If that was the case and that easy, again it would have been fixed long ago.
insert heavy sigh here
While yes, there was an issue BRIEFLY last year where the transmog helms went wonky, that was fixed. This issue that is currently wrecking havoc came about with 9.1 (that dropped June 30th of this year, mind you, so we’re not even at six months with this, let alone a year). This particular bug broke all store-bought mogs and RAF rewards.
You purchased them. They are there. But for some reason it’s the transmog/appearance system that isn’t showing them as available all of the time. All the people who have come here from GM tickets or who have interacted with our Blues has had it confirmed that it’s showing that they own the mogs, they’re still there. But it’s just coming and going from the appearances and ability to mog without rhyme or reason. So your whole thing about making physical items and all of that? Kind of pointless.
I will say it again for the folks in the back. If you bought the mogs, you still have them. It’s not that they’ve been taken away and your money stolen. Yes, it’s annoying and irritating that they’re poofing in and out of your transmog interface, but they are there.
We as players have no way to saying for sure that the issue is there. Lots of players have the transmogs without any issues. Your “obvious” communication error would be happening to a lot more accounts if the issue was where you think it is.
You don’t know that it has anything to do with API.
Feedback and suggestions on this would belong in the General Discussion forum. The Devs who make these decisions don’t take feedback and suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs here are not liaisons with them.
You don’t have enough information about the issue to make that assertion. As players we don’t have access to the internal workings of the system.
Based on what information?
You don’t know that for sure.
You don’t know for sure that is what is happening.
Using a token to create them is no different than a shop item. You don’t know how the item is currently being added to the normal transmog database. How can you be so sure that a token would resolve it?
You making such a statement just shows how ignorant you are of the issue.
Blizzard has never offered a refund for server stability issues. They offered free game time.
Throwing additional QA/dev resources at it does not actually resolve the issue. You are making a major assumption that it isn’t a priority to fix. No resolution doesn’t mean it isn’t being worked on.
No. Bashing Blizzard like that doesn’t make Blizzard look bad. It makes you look bad for insinuating they are lazy because they already got money.
Unless you’re crawling through the code, that just supposition and speculation on your part. That’s your guess.
If the solution is so obvious and easy to implement, why, pray tell, hasn’t Blizzard implemented it yet? Curious to hear your logical explanation.
Trying to open a ticket for this issue is ridiculous. We paid actual money for this appearance. Your ticket system is designed to keep people from submitting tickets, so we come to the forums and get told “submit a ticket”.
Absolutely embarrassing way to run your support.
It’s a bug. A ticket won’t resolve it. GMs don’t fix bugs. The only thing you can do for this one at the moment is file an in-game bug report so QA can get more information on the bug.
The ticket system is designed to help players submit tickets for things a GM or billing can help with. Neither group handles bugs, so you are directed elsewhere.
I did the same exact thing tonight on my five accounts and all the shop tmogs vanished on four of the five accounts sometime while doing the Maw Calling. One still has it - go figure. I submitted a bug to try and help narrow it down.
As a former software tester, I can sympathize. We’d sometimes get odd network timing errors that are impossible to reproduce in a test environment.
Start happening to me tonight too. Not sure if this helps, but this happened immediately after I tried on bunch of different xmog sets, most with appearances I haven’t collected.
Also this does not happen to all my characters on the account, only some of them.
When you file an in-game bug report on a character it is happening to, include that it doesn’t happen to all your characters. That specific information might be helpful.
I’m going to go ahead and close this topic since there’s no additional information that I can provide and the correct instructions have been provided earlier in the thread.
In summary, this is a known issue that the game team has been investigating and attempting to reproduce. We do not have an ETA that we can offer for any sort of permanent fix.
Please continue to report occurrences through the in-game bug report forum if you encounter this issue.
Thank you all!
Kalviery what are you doing, you shouldn’t necro threads.
I know I know, but my previous responses to this thread are often linked in other topics about transmogs missing so I’d like to keep the information in one place. I’m going to leave the topic locked though since we’re just providing updates now and don’t need further discussion.
Now, the update!
The team believes they’ve identified what is causing this to occur and are now working on a permanent solution. That may still take some time, so I don’t have an ETA I can share right now but I did want to share progress on this since I know a lot of people are interested in it.
So it’s been a while since I shared that the QA team had been able to identify the cause. I just wanted to offer an update -
The code changes that are needed for this fix are under review. There are elements of the change that are part of the login flow for a character, so the team is being very careful about what they change and how thoroughly it gets tested. There are also other high impact bugs that may get priority with the QA team so I’m still not able to offer an ETA.
Make sure you’re watching the official Hotfix blog. It will likely be covered there when the fix is released to the live service.
Updating this topic since I’m still seeing it referenced in conversations about this bug:
Happy to report that the changes needed to fix this bug are scheduled as part of the upcoming 9.2.5 Content Update. (thanks to Zungar for also spotting this in the recent patch notes blog!)
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Blizzard Shop transmog cosmetics to temporarily disappear from your collection.
We will be paying close attention once the patch goes live, as we always do, and watching for any new reports of this specific issue occuring.