Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Why is nothing being done Blizz? Hasn’t this gone on long enough? Why am I queuing into groups of 10, 20, or more? If people want to play with some friends, sure… have at it, but this is just another exploit. Such a massive waste of time. Do something already. Quit catering to people who play this game only to ruin the experience of other players.

These players are no different than the multiboxers. They found a way to exploit the game and gladly do it at the expense of other players.

Edit: Quick note since there is some confusion. People just grouping up in a 5 man party I don’t consider a premade. These are groups of 6+ that are coordinating queues.

Edit 2: For clarity sake, there is a very simple solution to this problem.

Currently, these groups will sync and all queue at the same time to stack a BG. If they don’t all get the same queue pop, they drop. Likewise, if they join and someone did miss, they’ll leave the active BG. The fix? Penalize players for constantly leaving queues. A few dropped queues is no big deal. These players consistently drop their queue or leave matches. While this wouldn’t completely stop the practice, it would make it more difficult.

That these groups leave matches that are already in progress also means they are ruining the games of players on the same faction. No matter how you slice it, their being disruptive to the game.

Update (7/21)

Edit 3: Since a lot of people are asking how this could be fixed or if at all, here is what I would suggest.

First, just make an announcement that it’s not intended and breaks the game’s CoC.

Second, target how players are doing it. Dropping queues or dropping games that are already active. These players do this at a much high frequency than your average player. Constantly dropping queues and active matches should be more harshly punished.

Third, they could just make regular and epic bgs cross faction. From there, just sort players/groups based on ilvl. This would allow 5 mans groups to still play together while evenly distributing ilvl on both teams. While there might be some ways to manipulate this, it is creating a much higher barrier of entry for this type of play and will reduce the numbers we’re seeing now.

Also, there has been a lot of push back on this being an exploit. Let’s just use the word as it’s intended.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

The aim of all premades is to have an unfair advantage. If not, there wouldn’t be any point in doing them.


Because Blizz isn’t going to punish people for playing in group content in a group.


They are actively exploiting how the queue system works. Why does this even need to be said?


Aren’t Multiboxers waaay easier to beat ??


I actually enjoyed random and epic bgs and while the occasional premade (especially in the 40v40) would happen it’s nothing like today and discourages new players from participating, or just encourages them to become part of the problem.

Everyone know people are synchronized queuing to circumvent the random group finder. Which is definitely in the gray area like multiboxing was before they came down with a stance on it. Blizzard could break this, but only they know what the tipping point is. I do agree people should be able to play with friends, but what’s the limit between playing with friends and an unfair advantage?

Blizzard could embrace it, or outright reject it, but the easiest thing to do is to ignore the problem. What I do know is that PvPers are complaining about que times and lack of new players.


I meant that more as in the mentality of the player. They actively exploit the system at the expense of other players.


Blizzard is catering to people who use their gear, their geared friends, and queue sync to cheat their way to infinite honor kills by deliberately failing to complete objectives in order to farm graveyards longer. As people leave, they are replaced by players who had no idea they were being backfilled into an unwinnable game.

It appears Blizzard thinks that serving up ungeared players to what is essentially full raids of mythic geared players is teaching those lowly noobs a lesson in humility, while at the same time teaching an important lesson to players like Snozz: that they deserve to get everything for free at the expense of new players, who deserve to be trashed and driven out of the game.


Pretty much.

As of writing this, I left an AV where they did just that. Tried to stick it out, but after a half hour and them doing almost nothing, I left. I was trying to gear up an alt and do the weekly Epic bg quest.

Premades have been a thing for ages. I remember doing one back in BC before I really understood anything about the game. Never sat well with me. I think more than anything, these players just enjoy stomping on new players. They don’t even care about the HKs.

These days, it’s like every 2-3 matches is a premade. Blizzard has to once again sit on their hands while players quit their game before anything is done.


No they aren’t.

Bad pvpers are complaining about it.

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they did fix this but the work around would not be an exploit per se but using the matchmaking system and a lil rng

They do this in every game mode.
They cater to their elite and tell the rest to just uninstall / git gud / go play another game.
This is why Shadowlands happened - the mass exodus of WoW into FF14. It was a huge wake up call for the people above Ion and his crew to actually tell Ion and his crew to stop alienating the majority of your player base, it’s costing us all of our money.


I bet Blizzard after breaking Oqueue they didn’t look further into this problem.


The only way to really fix it is to prevent people from being able to queue in groups. Basically if you do want to play with friends, that would be off the table.

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but that would not still work all you need to do is join the pvp que at the same time and hope rng is on your side.


True but it’s a lot tougher to coordinate without groups.

Yes keys punish the people who have friends in group content in a game based on playing in groups because some glad bags are mad they solo Que and get rolled.

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I mean you literally cut off the part explaining why that would be bad lol.

I was being sarcastic and adding on to your point. My bad lol

They literally are.

Who are you calling bad?

Groups of 5 are fine.


Groups of 5 are already how it’s done. Do you even know how these large groups are joining BGs in the first place lol?

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