So, if killing Brynja was "revenge" for Teldrassil

Then killing Ashvane was “revenge” for Siege of Dazar’alor, right?

We shouldn’t be expecting any storyline about Talanji seeking revenge against the Alliance since clearly her story was finished in Eternal Palace, right?

“But Ashvane wasn’t involved in the Siege!” - Yea, the Val’kyr weren’t at Teldrassil either (Sylvanas wouldn’t risk her most valuable assets), so why does killing one of them constitute vengeance for Teldrassil?

“Ashvane isn’t in the Alliance!” - The Val’kyr technically aren’t in the Horde either. What’s your point? Ashvane is a Kul’Tiran, and the Kul’Tirans are in the Alliance.

And if you decide to get nitpicky about THAT, then we need to point out King Rastakhan was never in the Horde. On top of this, Jaina, the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, led the assault, backed up by the Alliance, much like the Horde helped defend Dazar’alor.

This means the fight was actually between 2 neutral parties at the time, Kul Tiras vs Zandalari. So killing Ashvane is indeed proper retribution, as she is indeed a Kul Tiran.

As such, Talanji attacking the Alliance would be misplaced anger, as not only did the Horde kill one of the (former) leaders of the Kul Tirans, but her anger should be directed solely at the Kul Tirans, not at the Alliance overall.

Whereas on the Alliance’s side, Horde of every race helped invade darkshore and burn Teldrassil, so they are all to blame. So how Blizzard somehow thinks killing a Val’kyr who was not at Darkshore/Teldrassil somehow constitutes “retribution,” I’m not sure.

As for people who think Tyrande is going to be a boss - you really don’t understand much about her character, if you think that.

Anduin expected her to work together with the Horde leaders/forces that blindly followed Sylvanas’s orders and burned Teldrassil, with thousands of innocent people inside that she swore to protect. On top of that, he spared soldiers for this task that he said he didn’t have spare soldiers for when she asked him for to reclaim Darkshore.

Would YOU help Anduin in that situation? It’s entirely in Tyrande’s character to have not showed up.


killing Valkyr is like chipping off a piece of the plot armor Sylvanas wears.

Just a few more to go before she can actually die!

Killing one human that betrayed her people is the same as stopping a population from existing?


To say that killing this shameless valkyr is a revenge equivalent to the destruction caused to Teldrassil, Darkshore and the monumental loss of life, is one of the shame!

That’s not even 5% of what the Night Elves should have done to Sylvannas and the Horde!

Well, it’s just another day at Alliance’s disappointing lore at BfA!

Malfurion should make the river passing near Orgrimmar dry up and Tyrande cover the Horde capital with an eternal Night that we see in Darkshor today!

Ashvane was for all intents and purposes an enemy of the Alliance, seeing as how the Alliance have to kill her in Palace too. So how is killing the enemy of your enemy valid retribution against them?

Im not saying it is or isnt, i just don’t understand how you think Ashvane is Alliance when she was clearly an agent of Azshara/N’zoth. That’s a bit like saying that Zul was still a part of the Zandalari proper after he betrayed them. They in fact helped kill him for what he did just like the Alliance do to Ashvane.

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If only they had given the night elves actual revenge and spared my beloved guardian angel ;-;