Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

The writers don’t care about the Night Elves if their actions are what we go by in game.

The track record of how what could have been the single most unique take on Elves since Tolkien himself returned them to the modern fantasy scene is atrociously sad to me.

Instead we as players get a race that’s not even a Shadowmelded joke of what it could have been now, and what it once was, and had the potential to become.

I swear they think the Night Elves are just a weak, spineless race. How the writers so quickly forget what once was, all because, “We need to!”



I agree… I fell in love with WoW when I started my first character, a druid night elf. They seemed so wild, and I liked that the sentinels were women and shown to be powerful without wearing bikini armor (a dramatic turn from the archers/warriors we saw in the warfront / genocide cinematic and questline). The whole origin story was amazing, the fact they gave up civilization and marble halls in favor of nature and the wilderness and had to embrace their own mortality. And even the evolution of the highborn to high elves was fascinating. All of that work…all of that lore…gone.

Instead, once the Horde had a suitable “better” night elf (nightborne), Blizzard just decided night elves should be trashed all together. It is suspicious to me that once the unique race that was an icon for Alliance players was given to the current team’s favored faction, they suddenly decided to literally destroy all the night elves they could. It is as if they went “oh, well we have night elves over here too now, they have a huge awesome city, and we dont have to write those tree elves into the story anymore.”

Another link to an interesting thread opened to day on justice and revenge:

So, if killing Brynja was “revenge” for Teldrassil


For those who like the Archer Armor Outfit to be the Next Heritage Armor Outfit. Might wanna change your minds about Warden Path. Seeing as it would be a great dream to be a Night Elf Warden Hero just like the Warden Hero from Warcraft 3. This would be a awesome heritage armor for Night Elves. Just my thoughts through. Model Artwork/3D Animation is by RoccusModding.

I’m all for Night Elves kicking Horde bottoms out of Darkshore and get a new treehouse etc, but I also hope the Forsaken finally get a home too, maybe in the Plaguelands?

Hey. We got a bee mount. We should be grateful.


All joking aside, I feel like I’m just on the side that gets to watch the story instead of be a part of it. It’s not just Night Elves, but I’ll be disappointed if they off Tyrande because she just couldn’t take anymore.

However, if we get some Elune/Night Warrior story arch similar to the “side-story” of Emerald nightmare, I’d be pretty happy. More content involving Elune and Night Elves would be very welcome.

I’m really hoping this is a possibility. You guys deserve to follow your own loony toon also. :beers:

As the meme says. “IT’S TIME TO STOP!” Enough with the whole nuking and wmd’ng cities and then just going “And we all sing kumbaya lmao!” while everything is forgotten and forgiven. If they lack ideas they can contact me, free of charge, I’ll give them ideas that don’t involve magical nukes or wmds to force a plot forward.

Its almost as if that one example was jarring and completely out of left field.

There’s a big grey area between ‘perfect beings with no vices’ and ‘chaotic evil’. And a reason ‘morally grey’ was a meme for so long. The vulpera thing was not a grey area, it was just … incredibly, and clumsily malicious.

A better example of a ‘grey’ Alliance is, and probably always will be the story of the Defias. A bunch of nobles refused to pay a group of carpenters, despite their constant protests, and so they rose up to try and take down the entire Alliance of Stormwind themselves. That’s a lot better than “Oh, we’re setting the fox people on fire now.”

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How is setting fox people on fire chaotic evil, but attacking the city of someone loosely allied with the Horde…just like the Vulpera were…and killing their leaders not?

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You know that the Warfront is exactly that, right? It’s you winning the war of thorns and pushing the Horde out of Darkshore.

The problem with the Vulpera is that it was just such a blatant, heavy-handed attempt to give the Alliance some edge.

I’d put it on par with the Horde literally setting fire to an orphanage in Brennadam. It’s just so over-the-top and totally clumsy, even by WarCraft standards.

You (Blizzard) can show me the factions are doing bad things to achieve victory, but you don’t need to resort to such easy gotchas like that.

Night Elves were a pretty cool faction in WC3. In WoW having more than two factions would of been a nightmare so they gave them to Alliance (which they didn’t even like in WC3, they just hated the Horde more). There lore has been “meh” at best ever since.


I would be okay with them going to a separate faction, and maybe having the worgen join them since Genn probaby isn’t too keen on befriending the people who burned some of his people alive with the night elves.

But what I am not okay with is the direction Blizzard seems to be taking. The writers seem unable to find a true moral grey, they think only in extremes. Either someone is good, or horribly evil. So if the night elves are “against” the Alliance, and the Alliance is written to be perfect angels (that are too stupid to defend themselves or fight dirty), it must mean that the Night Elves are therefore “evil”, especially since they want revenge against the “honorable” Horde. This type of writing is amateurish at best, and lazy at worst. Playing Classic and looking at the depths of story lines behind even the simplest opening quest ( for example the Romeo and Juliet / Hatfield–McCoy story in human starting zone) makes me extremely sad and disappointed when I think of how far the writing and story line has fallen.

To me, the clear tipping point of when the game became unbalanced and contrite was when the Horde first began encroaching on night elven territory. The whole story line began to be focused on the Horde, the zones themselves became unbalanced, a first since the game launched. I am not suggesting that everything should be 1:1 for Horde and Alliance, but if one side wins, it should also lose at some point, and that lost should be shown in game and not in books few gaming customers read.

The fact that they can put money and effort into making a totally separate loyalist quest line for their avid pro-genocide fans, lets me know there is a lack of creativity and a level of bias unseen in the game before. Blizzard went from making detailed, entertaining story lines and cinematics for both factions, to a single series of cinematics focused on one faction and an alternative story line yet again for the same faction. It amazes me that other consumers blindly accept this level of neglect.


No Respect for the Night Elf Race in General

Another article to add to the thread.

Commentary on plot and story:

So how exactly was this Not “Garrosh 2.0?”
Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

I honestly can’t wait to fight Tyrande.

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Tyrande and the night elves have to lead the Banshe Hunt.

Do the Raid or dungeon bosses would be an insult,
They deserve Justice/vengace and not Pain.


I know it’s hard to ask people to not be total children, but for once in your miserable life can you get over yourself? Try to resist the toxic faction hatred koolaid Blizz has been shoving down our throats and see that paying players who invested in other races should have their grievances addressed.


Whoa there, calm down. I enjoy the thematic conflict between the Night elves and Blood elves, afterall we’re playing World of Warcraft. It seems strange that telling me to “Get over myself” over an innocuous comment on a video game. I think when you start to take dialogue over potential content on a video game on such a serious level that you start making personal insults toward people is probably the time where you should take a step back, and reevaluate your perspectives.

Posting in a blizz hates night elves thread