trolls and frauds try to change what folks say.

No, they didn’t. But you certainly have.

Yeah ive seen nothing but praise and celebration regarding the changes made to the event.

Aqure and tarawa (which i kinda suspect are the same person) are the only two people ive seen complain they prefered the 90 minute timer.

So when 99.9999% of people are happy, i wouldnt worry too much about the 0.0001% being upset over thing we cant understand.

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Because you ran away mid convo because you didn’t like what was being said.

Rng and stopping alt armies from farming a weekly is not a regression.

Its literally +5 more minutes per toon to complete the event and you get DOUBLE what you did prior. AND the currency is transferable. So all your complaints are mute.

Worst case, you funnel the currency to an alt or mail the gear.

The only one here trolling is you bud.

Its also telling its a non issue by lack of posts.

Tuesday through Thursday, the forums were on literal fire from all the feedback and complaints about the event.

Now? A random post like this.

So you know so much about how I play in order to make that assessment for me let me quiz you. How many characters did I do the weekly on before they made the change and what was my time played doing them. How many characters have I leveled up and how many upgrades of gear did I get on those characters. How much time played did I spend playing after the changes.

When you can answer those questions then you can have an informed opinion about what is better for me. And you are too lazy to read the discussion you wanted to insert yourself into so you can join the others.

And swapping to an alt to do the same thing every hour and a half does? The content of the event hasn’t changed at all, you can just actually progress without having to wait three hours per character to do anything.

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Yeah, that’s a bug. You have to be alive for the kills. Even if you fought it and died. Which sucks. :slightly_frowning_face: