Feedback for the Radiant Echo Event

It’s funny because I see people saying the same thing, don’t spend currency until the end of the event because blizzard will inevitably buff it somehow because it will dawn on them 2-3 weeks in that this is not fun and ppl aren’t playing so they will scramble to get ppl to actually engage.

It’s just such a lazy way to do this. They need to just make a better effort to make it fun and rewarding from the get go…

They did the same thing in remix, nerfed all the raids, increased the drop of that stupid currency after they literally said they weren’t going to do that.

Idk, just poor decision after poor decision.

Whoever, is spearheading these events should be examined, they are absolutely destroying any hype for the game event after event.

They might or they might not. I’m not spending anything now since the prices of the rewards are completely obnoxious and there won’t be enough currency. As the end of the event gets closer, I’ll assess the amount of currency I have and start to pick/choose which rewards are more important to me.

Same for me. Thankfully I had the subtitles on. Only for me all voice lines were muted somehow, even ones outside the cutscene. I reloaded the whole game and they worked after that. Second character to run the quest did hear it with spoken dialogue.


I can see this kind of thing happening the first hour that the servers come back up because its busy and buggy or w.e… but I did this last night at like midnight. There was like 3 people in the room with me, it wasn’t busy or laggy at all. I was actually surprised at how little people were there.

Just kinda weird and not a good look for them, didn’t one of the devs tweet that they have the best QA team in the industry like a month ago lmao…?

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Happened to me too, and it nuked all the NPC dialogue in the game.

Prices need to be nerfed and/or currency drops need to be buffed.


I am going to hold off buying any of the pets till near the end of this event…nobody has been able to say whether or not there is a chance for one of the Battle pets to drop from a boss yet…so I will wait and see…

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Just another player in agreement with everyone else here. I did two remembered bosses — Dragonblight and then Searing Gorge — on my main and that experience reinforced what a waste of time this poorly designed and implemented prepatch event truly is. Based upon the speed by which the initial mob was put down, I wisely stuck close to where the boss spawns so I could at least tag 'em. It paid off.

Based upon the pathetic currency drops, using these events to “catch up” alts" is not a practical use of my time. Bah.


It’s absolutely stupid that it’s gated behind long timers like this

Oh, I agree. The timegating is ridiculous. I’m just holding out hope it doesn’t suck so much next week, since they seem to not want to do anything this week.

You’re right. It’s all became way too emotional and sensitive… I mean, damn, the game is called “WAR” CRAFT… But there is nothing remotely showing “WAR” with these characters anymore… All the characters are crying about something, explaining some “feeling” they had, worried about something, or “kissing and making-up”… I miss when there was legit ferocity and fervor and fire in the storylines and how the characters spoke would be strong and … well… like those who DO WAR !

You can blame the snowflakes for that one

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True but the event is only up for three weeks.

Reading all the replies and looks like I’m not going to be putting down my ace attorney games for this event. Maybe even for the expansion, but it’s too early for that call.

Ilvl 480 gear is a joke.

The cost of all the items is too high.

The memories drop to slow and too little. Are we expected to literally grind for 1-3 memories per kill for the 90 minutes between bosses? A joke, an absolute joke.

The time limit…why? All three events should be going on at all times.

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In my honest opinion, there shouldn’t be a timer at all. NONE. What exactly is the point? Stopping people from completing it too quick? So what?

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They are fixing it.

I logged in for first time since about June 15th or so. The events and quest chains are not overly entertaining. I was lucky enough to catch one of the events. There was not much exciting about it.

I appreciate the new flying, zooming around on ashes of alar was far better than the prepatch content.

Yes! It made me happy when I saw that. :upside_down_face:

Are the pets tradeable? If so I will just buy them and skip all this. Here is hoping

No they can not be traded … they can’t be caged…and your only allowed 1 of each type in your stable.

Good news they changed the event.

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