Random BG's should be renamed Random PREMADE BGs

It’s ridiculous - nearly every random BG I queue for is a premade and I typically lose 9 out of 10 BG’s and I mean BADLY. What we have here are players who want to farm honor in easy mode and are taking advantage of a broken system. Rated BG’s were created with premades in mind but IMO should have been made queueable and based on rating so like rated players can be matched together. I believe random BG’s should not allow grouped players simply because we already have two types of grouped PVP: Rated and Arena. So this is for BLIZZARD: PLEASE remove the group option for random BG’s - problem solved!

That’s not because of premades lmao.

Yes, Blizzard, please remove the option for people to play together in a multiplayer team-based game!
Wait a minute…

lol you’re bad, git gud blah blah blah. Pug teams are being blown out by highly geared organized teams out to get free honor. This is not an odd occurrence - this happens all the time.

Another snide comment which doesn’t add anything to the conversation. You can still play together in random BG’s but having organized highly geared teams playing against teams of people that just want to queue up and have fun is like The Patriots coming to a stadium to play a high school team.

There’s the standard hyperbole from angry clueless bad players - “HIGHLY GEARED ORGANIZED TEAMS OMG!” lmao. Yeah bruh they’re really sitting in discord slamming Monster energy drinks and sweating over stomping you in random BGs :joy:

Is that the toon you’re usually playing on? Your gear is low enough that premade or not, you’re going to struggle. You should take advantage of the pvp weeklies this week to get some 200 conquest gear and upgraded 197 honor gear. Anything with some vers. Even the rbg weekly. Its one loss and one win to complete it with how much honor matches give. This should improve your experiences in bgs.

Angry? No. Disappointed? yes. I’ve been doing casual PVP in Wow for fifteen years and what I’m saying is that the state of Random BG’s has become so bad that unless you’re in a premade group more than likely you’ll lose. It’s not the players fault because they’ll take advantage of the system - it’s Blizzard’s.

Random BG’s used to be for players to gear up in order to compete in Arena or rated BG’s or for just having fun and not caring about a rating. Now it’s become an easy way for already geared players to farm honor or just dominate lower geared players. The fact that you made such snide comments leads me to believe that you’re one of those players.

Too bad lmao. Don’t play the game? Don’t get the rewards.
If you want gear then do something for it.

This is basically what my crew does to blow off steam. Queue together in random BGs and basically stomp people. When we do this, we win like 90% of games and often spawn camp graveyards.

I camp GY’s too when I queue with guildies. We’re not sweating in comms though. We’re talking smack about each others gameplay.

There’s no need to sweat though. If you’re in coms with even just 4-5 people, you can call targets and burn through healers no problem. Teams fall apart when fighting against even small-scale coordination.

I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I have no problem working for better gear and I’m doing just that now. My beef was with random BG’s being used for honor farming by organized geared groups - I know BG’s were not intended to be used in that way. All you need to do is look at the number of posts complaining about this to see that I’m not alone in my opinion.