Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

First off, this isn’t a court of law. Second off, even if it were, you certainly aren’t the judge. Thirdly, I’ve already laid out my proof, you’re just too lazy to read through the documentation. I’ve put the work in, now it is your turn.

I can’t find it, please, find it.



Ralph isn’t Rastlin. Pretty certain of it.

Nobody said it was. Backing up your claim is something you do when you’re arguing in good faith. There is simply no good reason to not provide evidence, unless you don’t actually have any.

You say you have proof, you have thus far refused to present even a shred of proof to back up your claims.

You made the claim, either back it up or apologize to all of us for wasting our time with your theatrics.


Whatever you say, liar.

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If you keep that up, he’ll put you on ignore. :upside_down_face:


I am pretty sure I already am. :grimacing:

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Because sadly the “casual” player base are the same people who go on Warcraft Logs, WoW Head, or Icy Veins see what the meta is, and roll with that.

Hell I’ve had people decline me for being anything but resto for M+ or even sometimes raids. Is that elitism or a communities perception of a class/spec due to the information that’s out there?(FYI I don’t blame anyone besides Blizzard if they don’t balance things properly) Because I can tell you it’s going to happen with Covenants.

I’m all for what Ion says about RP with Covenants, but my fear with it was there day one when they were explaining it at their Blizzcon panel. “What if your covenant is bad?” I’m all for the Necrolords, but I don’t want my decision to feel like crap. That’s even in Single Player RPGs when you waste a talent or skill point on something that just looks cool, but ends up being useless or weak versus others.

Lastly, I was once one of those “tryhards” and I certainly didn’t start the game as one. Trust me, it isn’t the “tryhards” that make the community toxic a majority of the time. I remember when Gear Level (now iLv) started being a thing in Wrath, and it was the majority of the casual community who were putting up barriers to most content because of it.


So the vast majority of real wow players loved Azerite gear and BFA?

I feel like you were more impactful as a Panda bear.

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Bored. Usually bored.

:woman_shrugging: He doesn’t speak for the community any more than YOU do.


So do you want “casuals” to build their characters randomly choosing talents, gear, etc, without doing any research, or are you expecting them to stop playing until after they become expert theorycrafters and have spent many hours learning, if imperfectly, what is readily available on the web?


Exactly. Ralph, bring back Panda Ralph.

I think Ralph reaches some sort of posting cap after which he rolls a new Ralph in order to keep it from being obvious how many posts he has on this topic.


To be fair he has said this many times. He knows this only really affects him and other hardcore Mythic raiders.

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Its because he ignores everyone that disagrees with him, and since most people do his character ends up not being able to see any replies to his threads. Easier to use a new char than it is to go and unblock everyone

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The problem is, the broader audience doesn’t and/or won’t like covenants in their current form. Locking aesthetics/story to gameplay is bad.


You are watching a discussion regarding mythic plus dungeons, I don’t think you’re their audience, OP.

I’m in the same boat. I really want to pick necrolords, but I also want fun gameplay. Locking aesthetic/story and gameplay together was the worst choice they could have made.