Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

MEEN MAN :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

As much as it pains me to see Blizz sh*t on half of their playerbase, this is very much true unfortunately.

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Of course then you can still be the good people and be the aggressors. Why not also ask to have horde characters forced to carry you on their shoulders and sing your praise when ever you are near one?

I didn’t mean to imply they needed to be vilified. Only a rift. The night elves don’t have to be seen as villains to start disagreeing with Anduin.

I mean, the Horde has been “punished” over and over for being a race seeking to get over its pre-WoW past. :man_shrugging:

Just putting this here because this seems like every Night Elf player at the Blizzard creative (lol) writing team right now.


 I think that Night Elves have gotten a lot of facetime throughout all the expansions. They have their own hero-class, and epic near god-like Illiadan. Night Elves have been one of the most crucial races in Legion and BFA and will be so in the next expansion too.

Now Dwarves should really be complaining, because honestly I do not count Bronzebeard. I don’t even know a reason to go to Ironforge, except for brewfest. Darnassus is going to get a huge overhaul, and I bet Lordaeron for Calia and maybe Scholomance are redone for the Forsaken under Voss.

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Sorry :stuck_out_tongue: I misunderstood what you were saying, just been seeing a lot of people asking to make Tyrande a villain. Didn’t mean to apply that to you.

Honestly the horde and alliance need better stories, quit dragging the horde back to the warmongering past, and make the alliance the usual untrusting skeptics that they were made out to be post wc3. This would feel more like a Cold War, and only buddy up when we have the bigger threat
 but not a constant open war against eachother.


and you really need to do something about getting with the “We’re with Tyrande” program. I think you’ll make a fine member of the Night Army. :slight_smile:

The forum icon doesn’t show it yet, but I’m dressing for war now. :wink:


Oh, you think you have problems? Darkspear trolls were enslaved by murlocs of all things, have never had a capital, had our racial leader killed by some trash mob just so he could name a vindictive corpse as leader of the Horde! I wish the Darkspear trolls had Night Elf problems. We wish we had a tree someone cared to burn down! #NightElfproblems


Ah, ya just need to trade up. We have a serious city and what’s left of what was a pretty decent navy. :wink:


See? See?! We live on a tiny island no one else wanted, they have a freaking gold pyramid and a navy.

Where’s that race change button

Join us, you know you want to
and no worries, we still got da voodoo.

You can have Ashenvale once we’re done chopping down the trees.

When you have a quest where you watch civilians burn alive while you try to rescue them on a timer, then you can compare trolls to night elves. I’d much rather have all of this happen off scene in a book than watch the territories get torched and lost in game and left that way for 3-5 years until Blizzard decides its time to do something even worse to their favorite punching bags.

And as if watching night elf children and women burn alive wasn’t enough, you get to watch trolls and orcs pin human farmers to their farm houses while their children watch on and cry in front of their fly ridden corpses.

And as if that wasn’t enough, you get to watch the plot armored genocidal maniac that happens to be Blizzard’s favorite undead cash cow get to just fly away at the end with no consequences because “all” Horde just love her. And all the orcs and trolls that tortured and murdered get to be venerated as heroes because they felt bad about it afterward, and “muh honor”.


Enslaved. By. Murlocs.


I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience murlocs may have caused you and other trolls, but it is not comparable to the terrible writing and vilification of the night elves. Even if you had a rough start, your faction has definitely been winning, by any murderous means necessary. Since their murloc days, trolls have been assisting in said genocide, which blizzard still thinks is a plausibly deniable offense (which is the most disturbing aspect of this so far to me).

In case none of this made sense, let me respond in a way you might better understand:
grlrlrlrl rglrlrlglglg glrlrl


Blizzard’s handling of the Night Elves throughout the entirety of WoW has been absolutely insulting, especially in BfA.

A race that was its own FACTION in Warcraft 3, on par with the Human/Dwarf/High-Blood Elf Alliance, Orc/Troll/Tauren Horde, and the Scourge itself has been reduced to near extinction.

Since we know that Nathanos is basically a self-insert for one of the writers, I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of the writers have some weird vendetta against the Night Elves. I can’t see it any other way. Since Cataclysm they’ve basically lost every single major battle they’ve fought in, and even when not against the Horde they get boned in some way (the elements in Darkshore).


Not only would this give Alliance a similar choice to the Horde’s with Saurfang/Sylvanas, not only would it give some much needed focus on the Night Elves’ revenge, but it would give the Alliance a BIG TIME inner conflict, and make them look inward about their mentality towards the Horde.

Anduin might finally have found a way to secure peace with the Horde, but does Tyrande really want peace if they haven’t gotten their revenge for Teldrassil? Tyrande is thousands of years older than Anduin (in fact all the Alliance leaders are older), why should he have hierarchy over her?

This is a huge opportunity that Blizzard has. Can’t wait to see how they ignore it.


Personally, I’d like to be able to have both. Maybe for Thrall or somebody to have all of their loyalist prisoners and/or all the demolisher pilots and shamans responsible for the burning be brought to Tyrande as a peace offering, for her troops to do with as they will, in return for her mercy against the Horde and aid against Sylvanas.

The night elves get their revenge, the Horde and Alliance stop fighting, the Alliance works on mending ties with the night elves, and we all go home happy.


It is glaringly obvious that someone has favorites when it comes to characters. All the other Horde leaders seem as flat and 1 dimensional as the plot armored favorites, but they get only about 10% of the screen time. If I were a Horde player, I would demand they set aside favoritism and hire new creative (and untainted) minds. If they find it too “boring” to write night elves or tauren, then find someone with more knowledge and actual enthusiasm to do it.

Someone stated earlier that the Alliance freaked out when they put in Vulpera death squads. That is because it was a sudden unrealistic break from the character of the alliance thus far; it was a heavy handed attempt at creating characters that were MoRaLlY GrEy because they didn’t want the Horde to be the only ones committing atrocities and war crimes. Trouble is, there would be no motivation for any alliance race to randomly go out to a Horde zone and start playing wac a mole with fox people. Destroying an undead settlement because of loyalist ties to genocidal manic, I could believe. But not fox people just wandering the wilderness.

No, we tried that already. In the novel, etc. the night elves just give up land for logging (sure, like that would ever really happen) and hope that the invaders would go away.

I think the night elves should be allowed to treat the horde in Kalimdor like the Romans treated the Carthaginians
salt the earth. They need to show it in game also, all of the burned and damaged lands beginning to be regrown with druidic magic. All the orcs and trolls can be shipped off to clean up the undercity in penance for their actions and have to withstand the same tortures and painful toxic deaths as alliance players. Only the Tauren can stay, because they specifically were left out of all the massacres and genocides because they have souls.