Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

People quitting out of frustration isn’t anti-consumer.
Blizzard preventing them from unsubscribing would be anti-consumer.
You can’t scream anti-consumer because a company does something you don’t like is my point, it’s immature, moronic and wrong.

Blizzard has consistently over the last few years released products that are less than complete, they’ve added more time-gates and grinds than is necessary, they’ve tried and failed to cater to multiple playerbases, but they haven’t done anything anti-consumer. In fact, they are literally destroying their cash cow trying to bend over backwards to appeal to every group of player in the game. That is not anti-consumer lol.

They’ve just done things you don’t like.

All of the content is available for you to access and enjoy.

You choosing not to does not make anything they’ve done anti-consumer.


I’m totally aware of that you dolt lol.
I’m arguing against what they’re doing being anti-consumer because it factually isn’t lol.
I’m well aware of ALL the reasons people are leaving. You assume it’s just because BFA has been bad, but there are a lot of other reasons lol.


They will have tech issues in spades with the level squish.


I am betting on it, without much of a QA department, I suspect the first week will be a fustercluck, or a faggleguck.


Ehh, doubt it really.
It’s really just an expansion of the level sync code they’re already using in the world now.
Not even complicated.
Same with the gear, you’re just talking about changing a few numbers

11 QA people were fired lol, don’t act like it was a huge ton of people.
It’s public information lol

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LMAO completely forgot about that

Ion has been saying they dont want a level squish because it ll break the game.

Now they are gonna have to level squish
-In 10 months
-With a non existent QA department

Shadowlands is gonna be a bigger disaster than bfa or 8.3 lol


I was going to respond to him but this is pretty much what I was going to say.


  • They raised the EU subscription price of WoW and posted a non-sense explanation as to why. It pretty much said, " Because…"

  • Time-gating is anti-consumerist. They are holding back content in a game you pay monthly for. Just like DLC or Season Passes, cutting content or holding it back to sell it to you later.

  • They had a campaign to be remove certain pets and mounts from the store, but they had in small-text that they will probably return AKA will return.

  • Putting a BACKPACK, something players wanted behind a RECRUIT-a-Player Slave Plan.

That’s not even all, but I’ll get back to this later today after I do some digging.

Shouldn’t need to spell this out for people because they are blind.


Step 1 : Don’t pre order

Step 2 : Wait for the game to release

Step 3 : Check the reviews (not wow forums) but reviews on YouTube

Step 4 : Buy if you like it.

Step 6 : Enjoy the game.

If you ignore all the above steps…

Well you know the answer


You don’t actually know what ‘anti consumer’ means, do you?

h ttps://

Couldn’t think of a better or more accurate description for what’s going on right now with BFA.

Better check yourself on the name calling my dude. You’re 100% in the wrong here. If you want to call names, hold up a mirror and say it.


Again, none of those are anti-consumer, like at all lol.
I think you should look into what is legally considered to be anti-consumer while you do your digging.
Not agreeing with a business decision is not anti-consumer.
I’m all for bashing companies and all, but at least be right when you do it.

Releasing WC 3 Reforged in an unfinished state is anti consumer.


No, that’s just been the status quo for PC games over the last 20 years and people keep buying into it.

Well put, more fuel for the fire lol.

Add firing the Quality team and making the players pay to test their game to the list. That point in and of itself ends this particular conversation.


That doesn’t excuse to what blizzard did.

Repeat after me kids…

Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…
Don’t pre-order…


Yes it should. However Blizzard in the past was THE GOLD STANDARD for PC games. The name Blizzard was associated with the most excellent polish and a “the game will be ready when it’s ready” approach. Blizzard today is riding those coat tails of the past so hard they’re about to finally fall off.


They laid of 11 people you make it sound that they let go everyone on it

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Keep a lookout for some niche farms to open up. I fully expect some exp farm in one of the expacs to be busted.

Yea I mean I’ve found some fun with 8.3 it’s not all bad but I’m so casual the imbalance doesn’t affect me much. The only thing I want from this patch is the uncorrupted voidwing because I’ve gotten every AotC mount since MoP.


The new leveling system is going to be a buggy nightmare