Btw has anyone pointed out that not a single person made a thread talking about what Preach said other than Ralph.
Anyone have a count on the total number of Ralph saying “Preach doesn’t speak for us, but I do” threads he has made now?
Between him and Sentenza I’d say they have a monopoly on Preach threads and Preach related posts.
Preach speaks for a whole lot more than you do.
Because it is true. I’ve never done a mythic raid in my life. I do my bare 15+ mythic each week. I’m barely 2k in arenas right now. I enjoy mostly bgs and wpvp and helping out guildies.
I’m no 1% and I absolutely hate these changes. They made it so you could freely swap your talents because the restrictions sucked for playing with your friends. If I play mostly solo and then I want to help out my friends by healing? SOL guildies. Seriously dumb system. People complain about the lack of the tanks now, just you wait.
I’m part of the community, so saying he doesn’t speak for the community is clearly wrong. I’m also concerned about many of the same things Preach is talking about. Not for the same reasons necessarily. It doesn’t really matter if we are restricted from swapping back and forth or not. The fact that it makes no difference to me shows that there’s nothing positive that comes from it, but there is a very real negative downside that will affect a lot of people.
Your use of the degrogatory term “try-hard” completely invalidates your opinion or criticism.
Once you can get over your jealousy for good players, take part in some self introspection, figure out why you -really- these players, and then, maybe, your opinion will count.
Holy moly, this post. This post is the absolute best thing I’ve seen on these forums in weeks. Ralph, the anti-elitist-min/maxer himself has been exposed for being just that.
Dear Ralph please stay on one character so I can keep you on ignore, #Accountwideignores
People state things and tell others to look it up because they know one will actually do it so they can say see you can’t prove me wrong.
That way they can’t get caught in their own little lies.
Didn’t say that. The point I’m making is people under the assumption that “elitist” are the only people with this overly judgmental attitude on what choices are made (class/talents/covenant) and some how “casual” players are free from doing the same.
I’m all for people doing research on their class/spec to better understand it. But one of my friends/coworkers who is very much so a casual player who plays a Blood DK asked me “why have all these choices if there are best ones already panned out” and honestly I couldn’t answer him other than optimization. He’s had plenty of stories of people in LFR and LFG give their two cents in why his talent choices are bad, and why he’s bad for said choices. All he wants to do is play the game.
For the most part, yes he does, you’re just out of touch with the player base yourself.
This is how he plays the game; he and everyone else are entitled to their opinions. WoW isn’t a one-size-fits all play style which speaks to its longevity and attractiveness.
My opinion? I personally like the RPG elements being added. If Blizzard can succeed in semi-balancing covenant abilities, then great, it will be loads of fun. If they can’t, RIP. I also think not having an AoE cap is boring and doesn’t make sense: this isn’t Diablo or some other ARPG, attacks should be methodical, like Cataclysm dungeoning.
Classic ralph thread really.
Facts. Preach you don’t speak for millions of us. I like how this is going to be and I like how you can’t change convenants at will…I am glad Blizzard is sticking to their guns on this. Damn elitists trying to speak for all of us
Degenerate way of pulling a ton of mobs, snapping them, mass ccing and deleting them needed to be stopped and thankfully it seems snapping is also removed in sl dungeons.
You should be yelling at Ralph then. He’s the one trying to speak for everybody.
If Ralphe had his way all servers would be RP servers and we would all be hanging out at the goldshire in .
You on Shandris Guard me on Gilneas Guard
Ralph needs at least some “tryhards” to keep around so he can buy carries.