Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

Was watching the recent Preach m+ “discussion” where he gathered 4 other tryhards and all of them together showed completely out of touch they are with the WoW community and even the real world and instead proceeded to whinge and moan about blizzard’s changes.

Half the time you see them repeatedly pushing for the false narrative that “Everyone hates AoE cap, everyone hates that thing blizzard, nobody likes Covenants thing blizzard changed, most of the playerbase is concerned about this or that”.
Never does he mentions that what he is saying is only really an issue for high end tryhards and nobody else because he actually has started to believe his own BS and thinks because some wannabe elitists joined his chat, he is now in charge of the community.

It seems that Preach has delusionally started believing he speaks for the community because he thinks his twitch chat is a good representation of the entire community because they are not all 12/12m. (His chat is full of the usual toxic online tryhard edgelords, can see that the moment Ion said BLM in his stream)

That was just the start, half the time you also hear them repeatedly question "Why did blizzard do this, I dont understand’ while Ion has often times explained why he wants to get rid of degenerate playstyles, it is intended that they remove some wrongs way of playing. It is like they are IN COMPLETE DENIAL.

Hell Ion said to HIS FACE “the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback, it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game and the broader audience "

Which is clear proof that the high end isnt their priority, they are making a game for the RPG community, not the tryhards who dont give a damn about the game and just want to beat stuff.

The preach interview with Ion gave preach the answers he asked for, but because they werent the answers he wanted to hear he seems to be in complete denial.

They literally were whining that Blizzard is paying attention and effort in torghast but because it is solo and they see it as inferior content they were mad they were doing stuff for torghast instead of m+ tryharding


Preach… Is preach. Remember how yes men got up in arms after the WoD LFR nerfing kerfluffle.


Not to defend elitism, but he is probably out of touch because the silent majority is just that… silent. Just like posting on the forums - the only people who frequent here are the ones who are either very bored, passionate about something in the game, or trolls. Most people won’t bother coming to the forums for anything.

Similarly, the only people who bother watching streams are those who want to see / comment on the beta or are passionate about the game. Most people just play when they want to and either don’t want to spoil the expansion for themselves, or don’t really care about upcoming mechanics.


You should really see a therapist OP. This level of energy being put into some petty grudge against high end players isnt healthy.


Did you change your forum toon cause too many had you on ignore?


Commenting on a ralph post


This is the problem with posters who have name recognition. They convince themselves that they’re low-grade celebrities and just start banging them out because they’re hooked on the attention.


Thanks for letting us all know how bad the systems in Shadowlands are going to be, Ralph. Really appreciate it.


Desperate out of context quotes which ive already said why they still stand doesnt rly stop me, good luck with your attempts to attack me xD

Attack? I said thank you for letting us all know the issues with Shadowlands.


Pretty sure Preach never pretended to represent casual players. He said he straight up doesn’t care about lore, mounts, transmogs, pets, LFR, etc.

He best understand the hardcore playerbase and that’s what his content is mostly about, and that’s it’s fine if it’s the content he wants to make. Asmon, Hazel, Nobbel and T&E probably represent the casual playerbase better than he does.


Yet lately he keeps repeating the mantra “it isnt just us high end that hate your system blizzard, it is everyone”
He quite literally said many times lately that it isnt just the high end that are against blizzard simply because he thinks his tryhard chat is good representation of the actual community.


Being locked into a covenant will impact everyone not just the “tryhards”.

The false narrative here is that you have to be in the top 1% to not be impacted into being locked to a loadout once a week. That assumption is absurd. You are impacted. You may not care, but you are impacted.

Now if you are the type of person who sets his talents once per xpac…then sure you are not impacted, but I promise you more than just 1% of players adjust talents periodically.

So please stop pushing this absurd argument that only top 1% are impacted.


It is still a fallacy perpetuated by these few “anti-elite” wannabe elitists that only elitists are unhappy with being locked into these covenant systems. Also lol at Ion pretending this is about adding RPG like choice when they are gutting leveling, squishing levels, squishing IL, removing BfA progression systems (again) and doing another xpac of borrowed power.


There are plenty of casuals that hate these systems. Its important to remember that you are just some random on the forums, and your opinions do not represent anyone but your own.


For actual non-“tryhards”, covenant choice is aesthetic… the ones who care about being able to switch whenever they feel like are the ones who care about the 1% damage difference one may have over the other (aka: tryhards).


Same :poop: different thread


That is again the false narrative of only elites care about what abilities they get/use. What if I want to play around with the different utilities abilities?


Its very interesting…in my observations the top end player base (Limit, etc) are really just advocating for things they feel will create an environment more conducive to high end play. Yet people like the OP are attacking those individuals personally for their opinions. Who is really the toxic elitist at this point? I am seeing a massive amount of toxicity from only one side of this argument.