Preach doesnt speak for the community, elitist out of touch with playerbase

Not even the Devs think this is true.



Like in PvP when a DK is suddenly blinking away from you, or toward you.

When no matter what content you do, someone is arbitrarily 10% ahead of you in dps.

Call it “tryhard” if you want … but I promise you it is more than just the top 1% of the playerbase.

If you do anything above LFR you will care.


“The community”
“The player base”
“The elitists”
“The tryhards”
“The casuals”

This insistence on grouping everyone who disagrees with you into one pile and labeling them stupid is why we never get anywhere.


Why do you care what he says?
Hes just some dude with a camera.

I dont like the guy or his content so I don’t watch it. That’s all you need to do too.


^^^^ /10char

Don’t pay too much attention to it. The entire point of GD is not getting anywhere. I highly doubt GD has ever been the basis for many changes in game anyways. Its mainly just a place to make troll threads and argue with people on the internet over basically nothing.


I mean Blizzard even said they not going to listen to end game people.

They understand that Dungeons and Raids being good is not enough to make a good mmo.

Just look at BFA. What they had like 4 raid tiers? And people was saying BFA had some of the greatest raids in a long time. But guess what? Good raids don’t mean jack to a big portion of the community.


He represents the elite raider community.

Like a lobbyist for the pharma industry represents pharmaceutical companies. If you’re a pharma company, you wouldn’t expect your lobbyist to lobby against your interests, would you? You want your interests placed first above everyone else’s.

Not making a judgment call.


because the casual playerbase wouldn’t be watching a dungeon round table from these guys

some things I want to make clear, you do not speak for me either, I agree with some issues raised by preach, and disagree on others


you start everything with I mean, what do you mean ?!?!! :upside_down_face: :joy:

True enough, I do it more when I am tired lol.


Ralphe… you should just trademark try hard and start branding it… the word has lost all punch it may have had due to your constant use.

If we made it a drinking game in the forums for each time you say try hard… half of GD would be in the hospital with alcohol poisoning


I dunno… I prefer ralph over noob… Though i still they are the same person

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As a non high end player, I agree with him.

Side note, you’re more elitest than he is, and you definitely don’t represent the masses.


Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Ralph, the elitist?

Also I don’t think it’s been done this thread, but #PullTheRipcord.


He should really try using a different name if that’s the case. Now I have two ralph’s on ignore instead of one.


Most underrated comment of all time. This dude gets it.

Edit: And sadly, will prob never change

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im starting to think you have a hard on for him Ralph how many threads have you made about him ? its okay its 2020 we accept you for who you are you dont need to take your frustrations out on others online.

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M8 i ve been openly gay and non binary for ages now xd

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most people dont take polls either which is one reason i dont believe any of them people use them to make a point or try to prove their right and others are wrong .