Dumpster Fire:

In today’s episode of: “How to spot someone who hasn’t played another game other than WoW in years…”


Pointing out blind blizzdrones who attack anyone who points out how trash wow is and defend something as trash as the current blizzard products is pretty fun, it shows outsiders why blizzard has become worse than EA, because blind fanpeople will always eat whatever blizz gives them

Tbh probably a big amount of people still playing wow are the ones who are far too invested to ever leave


I’ve played SWTOR, FF14, and ESo.

Try again?

SWTOR was boring, fake choices that don’t actually do anything, overly simplistic combat, and is just a WoW clone with a starwars skin and a pushy monitization store. ESO had some good stories, but the combat system was awful, their player housing is probably the best I’ve seen, but again. I don’t like the combat system. FF14 could disappear tomorrow and I’d only still be bummed about the money I spent on it wishing I could refund it. Playing as a literal mary sue, that randomly loses and gains their mary sue powers because the plot demands it is stupid. Don’t mind me, I’m the chosen one of -everything- and can kill gods, but oh no. some normal people betrayed me and now I can’t do anything, and I’m helpless, and too stupid to come up wit ha way to figure out the situation to this problem. :roll_eyes:

They are.

See: Horde Loyalist/Saurfang sympathizer story

Because you’re not that in WoW, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

So lemme get this straight- you complained about being a Mary Sue, and then when the Blessing of Light is forcefully blocked away by Midgardsormr, you complain about losing out on that power?

This happens only once in the story by the way.

Also, you don’t seem to understand just how important Warriors of Light are in the FFXIV universe. Without them, the world would be a smoking crater. So of course they are looked up to and adored.

Pretending this doesn’t happen or hasn’t happened in WoW is just ridiculous. In fact, it’s worse in WoW.

This is how I know for certain that you didn’t pay attention to the story. The “gods” that are summoned in FFXIV are only as strong as the offerings that are given to them (and they don’t really die when you kill them) That’s why you could beat Ifrit at level 22, and why he comes back much stronger at level 50 and beyond.

…and now I don’t even have a clue as to what you’re talking about because this never happens.

Feel free to keep spreading disinformation though.

Blizzard defending attacking superior games while defending the trash that is BfA and 8.3.

But hey, people unsubbing in droves are just toxic outrage people xD

That is why blizzard games will be trash, because people will keep playing them because they ve been so addicted to trash gameplay and their “exclusives” that they are far too invested to ever leave.

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all you will be doing in shadowlands is the same thing in bfa your lootbox upgrades on tuesday,lfr/n/h raids and grinding a tower instead of an island.

shadowlands is bfa 2.0 so if you didnt like bfa you wont like shadowlands.


I have many friends that are afflicted by this. And whenever I try to tell them the truth, they get VERY defensive and volatile. It’s like they know, deep down that they’re hopelessly addicted but are too prideful to do anything about it.

I feel as if some of them require an intervention at this point. :grimacing:

Swtor is the game far more well designed than WoW is today.

The classes are MoP level resulting in long and interesting rotations combined with a ton of utility and strong CDS, also if you do mistakes you get punished severely thanks to the class resource systems

-PvP is again completely superior to WoW because classes are far more deep and have so many more abillities that are also outside of the GCD, that way you can outplay bad players easily thanks to skill, instead of gear, which I need to add, Swtor pvp is about skill, not gear unlike WoW since swtor uses scaling.

-Story is obviously superior, anyone denying that is a completely blind blizzdrones so no point arguing, when there’s a ton of choices that affect the story it also makes it highly replayable, but hey, keep playing wow with the 0 character choice other than being the brainless good guy that does what the king says xD, I am sure you are the person to talk about story.

-And even gearing is dont better in swtor, gear comes from everywhere, rewards scale with your ilvl so you always get rewarded and get 90% of your power early on, no grinds, no timegates, not long questlines, you have a vendor where you get most of the stuff and the currency comes from everything as well as scrapped gear you dont need.

But hey, keep defending WoW, it only makes everyone else see how blind blizzdrones are

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The loyalist option was only added in because players complained about having to betray their precious waifu, it was clearly tacked on to placate people, not to be an actual option. SWTOR tries to play it off as if it’s an actual choice that matters. It doesn’t. :woman_shrugging:

The main character in WoW isn’t a Mary sue. We only have one class we’re good at, we end up losing quite often, often have to group up to defeat big bads.

Canonically your character in FF14 basically kills gods on their own, maybe with the scions help, but is helpless in other situations… also said character can literally master every profession, evey class, and every advanced job skill, and be the “Chosen one” of all the different job souls. :roll_eyes:

Also I’m not spreading misinformation, literally in the very first major storyline before an expansion, you get betrayed by your own people for stupid reasons and not only are incompetent enough to not notice it, but also be the primal slayer of all people and cannot handle a few stupid normal guards. :roll_eyes:

They are also too thick and stupid when the plot demands it to prevent people from dying, or having to sacrifice themselves to get away from stuff.

FF14’s MC suffers so heavily from plot-induced stupidity it’s not even funny, despite literally 2 minutes ago fixing all the issues with absolutely zero problems.

The characters a chosen warrior of light, and can cast down gods… when it’s plot relevant… if the plot wants them to do something else? Oh no, they suddenly cannot handle this one thing, that is trivial compared to the other stuff they’ve done. :roll_eyes:

Again, try again, I’ve played other games, they were all worse. BFA is just a mediocre expansion in a 15 year history of gameplay. :woman_shrugging:

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SWTOR is nowhere near MOP level in result of class complexity. That’s a laugh and a half.

PvP in wow is still better in almost every regard, the only thing SWTOR has is space ship combat, which is pretty dull.

The story from what I’ve gotten playing through two completely different characters is uninteresting at best. Most of it’s blatantly obvious stuff that’s about to go down.

And as you move further into expansions your tailored class experience gets squeezed down into linear story lines that doesn’t even take your class into account.

Gearing in SWOTR is pretty easy yeah, you just accept heroic missions, get suttled around to them, do them, get a buncha on level blues and then go off to do other things. But the combats boring and easy too. So what is the point? :yawning_face:

Literally just a wow clone with a starwars skin and an annoying massive cash shop. :woman_shrugging:

Did they take the loot boxes out yet? :thinking:

You’re nothing but a blind hater that just can’t let go and move on Ralph. :yawning_face:

BFA is a mediocre expansion. To think I’m a blizzard shill just means you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about and just want to attack anyone who doesn’t blindly hate blizzard the way you do.


What’s fun about repeating quests you already did while leveling?

This dev bunch couldn’t even come up with original dailies.


Because when they talked about them, they didn’t say repeats.

Of course they didn’t. Just like they’re not saying anything about SL.

Expect more of the same, just minus half your levels.

Says the guy that posts in almost every thread lol.

The gal whom posts in threads she finds worth posting in* you mean.

There’s literally hundreds of a threads a day that I don’t even post in.

At least I’m engaging in conversation, not pretending I hate a game, and finding myself unable to walk away. :woman_shrugging:

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What a brilliant reply!

Glad you think so.

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Because youtubers never lied for views…ever.

Very few had their refund refused. Now they are accepting refunds no questions asked

Everything else i mostly agree with.

Perfect example once again of blind fun, outside being unable to even admit other games are better, they cant even imagine that people genuinely hate the game xD

Talk about next level delusions