Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

The night elves were done dirty this expansion and really by WoW in general. The night elves were strong and dangerous when we first met them. They held the line against the Burning Legion at Hyjal in what is still the high point of the entire Warcraft saga, a moment of unity where everyone came together to fight against a truly evil foe and save the world.

Since then they have been weakened and made increasingly powerless over the course of WoW since day 1. Blizz casually kills off an enormous number of them in the prepatch of BfA just to add some narrative drama or to ‘raise the stakes’. Genocide as a supporting plot device is pretty gross and i am surprised that Blizz doesn’t know better.

The writers at Blizz inherited what is quite possibly the richest lore of any game franchise and have cheapened it with poor writing choices and characterization. Even what they have done with Sylvanas herself is beyond comprehension.

In general i feel like Blizz reached some new narrative heights with Legion and even WoD (discounting the content drought) but the wheels really came off in BfA, an expansion that really needed a masterful touch in the story department.

But yes the night elves have been treated particularly poorly by Blizz.


Really, maybe you should reevaluate your perspective when your only contribution to this thread is an attempt to troll it. If you have nothing intelligent to say then kindly go buy a Virtual Ticket and fawn over the collection of beardy Blizzard hacks.

I think a serious issue with this idea is that it’d probably work out the same way Sylvanas’ storyline did. You’ll be able to follow Tyrande to a point, but then she’ll just go all-out evil and turn on the loyalists too, so you’ll eventually be forced to side with Anduin & the Horde against her anyway.

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Our story has been
 disappointing since Warcraft 3 ended.

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Yeah, it’s like they changed their minds about who Night elves were the moment WC3 ended. Tyrande tells Kael’thas that he shouldn’t let vengeance, and rage poison his heart, and get in the way of leading his people to a brighter future, and yet here she is, the avatar of vengeance and rage.

Sometimes I don’t think some of the writers even played, or watched WC3

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Mock it all you want, but Murlocs were a serious threat back in Classic.

As for this topic, really, Blizz has a long way to go to redeem themselves in the eyes of Night Elf players/fans.


Thread where people are still in denial and attempting to redefine what genocide is (instead of letting Blizzard know how disgusting using it as a plot device was):
The Burning of Teldrassil

Thread focused on existence of NE going forward because of genocide/mass murder advocated as “plausibly deniable” by Blizzard:

Why are Night Elves still playable?

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Its easy to say something when you arent put in that stressful position. People change that way = character development.

Anyways night elves are one of my favorite races. I just see it as blizz giving them more stakes. We already have a bunch of dead ones that are still alive in Azsuna. We killed more dead ones and other races in Teldrassil. But we are going to what it seems like a death expansion where dead characters may come back to the story. All those that died early and in all the wars. Cairne , Voljin, Saurfangs, etc may come back. On alliance that can be teldrassil npcs, the azsuna ghosts, Tirion, Varian.

There is another endgame.

You’re right - but I still want that meeting between you and Tyrande to end like this:


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Another Horde threat asking for Alliance to become villains, while at the same time admitting they enjoy being edge lords:
Time for Alliance plots

Normally I call BS right away in ANY elf thread. Thanks, high elf fanatics! But yeah
 this is too much. Blizzard, you can’t degrade and destroy a playable race like this so often and so consistently. A significant portion of the Alliance player base are night elves. You know this well. Many of us know the lore and history of the night elves. It isn’t right that the Nightborne are actually the ones carrying on the legacy and strength of the night elves. yes, it’s fine that they share in it All elves should, but night elves never get a win. All elves have faced some existential crisis and gotten through it and benefited from it in the end. All except for the first elves, the kaldorei. Give them a win. Seriously, it’s like you’re bullying them.


Dont think the DEVs care, They are to busy making their own names ATM at the expense of wow and the lore.

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Thank you, brother.

Oh, so that is how I got false-flagged and auto-silenced. Thanks for using a mob of night elves (and their sympathizers) to abuse the automated system, fortunately it was unwarranted and fixed. Please don’t use mob-mentalities to get people false-flag spammed, it ain’t cool.

Blizzard’s writing usually doesn’t include every race all the time, getting the spotlight for good or for bad is a step up from being ignored altogether and to my understanding, bad people do bad things. It seems to be more an anti-Sylvanas sentiment than a pro-Night Elf one.

The Razing of Teldrassil was only partially mirrored by the Blight-nuking of Undercity with the major differences being that the Undercity was being evacuated as soon as the siege began while Night Elves apparently had no qualms with staying put when they were under attack. That would be on them for not expecting the worst, as pride is a bit of an elf thing to think they were either never in any danger while they had an army there or naivety that nothing bad could happen in the unthinkable event that their army would fail.

As a result from that, they got the whole Night Warrior thing, which is arguably more interesting than Blood Elves just getting “a new flavor of mana” to get gold eyes. Did they do anything with their new cosmetic powers yet? We don’t know. Don’t see much of it in the game yet, but it is there, just in case, for reasons.

It would be much easier to say this thread is more for either rallying Night Elves or Condemning Sylvanas, which you are free to do either, but it is advisable to not use your thread as a platform to assault players who take a different stance than you do.


You the Horde have had what you have asked for, they were taken into account when they wanted to support Sylvanas, they were supported when they marched without Shoulderpads and wanted to regain their honor.

We were used as plot devices and as characters that are there to resolve the conflicts created by you.

Blizzard’s inactivity in making the Alliance generate conflicts damages factions,Blizzard does it this way because it is simple to write a very bad bad and a very good good.

A few years ago Metzen said it was difficult to write to the Alliance because it is this Superman or Captain America that was 2013.

It is simply a creative bias,They are used to the villain moving the plot, to having a visible and obvious atagonist which you can label as the bad boy.

There are more ways to carry a story, it is not always a part that creates problems and another that solves them.

The reason why the Alliance did not kill Mr. Marris was because it is necessary for the programmed plot.

The reason we killed King Troll and did nothing else is to make things happen in the planned and obvious scheme.

And the reason we probably didn’t see Tyrande for 8.2 is that a plot designed only for the horde interfered with the programmed plot.

The only objective of this Expansion was to remove Sylvanas from the Horde so that she can act as a villain.

The reason why there are no plots focused on an internal conflict of the Alliance is simple, it does not arouse the interest of the game’s DEVs.

And it is because you cannot Gamify conflicts that are not resolved with the sword.

By all means the Alliance works well in books and stories because in these it is not necessary to kill things constantly.

The alliance is usually used as a Hero and is the only way in which DEVs are able to visualize it.

There are ways to make the Alliance more Gray, but unfortunately it would not be well seen that the good guy slaughters his enemies and then wants peace with them or is unable to forgive them.

Not because it is Boring but because it interferes with other Frames that require work from both parties.

In any case, we are at the wrong time, any action against the Horde would now be bad sight and will have to be stopped by both the Alliance and the Horde as a common front.

It will not feel like a Cooked Plot if not like the leftovers from the food of the horde and not something done thought of the Alliance but as a way to tie the pieces on the board.

The only way out for us as a faction is to let us do our job and hunt down the villains.


I have no idea what you are talking about. No one is “out to get you”. I didn’t even notice you were in this thread until you posted this nonsensical rant about people trying to silence you.

There is no “mob” here. There are only paying customers who want their voices an opinions heard. This is a serious discussion, and I want the team at Blizzard to see that many of their consumers will not tolerate another expansion of horrible writing and horde bias, and certainly not another genocide to make a NE leader a raid boss.

Here is the perfect example of what Blizzard thinks is “good writing”:

Tyrande and Nathanos original battle?

They can’t bring themselves to destroy a single undead archer, or any Horde characters for that matter. A racial leader who receives a power-up is no match for some dead dude who can shoot arrows. They even raised other night elves to use as cannon fodder (which according to Blizzard’s own lore in BFA was impossible) so they didn’t have to kill any horde characters. It was literally Alliance vs Alliance, just so the Horde would not have to suffer any visible losses and possibly up set the Horde fan base (which is used to getting everything it wants).

And when we complained enough, they put in a last minute fix to have us kill a Valkyrie, some random NPC that supposedly was “vital” to the Undead. As you can see, to this day there are still people who keep reciting that the Night Warrior scene was “okay” or “acceptable” or counted as vengeance.

Well it certainly is not “okay” or even remotely “acceptable” as vengeance for genocide. The whole point was to make the Valkyrie important to the story line, but since Sylvanus now has obtained additional random power-ups from demigods, she doesn’t even need the Valkyries anymore. So the “horcrux” theory is invalided. In the end the NE did not get justice, Blizzard did a halfhearted attempt to fix their obvious bias and sloppy writing. It is time people were honest about it, and demand change.


Got a NE mage that wants to burn down a Horde settlement or two. You know actual retaliation for having her home burned down.

Would also like to have Nathanos’ head on a spike.


I went to sleep last night, and dreamed about Tyrande swinging Sylvanas’ decapitated head by the hair while warrior screaming atop a pile of Loyalist corpses

That was a good dream.


Your wanting to be heard involved trying to silence others who take a different stance by trying to put your words in other people’s mouth. It’s a strange coincidence that I leave for work, then four hours later, you link my thread, then I get instantly silenced (wrongly, by the way, as the automated silence was overturned).

Genocide, broken down to the parts Geno- and -cide. You know how Regicide is to kill a regent/monarch/leader, Genocide is to kill a race or demographic (Geno being derived from the word that means race or people), Omnicide is to kill everyone, etc.

It isn’t a redefinition of the word, but rather insisting that you do not use the word for ‘Genocide’ to try and make one atrocity comparable to another, because the burning of Teldrassil does not compare to actual genocide and it is kind of insulting.

Yea well said, It could of been a whole diff story if instead of Ashenvale getting burnt up and the tree stuff happen, if instead it was a different part of our alliance like maybe Pandaren lol, replacing Night elves in the drama story