No Respect for the Night Elf Race in General

Battle for Azeroth is without a doubt one of the worst disappointing expansion ever next to Warlords of Draenor for alot of reasons and one of them is treating Night Elves like Dirt.

Throughout this whole expansion. The Night Elves have not only lost their Homeland, Their Identity thanks to the Night Warrior Lore not doing anything to them, Lack of Night Elf Fantasy in terms of wieldable glaives for Night Elf Warriors, Rogues, and Hunters, Treating Major Lore Characters like nothing of them being relevant like Maiev, Jared, Farondis, Tyrande, and Malfurian, and etc.

Then to add more insult to the wound. They made Anduin say stupid crap like “oh Tyrande is turning evil and is being consumed by hatred. I haven’t seen her in Months.” I’m like what the heck Blizzard! Is this what you write the Humans and Anduin as? Is this what you write the Alliance as? I like Shandris throughout this expansion but you know atleast give the others more respect and screentime like I haven’t seen Maiev kick any kind of butt since legion and she’s probably done anything other than darkshore. Now Blizzard is making Tyrande and Malfurian into Evil Bad Guys now. Its like come on. As much as people don’t talk about Varian Wrynn and Tyrande. Atleast there was some kind of trust between a Human King and Night Elf Leader planning wisely to kill Garrosh’s Forces. With Anduin and Tyrande its just a mess. I think this Expansion makes me dislike and have second thoughts about anduin now.

I’m sorry Night Elf Fans for treating you guys like crap throughout the year of BFA of being a blind Anduin supporter and not realizing the problems of the Alliance as a whole. As much as I like Humans. I think their time has overstayed their welcome and I want the Night Elves and other races of the Alliance to get the respect and actually reclaim the lands.

Only positives I have for Blizzard doing Night Elf Themes is making the Night Elf Trees Look Better, Actually Race Mounts like Sabermoon cats, Warfront Armor and Weapons, and Archer Outfit which sadly we can’t even wield

Overall Blizzard has ruined the Night Elf Lore and doesn’t care about the Alliance Players or Night Elf fans in general and just want to continue ruining them because they hate them. Unreal. Knowing the fact that I on a RP Server where there’s Night Elf Roleplayers and they feel very sad about losing lands and being crapped on by Blizzard. Just goes to show Blizzard doesn’t care about the Warcraft Lore anymore.

My only hope for Warcraft now is hopefully Warcraft 3 Reforged will give Night Elves better justice and respect and I also hope that Alliance and Night Elves as a whole can finally get better respect and better treatment. BFA is one of worst treatment for them ever.

Before I go I just want to say one thing. Please for Sweet love of Baggins himself! Please make the Night Elf Heritage Armor be Warden or Archer! I don’t care if its Archer or Warden! Please! I would kill for the Night Elf Heritage Armor to be Warden. I play warden since Warcraft 3 and I roll a Night Elf Rogue in a heartbeat.

All that’s it. Peace.


Man, I’m here for some morally grey Night Elves. That one line from Anduin is the only thing filling me with some hope that something can be salvaged from this storyline.


I can understand not wanting to end up being stuck playing the part of Expac villain.

But taking Night Elves back to “One bone for every twig snapped underfoot” badarses and having them get bloody revenge is also what a lot of people have asked for.

And since Night Elves are a playable race, we all know they aren’t actually going to be cast out of the Alliance or permanently punished for it. Tyrande’s going to get on her glorious roaring rampage of revenge, and we’ll fight her, but ultimately, she’ll just get a talking to from a friend or loved one that snaps her out of her rage or something, and we’ll all move on.

But no, Blizzard will not be on the side of mass destruction and/or slaughter against the PCs- no matter who carries it out or for whatever reasons. You don’t get to go ham on the other faction and feel good about it.

Nah I rather not be villian batted like the forsaken I am good



I’d be for it, but the issue is that the implication isn’t just that they would clash with the other Alliance races. The implication is that the plot itself would punish such a course of action. Sylvanas states that the war was feeding souls to the ‘hungering dark’ the whole time. It wouldn’t just be “Night elves can’t let go!” it would be “night elves can’t let go and they’re going to help the enemy because they’re bad and dumb!”

No thanks.


I would even say bfa worst then wod at least in wod they did not ruin races and characters overall.

The night elves should of got there revenge and they did not. I can hope that maybe they will attack the horde I doubt it would happen cause the faction war over. This whole xpac is mop 2.0 with a few changes


 seriously, I am so sick of these NE victim threads.

EVERYONE has it bad. The Horde Rep Roster is gutted, losing THREE A and B listers in a single patch. Unless Thrall and Rexxar BOTH fully commit to the Orcs, they’re rendered with Eitrigg and Cromush as their most developed characters (let that sink in for a moment). The Darkspear are in worse shape with no indication of what is going on with Vol’jin (and STILL no move by Blizz to ascend Rokhan to his rightful place as their leader). Finally the Forsaken are in such a horrific state right now with the loss of their Capital, their means of reproduction, AND their TWO most developed characters 
 their racial narrative is sort of deader than they are (and with Calia waiting in the wings, their racial fantasy might just be too).

Chill the hell out.


Everyone just forgets Worgen suffered this along with Night Elves I guess


Pouring out a shot for all my fellow Worgen homies

Those updated models are pretty cool tho think I might level my Worgen lock next =P


That too. Night Elves can at least reproduce.

Forsaken are just straight up doomed now.

EDIT: And the Forsaken were doomed by their own leader! Like imagine if Tyrandae had been the one to burn down Teldrassil in order to keep the Horde from capturing it, then later loudly announced to everyone that she never cared at all about the Alliance or the Night Elves before piecing out.



And the Worgen just lost their second home to Sylvanas for the second time. Genn’s already been obsessed with getting back at Sylvanas. He should be even angrier than Tyrande.


I agree with Dortie on this one, like I get Night elfs had it bad
trust me we all hate it but come on guys
we just witnessed in real time the Zandalari, the pinnacle of the troll empire get knocked down from grace and meme’d on all xpac, The Horde being shown to be complete idiots, Trolls getting no closure like they were told they would regarding Vol’jin, Faction once again divided, Idols like Saurfang dragged through the mud for this stupid plot, being again saved by the good graces of the alliance etc.

Honestly with recent revelations, the victim complex of night elfs kind of loses it’s touch when you see other races have it as bad or in the Forsakens case worse than the hand they were dealt.


Worgens are also the same boat as the Night Elves. But atleast they’re not treated very bad as them through I mean Genn and his forces have no problems fighting the Horde without losing much of their people. Oh wait nevermine Teldrassil.

Atleast Worgen Players are finally happy with the Newer Player Models. I’m not much of a fan of them since I do kind of miss the savage look of their old model. But that’s just me.


Wait hold on why can’t Forsaken make more Forsaken anymore? Wasn’t there one Val’kyr still left?

While it is natural to get annoyed at someone complaining only about something you don’t care for, please keep in mind that posters are not a hivemind and insulting them as a collective is one of the easiest ways to lose what little cross-faction goodwill the remaining posters here can scrape together. We’ve lost enough good people to bitterness over the years.

Also, are Forsaken necromancers no longer a thing? They were hip-checked out of the current story by the val’kyr, definitely, but I thought they still existed. (Where’s Helcular when you need him? :frowning: )

(Edit: not sure why this came out as a reply, but it wasn’t meant to be directed at anyone in particular.)


They just get ignored in the story and their grievances because it’s more important to explore how Sadfang or the rest of the Honor Horde feel about Sylvanas.

It took 6 years and 2-3 expansions to have them even do anything in response to Sylvanas’s attack on Gilneas and at that point it was too little too late.

That and their heritage armor is about all I can really hope for at this point.

I gotta say it really is amazing how Blizzard made them right about Sylvanas but I’m still disappointed about it all because it turned out all along they were never more than a plot device for other character’s to springboard their respective stories. Same sadly goes for Night Elves.


Your leaders have been gutted by the Horde itself so whatever, thats just bad on Blizzard, least they haven’t all been knocked over by the Alliance like the Horde does to us.

Undercity being destroyed is totally on Sylvanas alone, if she didn’t blight it to hell and back maybe a deal could of been arranged later on but that was never her intention.

Forsaken can’t reproduce? OH NO!? Why was this ever seen as bad? The Forsaken HATE their existence but than want to damn everyone else to it? I can see no problem with them wanting to be left alone and not be hunted for just being undead, but to than go around forcing undeath on others to continue the abomination that is their existence doesn’t make sense. Garrosh was straight up right about this when Sylvanas showed him the Val’kyr.

Sorry I guess the Alliance players are tired of getting pounded into the dirt BY THE HORDE with no reciprocation, because whenever that big blow is about to land on the Horde it’s done by the Horde


Yeah the Forsaken lost their home, they just had their leader say they are nothing to her and abandon them, they can t reproduce and now the entire horde sees them as traitors for supporting Sylvanas.

Buuuuut it s the night elves who are the poor poor victims here oohh no one ever suffered like they did ever!



In all admittance, we shouldn’t make this a contest.

I think we all need some form of solidarity now than ever, because Western entertainment in general is dying.

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