So how exactly was this Not "Garrosh 2.0?"

Had a week to set in and…nope, still kinda meh on how the big world war setup ended with Sylvannas screwing up and screaming she hates the horde in her atmosphere rending volume in front of Orgrimmar. Then blasting off like Team Rocket.

But really, I’d like an answer on how they could say, with a straight face, that this definitely wouldn’t turn into a Garrosh 2.0? We’ve had that repeated, expounded on with stuff like “Sylvannas would never let herself be put into that kind of situation”, and so on.

But beat for beat, this has been exactly a Garrosh 2.0 storyline.

A Warchief chooses a very questionable successor (over Basic Campfire still!).

The new Warchief is a very militaristic hawk type, and soon fights break out with the Alliance. It gets dirty and ugly, with a particularly “honorless” act of destroying a major alliance city. Some of the Horde starts to question this, not outright rebelling but obviously upset. The Warchief tries to arrange their death. That fails and now you definitely have them rebelling. And it turns out the Warchief has been looking for ways to exploit Old God powers.

The Alliance decides to fight with the rebelling Horde forces in a Siege on Orgrimmar. The Warchief however escapes, and is set up to be an antagonist in an upcoming storyline. In Garrosh’s case it was a “TBC 2.0”. Sylvannas it seems fairly likely to be “WotLK 2.0” with her as the new leader of an antagonist Undead force (and maybe she’ll run to northrend and steal that handy Helm of Domination from Bolvar).

The kicker is the story wasn’t even as good as MoP’s. Plotholes abounded. Draneii and their space-tech, and their island that was just as good if not better as a port to Kalimdor than the Nelf island tree. Rexxar joining the War because “Jaina, she’s killed too many”. The forsaken night elves, who were so angry at Sylvannas for killing them and burning their children/families/home alive that…they joined Sylvannas because something something Tyrande/Elune couldn’t save them from Sylvannas? It just goes on.


When I saw that I literally just started laughing my rear end off. It was almost like watching a badly written cartoon.


She has bewbs.


From what it appears, she is not a mustache twirling villain, she might be leading a newly created faction that worships the void and death. Of course, that is speculation but that is FAR from Garry.

Garry did what he did FOR the Horde, while Sylvanas did it for Death. That is also a big difference.

I can’t wait to see if they really are going to make a Death faction.

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From the end scene as a loyalist she says some stuff that essentially makes it out that it’s going to be “Oh there was a bigger threat and my character flaw of always trying to do everything by myself just made you believe I was evil.”

Kinda of lame, honestly.


Because this time she will ally with a bronze dragon to go to an alternate Azeroth set 30 years in the past. We will have to chase her there and meet Azeroth’s greatest heroes of the past and watch them die like chumps off screen. It will be World of Warcraft: Highlords of Azeroth. It will be BRUTAL!


Garry did what he did FOR the Horde, while Sylvanas did it for Death. That is also a big difference.

Sure but that’s just a character difference. The actual storyline is exactly the same, Sylvannas also said she served the Horde, it was worth saving, and other patriotic lines. In the end Garrosh dipped into Old God powers (despite being so upset at his father being corrupted similarly by the Legion?), and tried to make a Horde that fit his ideals. Sylvannas also was dipping into old God powers, and was trying to make a horde (and world) that fit her ideals: everyone undead and meat shields for her.

This is more like Arthas / Garrosh / Illidan 2.0. I call her Garrarthidan


She’s the Lich King 2.0 not Garrosh 2.0.


uh no, as a loyalist she tells you that she serves Death, with a capital D, so that means its an entity or person. And she said all will be revealed when next we meet. She never said anything about a bigger threat or character flaw lol.

not just garrosh 2.0…this entire xpac has been MoP re-skinned.


We didn’t Siege the city nor kill her.

That is how they did it with a straight face.

It is more Garrosh adjacent than 2.0

See, they didn’t lie

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The only difference was that she wasn’t turned into a loot piñata.

It’s blatantly obvious though…

Something, something, “it’s grey” and “she’s far worse than Garrosh was”.

Also Garrosh was taken over by the Old God, whereas she basically has powered herself up with the help of the priest artifact Old God. Theres differences, albeit small. She saw what he did and knew she could do better and get away lol


If this is Garrosh 2.0, then that means the next Xpac will be worse than this one.


If they go that route, oh well it is their story but I don’t see her being “saved” by fighting the bigger threat. Shes trying to overcome the bigger threat so that what she saw when she died doesn’t come to pass. edit: for herself. she doesn’t want to go where she saw herself going.

We didn’t Siege the city nor kill her.

That is how they did it with a straight face.

Yes we did? The only difference was the Siege was in a Cinematic instead of a raid. And we also didn’t kill Garrosh. Varian (bless his fel-exploded head) tried to but Thrall knew they’d need him for a later storyline. Likewise here, Saurfang was a few inches too shallow to kill Sylvannas, and she’ll also be in a new storyline.


Most likely the god of death she is serving is the old god Yogg-Saron (also know as the Devour of Souls and God of Death).

No he did it for HIS horde which was not the horde he joined. He purged the lesser races who would not bow before orc superiority to create a “True Horde/Orcish Horde”.

Doubt it because right now that is actually looking like an Old God faction.