[N-RP] Helping Hands: New Paths | Open, Public Campaign | Weekly Events | Central Kalimdor

What Combat and Diplomacy
Dates 1-or-2 Events Each Week
Where Central Kalimdor (Various)
Who Advocates for Faction Peace

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The homes of Kalimdor lie in ruins.

Having convened in Dalaran, the “Helping Hands” Coalition accepted their next objective: support the territories of Kalimdor shattered by the war. Thousands of civilians are left without home or steady food supply, teetering on the brink of sickness and death. The coalition has been tasked with establishing trade routes and supply lines to deliver food, medicine, clothes, and building materials to the peoples of Kalimdor.

However, the war ravaged the whole of Azeroth. Supplies are scarce as everyone struggles to rebuild. Bandits roam the roads, and greedy moguls horde whatever goods they can. And no piece of paper will calm the old hatreds that continue to war beyond the gaze of Azeroth’s grand cities. Building an economic network that spans the entire globe will be anything but an easy task.

Can we provide what is needed to rebuild?


Thanks for reading!  

What is Helping Hands?

This is an event series centered on a coalition of peace-advocates seeking to build relations between the Kaldorei and the Horde by resolving actions that both parties agreed to address. This event series has both peaceful and combat events. The second chapter is focused on establishing trade routes to provide materials to kaldorei territories in Kalimdor.

Sample of Possible Events
(Not final/confirmed, example-only)
  • Clearing a dwarven mine of troggs.
  • Driving bandits away from a Redridge Lumbermill.
  • Investigating a disease in Mulgore wildlife.
  • Stopping pirates from robbing cargo ships.
  • Negotiating a trade deal with the Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Cleansing a forest, so wisps may extract wood for lumber.

Chapter 2 will diverge from the standard “DnD”-style campaign in an attempt to do something more experimental. We will have regular “update” meetings, but the majority of this will be player driven through optional missions around the world. The concept is that each region has resources and trade routes, and we must work to convince the locals to send or sell those to the Alliance peoples of Northern Kalimdor.

Additional Details

Target Audience

This event series is aimed towards Alliance, Horde, and neutral groups and individuals. Really, anyone who is interested in rebuilding Azeroth might enjoy this series, though we have a particular focus on those who want to see progress made towards lasting peace. We also have room for antagonists too! Just get in-contact with a DM!

IC Background

In recent conversations with the Horde, the kaldorei demanded action as reparation for the War of Thorns and Burning of Teldrassil. Many Horde-affiliate groups offered aid, so the Kaldorei gathered among themselves to deliberate. Though they rejected direct assistance, they produced a list of actions they’d like to see resolved. They met with the Horde in the shadows of the Nighthold and agreed on which they’d address: destroying Blight stores, manufacturing medical supplies, rescuing souls from the Maw, and restoring arid lands.

They decided to start with destroying Blight stores. In this, they found a Blight-tainted barrow den in Ashenvale. While cleansing it, they encountered a Blight alchemist, Celestine Sorrowsong, performing experiments on the corpses of the druids that once slumbered there. They chased her away, removed the Blight from the den, and cleansed a nearby lake. From there, they cut off her supply lines and pursued her to Lordaeron. Though she initially had the upper hand, they eventually apprehended her. A jury of Horde, Alliance, and neutrals found her to be guilty of multiple war crimes and sentenced her to execution after the crisis in the Shadowlands resolved itself.

After reconvening once more, the kaldorei in attendance requested a drastic change. Rather than reject direct aid, they actively asked for it. It was, by-in-large, the overwhelming majority vote, so the Coalition started their efforts.

Is IC Conflict permitted?

Of course, I fully hope that there is some tension between characters! Working to resolve the distrust is a large part of the event series! However, I would be remiss if I allowed excessive conflict to derail multiple events. The event series caters towards the specified target audience, and it won’t be fun for them if every event just turns into a brawl between belligerents.

We do welcome IC conflict! With that said, if you are bringing a character that you believe will have an exceptionally poor reaction to the opposing faction or peace-building activities, I do ask that you contact me OOCly prior to the event, so we can discuss. I’m not against it, because it makes sense, feels natural for the story world, and could make for interesting story! However, I would like to OOCly coordinate prior, for maintaining the flow and scheduling of the event.

Please understand that the DM(s) of any event maintain OOC control over any combat RP. Guards may be empowered with the ability to power-game for the purpose of roleplaying the prompt, IC removal of belligerents from the discussions. That is to say, for this event, they can take action to remove belligerents without needing to “attempt” or roll. They will automatically succeed on removing belligerent characters. If the guards are ignored, I will instruct attendees to ignore belligerent characters. Again, this is for the sake of maintaining the purpose of the event, so please respect that.

Of course, OOC aggression or other belligerent OOC behavior will not be tolerated, and such players will be promptly ignored.

Help Wanted: DMs Needed! We are seeking storyrunners, dungeon masters, and/or event hosts to help improve our event series!

We are especially interested in Horde (OOC)-main DMs, though any help is appreciated! Primarily, we are looking for dedicated people. People we can count on showing up to almost every event and actively contributing to planning.

Expectations would be to anchor players of your faction to WrA, help plan story arcs, help plan individual events, run booths or sub-activities at non-combat events, potentially plan individual events, and potentially DM combat-oriented events.

Experience is preferred, but not necessarily required, so long as we can count on your showing up! Just let us know how much you have, and we can find a place for you!

Combat System

This was originally inspired by the Year of the Scourge combat system, then the Helping Hands system was incorporated into the Year of the Scourge system.

Combat System

Previous Threads For reference!

Helping Hands (C2-P): Second Year Commencement
Helping Hands (Ch01): Cleansing the Blight
Helping Hands (C0E2): Confirm the Requests
Helping Hands (C0E1): Name the Requests
Peace Summit

Shaha lor'ma! Thanks!

I hope you can make it! :smiley: Please let me know if you have any questions!


Click to zoom!

Our first event will be a meeting with representatives from the Councils of the Forests of Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Mount Hyjal. They will each report on the status of their respective areas, and we will choose which ones to help first and then where do we need to first look for resources?

Can’t wait to see you guys there!


Wolfmane will continue to support the Coalition!

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Love to have you guys around! :smiley:

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The Saberguard will be there to give everyone a headache :joy:


A great cross faction / cross server RP opportunity


We’re getting closer! I can’t wait to see everyone again. We had some really fun times last year.


Spreading the good word!

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Scrolls could be found pinned on hero’s call boards, and some mailed directly to those who had expressed interest.

Click for zoom!

For those who specifically requested letters, the scrolls were longer, going on to explain a few more details regarding the overall plan:

Extra Details (IC Attachment)
The overall objective will be to establish supply lines and trade routes to the Kaldorei-holdings in Northern Kalimdor. Though there are several regions that require aid, we have selected Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Mount Hyjal as our objectives. Each forest has a different population and resource requirement. While some of their population are "stable", other ones are in imminent danger due to disease, a lack of food, or a lack of home.

Region Endangered
Darkshore‎ ‎4,200 4,900
Ashenvale ‎3,800 7,800
Mount Hyjal ‎500 1,400

Each region has already exhausted its limited supply of resources. So, we must create the economic and physical infrastructure necessary to deliver the required materials to each region from external locations.

Our initial economic analysis has suggested that Central Kalimdor, the Broken Isles, and the continent of Azeroth are the best options for supplying the intended recipients. Central Kalimdor is the region south of Ashenvale and north of Tanaris, but also including Azshara. The continent of Azeroth is the Eastern Kingdoms south of the Burning Steppes.

Currently, the supplies needed can be broken into four categories:

  • Lumber
  • Stone and Ore
  • Food
  • Coin, Services, and Personal Goods

Our objective will be to travel to each continent and secure deals with the locals, such that they will provide those goods - either by donation or sale - to the regions in need of supplies.

Lumber, stone and ore, and food are natural resources found in specific regions within each continent. Coin, services, and personal goods can be earned by completing contracts available within each region. Additionally, some regions will have a rich mana supply that can be used to power various, beneficial equipment - such as teleporters and defensive wards.

However, obtaining the goods by themselves will not be enough. Once the deals are struck, they will require a proper trade route from the source region to the recipients. Wars have left the world’s economic networks in shambles, and the infrastructure (both physical and economic) will need to be rebuilt to ensure the goods arrive safely.

Each source continent is afflicted with its own problems that will prevent the acquisition and delivery of goods. Our coalition must resolve these issues for the locals, that they will be open to providing the goods we need.

  • Central Kalimdor: Centaurs and ogre clans have risen in the wake of the Fourth War, robbing trade caravans and raiding settlements across the lands. Additionally, several belligerent groups among the Kaldorei and Horde continue the fan the flames of old hatreds, warring on the Barrens/Ashenvale border.
  • Broken Isles: While still recovering from battles with the Legion, the Scourge ran loose upon the Isles. Now, there are whispers of dark forces rising from the deep places of the earth? In these uncertain times, few are willing to part with the goods at their disposal.
  • Azeroth (Continent): Disgruntled civilians protest the Fourth War. Corruption stains the lands from Westfall to the Blasted Lands. And supplies from Stormwind have dwindled to almost nothing. The regency claims the kingdom is distributing what little supplies are available evenly amongst the member states of the Alliance, but rumors swirl of Arathi and Kul Tiras receiving more than their fair share.

During this week’s meeting, we shall decide which region (Darkshore, Ashenvale, or Mount Hyjal) we shall supply first. Then, we shall decide from which continent (Central Kalimdor, Broken Isles, or Azeroth) we shall start gathering materials. In four to six weeks, we shall reconvene to update the Councils of the Forests and receive their updates for us.

Hey guys!

Our first event of Chapter 2 will be this Friday, April 22nd at Karnum’s Glade in Desolace! After some statements from our NPC council members, the campaign will start with the players choosing how where they want to go and who they want to help first!

Additionally, due to the experimental, and free-form nature of this campaign, I’ve made a graphic to help us keep track!

Click for zoom!

Campaign Tracker Details So... Like I said, this is a bit of an experimental campaign. Rather than following a strict path to chase down a bad guy, like a standard roleplay campaign, we're going to take a more free-form approach.

Ultimately, we have two goals:

  1. Obtain the resources
  2. Build the paths

The campaign will be coordinated through missions: optional events to which the player can opt in. A list of missions will be made available. Players pick the ones they’re interested in, then schedule them with the DMs. It’s a very flexible system that should lend itself well to a campaign surrounding exploring the world and helping resolve the problems of the peoples we meet.

Ashenvale, Darkshore, and Mount Hyjal need our help. The peoples of those lands are in-danger. Though some are safe, others are sick, hungry, or without a home, facing imminent danger every night. And, without the proper resources, more might slip into dangerous conditions.

The peoples of those forests need wood, stone, food, and coin sent their direction. Wood, stone, and food are available in different zones across the world. Our goal will be to go to those zones and complete tasks from the locals. This will earn their trust, so they will agree to send those goods to the kaldorei. However, once they agree, our work isn’t done. We must build and defend the routes (be it road, boat, airship, teleporter, or whatever!) to get those goods from their source to the region in need!

Coin can be earned by completing contracts throughout the world. Additionally, a fifth resource, mana, can be found at magically-rich locations. Though mana isn’t needed for reconstruction, it can help by providing tools and buffs for the coalition!

That is to say… Step One: Earn the Goods. Step 2: Connect the Path. (Or vice versa!)

This page helps keep track of:

  • Overall campaign progress (top bar)
  • How many resources we've unlocked from each continent (left column)
  • How "connected" are those resources back to kaldorei territory
  • How many resources have been sent to each kaldorei region (right column)
  • The current health of each kaldorei region (right column progress bars)

Of course, with this being so experimental, we’ll be trying and toying with different ideas throughout the campaign. We may even scrap the idea and go to a traditional campaign. However, we wanted to start with something a little more open.

So, hopefully, this tool helps us feel like we’re slowly making progress during the long campaign ahead of us.

I’m excited to see you guys there on Friday!

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This looks so amazing! I’m so pumped!

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Tonight! Can’t wait to see everyone!


Starting up very soon! :eyes: Seeya guys there!

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Even though for IC reasons I was strictly there as an observer, it was great making a start at some new connections with RP focused on IC cross-faction cooperation. I look forward to the opportunity for many more encounters.

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:deciduous_tree: Breaking Ground :deciduous_tree:
Index: New Paths - Event 0
Location: Karnum’s Glade, Desolace
When: Friday, April 22nd

Assigned the task of establishing supply lines to deliver critical resources to the forests of northern Kalimdor, the Helping Hands coalition gathered in Karnum’s Glade. There, they were met with representatives from the councils of the forests of Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Mount Hyjal. Each council member described the state of their forest, and made a plea for their help.


Silverwing Captain Ethe’lorne Quietwing, a curt kaldorei woman with a wiry frame and a burn mark across her face, introduced Ashenvale as the breadbasket of kaldorei lands. Though the forests themselves had survived the wars with minimal damage, the same could not be said for the farmlands. Additionally, Ashenvale was suffering from a refugee crisis, particularly around Astranaar. They had a larger population than any other forest, and almost half were in danger. Most of the displaced peoples had moved to the village, which was still damaged. If they could receive assistance, then they may be able to support food production for other forests.


Moonclaw Sentinel Marceline Calledon, a burly worgen woman with dirty-blonde fur and an accent that would make any Gilnean proud, spoke bluntly. While many portions of the forests of Darkshore were fine, others were still recovering from the Blight wagons that spreads toxins across the land. Lor’danel was Blighted practically beyond saving, and Auberdine was little more than a port. There were more refugee camps than she could count. While their population was about half that of Ashenvale, very few could say they were safe. Darkshore was a giant resource sink, they needed more than both other forests. At the least, they have a port, and if they can expand it, they may be able to deliver additional supplies.

Mount Hyjal

Cenarion Elder Melitharn Leafwhistle, a druid worn wrinkly from frowning, was more flustered with the situation on Hyjal. The High Priestess had taken up Nordrassil village as a staging grounds for Sentinel operations post Fourth War. Thus, several had flocked to Nordrassil as a refuge. Hyjal had not rebuilt itself after the Firelord’s attack, but those who showed up were laborious, willing to earn their place. So, Hyjal was in relatively good shape, but did need some extra help to fully secure the new population, even if it was just a fraction of Darkshore and Ashenvale. He pledged the Circle’s aid if they can resolve their situation.

Then, the attending coalition members were asked to vote on which forest they would help first. Though several members of the coalition were not available, those in attendance chose to support Darkshore first. And, they would try to obtain resources from Central Kalimdor. However, this would not be made final until those who could not attend had also voted.

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Hello everyone! Necro’ing my own post!

Shortly after our “Session 0”, life decided to strike me with a series of family crises that left me without the time or emotional bandwidth to support this campaign and Ascension. Ultimately, the decision was made to suspend Helping Hands until Ascension could conclude. While this worked out for the best in terms of scheduling and story for our participants, I apologize to those were looking forward to Helping Hands.

However, Helping Hands was not forgotten! While I do not have a firm restart date, we are currently targeting beginning of September. We will continue with the above plan of restoring Darkshore, starting by resourcing materials from Central Kalimdor!

Thanks everyone for their patience, and we look forward to telling more stories with y’all in the near future!

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Burning Blade of Grass

Event 1 Summary
Date: 09/11/22
Location: Desolace
Description: Karnum Marshweaver of the Cenarion Circle has agreed to provide lumber sourced through wisps encouraging the accelerated growth of trees! However, the Burning Blade Clan is active once more, and taking captives. Additionally, Nelghor the Red - an orcish blademaster - has arrived in the Glade and requested they return all the bladed orcs from Thunderaxe Fortress to him. Having broken into the Fortress, the party now endeavors to chase the Burning Blade members who fled into their garrison.


  • Arrived in Karnum’s Glade
  • Karnum informed group that Burning Blade were draining energy from nearby, restored plains
  • Karnum requested they stop the Burning Blade
  • Nelghor the Red, an orcish blademaster, paid them to capture any orcish swordsmen within the Fortress
  • Scouting revealed the Burning Blade Felsworn using some combination of Fel and Life magic.
  • Warlocks in towers shot down scouts. Fortress went on lockdown.
  • Invisibility spell got forces close to wall without being noticed. They found a weak point in the wall and infiltrated.
  • An illusion spell convinced the Burning Blade that they were greatly outnumbered, so they retreated into their smaller garrison.
  • A felsworn was captured and incapacitated.
  • Mission ended inside Thunderaxe Fortress, with the Burning Blade sealed inside their garrison.

Next time, we push forward to drive them out entirely!

Event 2 Summary
Date: 09/18/22


  • Captured felsworn interrogated. She was a human woman whose ears had both been replaced with a hard, black material with pulsing, green veins.
  • She explained this sect of the Burning Blade had not hurt anyone and wanted to be strong enough to support themselves.
  • Material identified as some form of living felslate infused with natural energies.
  • Party agreed to negotiate with chieftain if felsworn summoned her.
  • Chieftain Noka Vipergaze - another orcish blademaster - emerged from the garrison, with two reavers.
  • The reavers had limbs replaced with the living felslate, and Vipergaze’s eyes were felflame.
  • Vipergaze noted that she and the felsworn - Susan - were injured in the Fourth War.
  • After some negotiations, Vipergaze agreed to stop draining energy from the Wildlands if some supplies and research materials were provided to her clan.
  • She allowed her four orcish reavers - blademaster acolytes - to speak with Nelghor. Some of the coalition remained as collateral while the others escorted the acolytes to Karnum’s Glade.
  • Karnum Marshweaver agreed to further discussions with Vipergaze.
  • Nelghor convinced two reavers to stay with him.
  • The Cenarion Wildlands will heal and be healthy enough to grow lumber.

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Black Dragonfight

Event 1 Summary
Date: 09/12/22
Location: Dustwallow Marsh
Description: A new logging operation is starting up in Mudsprocket. Or… It’s trying to at least! Every time we send our shredders out, they get eaten by a big lizard! We’ve increased the hazard pay, but no one is biting. Find Miss Glitte in Mudsprocket.

  • Auxillary volunteers arrived in Mudsproket.
  • Lyastei informed them that they had contracted a new “eco-friendly” logging operation ("Raid Logs LLC, a subsidiary of Saltbomb L.T.C. Incorporated) to ship supplies to Darkshore.
  • The volunteers filed into a queue, waiting for Miss Glitte to be available.
  • Miss Glitte - chugging her fifth cup of coffee, on vacation, and handling six requests at the same time - had the group sign documents waiving any and all pay and insurance.
  • She informed them that a group of loggers was attacked after a few days of work in the north east. Maybe by a dragon or some large lizard.
  • Security Corps was called, but refused to answer. Hazard pay negotiations were underway, but “the boss” wants to move faster.
  • The party interviewed the residents of the town. One was on her smoke break, one was a guard, one was a foreman who just let someone go.
  • The guard said “the boss” just said label the loggers as K.I.A. No rescue attempts were performed.
  • The volunteers acquired a map and a general direction.
  • They headed into the bog and found the corpse of a large, human woman tied to the effigy of a dragon.
  • The body was bloated, riddled with maggots, and missing from the waist down.

Next time! We delve deeper into the bog to find this… “Dragon”? Or dragon cult!

Event 2 Summary
Date: Monday, September 26th, 2022

  • Realizing they might be facing a larger threat than anticipated, Peko and the Girls called for assistance
  • Reinforcements arrived, and the coalition investigated the swamp
  • They found titanium shredders dragged by roots and swallowed by the earth
  • They were in mostly good order
  • Moving deeper into the swamp, a shadow swooped over the group, and several were nearly swallowed by the mud
  • RIP Akilo’s shredder
  • They found a goblin woman, who tried to flee from them
  • She referred to the dragon as “her master”, and told them they should leave before he decided to attack
  • She told them of his strength and rage
  • His name is “Fenmirion”
  • The shadow swooped overhead, and they released the goblin and took a defensive position
  • As the dragon approached them, Snowy intercepted by tackling him
  • The fall severely wounded her
  • The coalition rushed in to attack, and they were ambushed by his “cult” - mostly goblins and humans with one dwarf
  • The cultists used poisoned arrows that quickly thinned the coalition’s ranks
  • Feyahni stabbed into him with a paralytic poison, then Zara’s arcane arrow pierced his gut
  • The dragon collapsed to the ground, but his cultists ran to his aid
  • The coalition fled

Scouting Mission Summary
Date: Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

  • Members of the group met in Mudsprocket for briefing
  • They were given scrolls of return, should they need them: the scrolls would return them to Mudsprocket after a 10 second charging period, and could not be shared
  • They ventured into the swamp, following the noses of dragons and a felstalker-bound demon hunter
  • Many of the crocolisks were hiding from something
  • Onyxia’s Layer was found abandoned
  • An acrid scent that burned the throat of those with sensitive noses was smelled somewhere far into the swamp
  • They turned away from the swamp and found a cave in southern Dustwallow
  • The cave was guarded by two cultists that were lured away with a crocolisk illusion
  • The group entered the cave and found Fenmirion - bandaged and speaking with a goblin woman and a dwarven man, who was holding a piece of metal
  • One of the distracted guards ran back to declare they were fighting an illusion, caught the group, and alerted the cult in the cave
  • Fenmirion roared and engaged them. Many used the scrolls immediately to retreat. The 10 second charging period began.
  • Some people wanted to stay behind to guard the others during the escape
  • This lead to people exchanging scrolls.
  • Snowy and Remy used the same scroll and were spliced together. They arrived in Mudsprocket: fused to their armor and their flesh melted together, and had to be separated.
  • Maeshkin and Talorian were left behind.
  • They held off the cult and the dragon until their injuries grew severe. Maeshkin used his scroll to teleport both of them out of there.
  • Maeshkin was teleported into a bush, while Talorian was spliced into the ground, and died momentarily.
  • Learnings: The group learned the cult has about 8 members. They learned the location of the dragon’s lair. They learned that Fenmirion is still injured, for now.

Alchemy Mission Summary
Date: Tuesday, October 11th, 2022
Description: With the heroes readying for perhaps another engagement with the dragon cultists, they may need to find a way to deal with that nasty poison. Can they create an antidote before the next battle?

  • The heroes realized they did not have any samples of the poison, so they left for the swamp to find some
  • They noticed the crocolisks were returning, but slowly.
  • However, the swamp was oddly quiet of insects, reptiles, and amphibians
  • Zak - Soriel Linares’s imp - smelled something that smelled like Blight
  • The group followed the imp’s nose and found a green, acrid gas having melted the body of a crocolisk
  • It was clearly the Blight, and the group suspected the cultists may be using the compound
  • Kallistrae weakened the gas with the Holy Light, and Corvin and Zeffregosa blew it away with an icy wind
  • In clearing the gas, they found an air boat ran ashore in the mud
  • In the boat was a short corpse in a reinforced-leather suit, with a cannister and spray-nozzle
  • An arrow penetrated the corpse’s glass, face mask
  • A logo - depicting a bomb with a golden 8 woven between the letters NA CL - was found on the cannister
  • They collected the body and left
  • As they left, Zak grabbed a toad from the swamp and ate it
  • They got the body back to town, and were immediately ran out by Bart the human foreman, due to the stench and lacking of SDS’s for it.
  • Zak got sick and died. RIP imp. He’ll come back
  • The group begins to examine the body…

Alchemy 2 Mission Summary
Date: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022
Description: Having recovered a toad and samples of the Blight, the coalition need to determine how to synthesize a similar poison and create an antidote.

  • The Raid Logs Inc grounds in Mudsprocket were exceptionally busy
  • Small vats were set up on one end, manned by a technician
  • A portable, concrete trailer was parked on the opposite
  • Kallistrae interviewed the technician at the vats
  • He told her this was confidential and she’d need an NDA from Miss Glitte
  • Jak the Imp and Corvin spoke went to the portable trailer and found Foreman Bart arguing with a gnome
  • Bart claimed the gnome was “from corporate”, and had brought concrete, but he wouldn’t forfeit any up despite Bart’s continued requests
  • Bart gave Corvin a lunchbox to take to Glitte
  • Glitte was overwhelmed - papers flying everywhere, cans of energy-drinks stacked high
  • She informed the group that once the antidote was created, their services would no longer be needed
  • She gave them a letter to take to Lyastei
  • They left and found a station set up for them
  • Soriel, Corvin, and Tenuyr analyzed an arrowhead they found, coated in poison, the Blight, and the poison of the toads
  • Soriel determined the composition of the poison, and Corvin realized that wasn’t anything resembling the Blight
  • Tenuyr indicated the toads and an exceptionally toxic venom. Likely, the poison was formed from entirely natural ingredients from the local wildlife
  • With this knowledge, they were able to synthesize a similar poison and create an antidote!
  • Now they can maybe face the dragon cult! If they still need to at all…

Investigation Summary
Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2022
Description: Something is amiss in Mudsprocket. The coalition was dismissed from service with little explanation. Why don’t they want the dragon hunted? What are those technicians bringing in? And what’s the concrete for?

  • The coalition gathered in Mudsprocket, guards eying them warily
  • One technician was disassembling some equipment
  • He was quite dismissive when interviewed, and called guards to dismiss the coalition. The ground around him smelled of Blight.
  • Snowy spoke to a gnomish worker tending to the portal concrete containers
  • He explained that they were intending to level the swamp, after the trees were cleared, but he didn’t know how that’d happen
  • Snowy bribed him to leave
  • Peko spoke with Foreman Bart, who explained that strange things were happening - orders from “Corporate” - and that most of his men had been let go
  • Corvin and Lyastei spoke with Glitte, who simply said the business priorities had changed, and the coalition’s help was no longer needed
  • While discussing, Corvin produced a note from Blight Alchemist Sorrowsong’s mercenaries, employed by Saltbomb Inc.
  • The group reasoned that Raid Logs was associated with Saltbomb Inc, and Saltbomb had sent Blight down to deal with the dragon and other things
  • They decided to brave the dragon and his cult to beseech them for help.
  • They got an audience with Fenmirion
  • Fenmirion kicked a slave - the goblin woman they first met - of his during the discussion to demonstrate his purported affection for his family.
  • Snowy recognized some… manner of Green influence within Fenmirion’s Black heritage, and Fenmirion explained “his father was a green dragon, but he was not born of his seed”
  • Ultimately, they worked out that Fenmirion would assist them, as to not expose his land to any more Blight: no violence, no deaths
  • The coalition headed back: uncertain if Fenmirion would hold his end of the bargain

Invasion Summary
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2022
Description: Having struck a tenuous accord with the dragon cult, the coalition now move in on Raid Logs Inc, to prevent them from unleashing the Blight upon the marshlands. Can they stop the company?

  • The coalition gathered outside Mudsprocket
  • Corvin found a paystub from one of Sorrowsong’s mercenaries: signed by Miss Glitte
  • Ariadanne forged the signature, then took it into town to trick people away
  • He was initially successful, and convinced most of the workers to leave.
  • Fenmirion arrived outside the camp, and was told to wait for a flare and then render anyone left unconscious
  • A technician working on the Blight tanks refused to leave, until Sabrilloth paid him 20,000G ($2,000,000) to leave.
  • Bart marched out of the town, downtrodden. He explained he was let go, and he had a family. Snowy gave him some money, and they wished him the best of luck in future endeavors.
  • They then tried to convince Miss Glitte that the forged letter was real
  • Miss Glitte ordered everyone to return to work, and for guards to apprehend the elven intruders
  • Guards appeared, but Ariadanne teleported everyone out
  • Snowy shot the flare
  • Fenmirion’s roar sent the town into a panic to flee
  • Snowy attempted to disguise Ariadanne as a dragon to sell the illusion, while Corvin and Sabrilloth conjured portals to evacuate people

  • So, yeah, that worked.
  • With a dragon’s roar and two flying about, workers ran from the town, Glitte included, and into portals that took them to Ratchet
  • Fenmirion claimed the Raid Logs camp as his own
  • Peko negotiated with him
  • He’d use his limited control of druidic magic to encourage tree growth for lumber, if they never returned to his lands again
  • Additionally, he explained his slaves could leave if they could muster the will to stand against his rage and fury.
  • Though apprehensive, Peko agreed to these terms on behalf of the coalition.
  • This outpost of Mudsprocket is now controlled by Fenmirion’s cult, and Fenmirion will provide the lumber to the coalition.
  • Mission success!

Hey guys! Just to explain, our current model for Helping Hands is a bit experimental! We’re hosting a few “mini-arcs” around Central Kalimdor. They are almost entirely unrelated to each other, but all focus on the central plot of “go to place, help with problem, get resources”. As of now, the three stories people have elected to pursue are:

  • Burning Blades of Grass: stopping a revived Burning Blade clan in Desolace!
  • Black Dragonfight: investigating attacks on loggers in Dustwallow
  • (Soon!) Bad Tidings All Around: repelling naga attacks on vessels leaving Feathermoon Stronghold

We’ve also tagged along with our friends in the Wolfmane Tribe to assist with their “War Against the Gordunni” plot, wherein the Gordunni ogres are logging Feralas bare, and we have to stop them! If you’re interested in any of these, feel free to stop-on-by to check them out! We usually host a few missions each week!

Bad Tidings All Around
Event 1 Summary
Location: Feralas
Date: Thursday, September 29th, 2022
Summary: Typically, Feathermoon Stronghold would send supplies to Auberdine, but Naga have taken up residence off an island to the west. They lay siege to any ships that attempt to leave the harbor. To add fuel to the flames, a satyr spy was caught in the stronghold. Report to Daloren Cloversheen north of Feathermoon Stronghold for details.

  • Arrived in Feathermoon Stronghold, just north
  • Daloren Cloversheen - a highborne arcanist - teleported to them
  • He asked for their aid with a naga problem
  • The Bloodsheen tribe had gathered on the westernmost island
  • Naga were attacking ships and either killing or capturing their passengers
  • Because of this, only essential supplies and trade could leave Feathermoon
  • They’d been occurring for some time now, maybe a few raids each fortnight
  • Sometimes, ships were left abandoned, with only the people and essential supplies taken

  • Additionally, a satyr spy of the Wildspawn coven was captured, found holding a letter written in Nazja
  • The coalition was taken to the prisoner, who was not speaking with the coalition at all
  • Chenesinre produced a Titanic assistant automaton
  • The Titan device “decontaminated” the prisoner, who cracked under the immense pain
  • He said he was a courier and spy, running encrypted letters in between Tidemistress Falorashj of the Bloodsheen tribe and his master within Eldre’thalas (Dire Maul)
  • He said the Bloodsheen had prisoners and were using green flames
  • He didn’t know the key to decrypt the letters
  • He also mentioned delivering books from Eldre’thalas to the Tidemistress, which primarily concerned the effects of magic on biology
  • Daisath convinced him to consider repenting, then translated the letter from Nazja to Darnassian. Corvin translated from Darnassian to Shalassian.
  • Unre flew a reconnaissance mission. Naga shot their hippogryph with a harpoon, and they had to retreat. But, they were able to identify one location were they could see felflames: an isolated ruin removed from the rest of the complex
Encrypted Letters



Event 2 Summary
Date: Thursday, October 6th


  • The heroes decides to try to rescue the captive prisoners from the naga camp, whichever were still alive
  • If they found green fire, they’d investigate that too
  • The sentinels provided them a dinghy, and Corvin reinforced it with ice
  • Halfway to Sardor Isle to the east, something bumped the boat
  • Rhai detected naga, and Corvin wove the waters to shoot them out of there just in time
  • They arrived on shore, spotting the abandoned, former Stronghold
  • They headed south, to where Unre saw the green flame
  • They came across highborne ruins with green light imitating from within
  • Zara sent in Nameless to inspect, but Nameless didn’t return
  • They advanced, finding no naga, but green flame burning on a corpse
  • While inspecting, naga attacked
  • They were lead by a powerful Tide Priestess, who summoned a storm to empower her troops
  • The heroes fought valiantly, but were unable to stop the storm, and the Naga just barely overcame them, forcing a retreat
  • They picked up the wounded and fled for the shore, making it back by the grace of Elune

Event 3 Summary
Date: Thursday, October 20th
Description: After their earlier defeat in the naga camp, how will the coalition recover? Can they save the prisoners?


  • Having recovered from their recent defeat, the coalition gathered outside Feathermoon
  • This time, they were pulling no stops
  • Sabrilloth scried the area from afar, finding weaknesses in the telemacy-interference wards the naga plaecd around their camps
  • Rhai, Corvin, and Nova worked in unison to build a portal to weave around the wards
  • The coalition arrived directly outside the naga camp
  • They cloaked themselves in illusions what were they hiding oh, themselves to avoid the guards
  • They snuck in without incident
  • Fandria spotted the prisoners, bound in the water to a sunken pier
  • There were kaldorei, worgen, humans, and satyrs
  • Daisath found one kaldorei prisoner being subject to a ritual before a moonwell
  • A naga sorceress was using some relic to infuse her with fel magic
  • The ritual caused the prisoner to grow horns, extra hair, and turned her eyes from silver to red
  • The coalition rushed in to stop it, downing the sorceress in a single, coordinated strike
  • The naga attacked, and the coalition downed their tide priestesses as soon as they could
  • The large, powerful Tide Priestess - Tidemistress Falorashj - charged the group and began to attack, but they repelled her and her attacks.

  • During the fight, Rhai snuck to the prisoners while he gathered his energy
  • Just as the guards started to escort the prisoners away, Rhai launched his attack, downing the myrmidon and nearly felling the priestess as well.
  • The priestess nearly drown Rhai, were it not for the water-breathing potion provided by Unre
  • Tenuyr dominated the mind of a naga abomination, and turned it against its allies
  • Routed and overwhelmed, the naga fled the scene
  • The prisoners were rescued!
  • The woman rescued from the ritual explained that all the satyr prisoners were kaldorei that the naga had transformed
  • She passed out, and the group began healing the rescued prisoners

Scouting Summary
Date: Sunday, October 23rd


  • First Occulus Shadowsinger thought to search the raided, naga camp for an “arcane cypher”
  • These artifices quickly encrypted and decrypted messages using the key
  • If one was left, it might have the key still entered
  • They arrived at the camp, finding the naga picking up
  • Falorashj fled with the green-flame relic
  • The remaining naga were dispatched
  • An arcane cypher was found, but broken
  • The key read, “CL-VE–SHE-N”
  • Rhai ascertained the key was, “CLOVERSHEEN”, the name of the mage that summoned them
  • He then proceeded to translate the letter

Event Four Summary
Date: Thursday, November 3rd


  • The group reviewed the decrypted letter
  • Most interesting was an artifact called “Mas’drisil” - the Eyes of the Ocean.
  • They called in Archmage Daloren Cloversheen to interview
  • Genuinely confused, Cloversheen said he didn’t know why his family name would be used
  • When asked if he had any family, he said he had a sister lost during the Sundering and a brother lost about a millennia ago in the halls of Eldre’thalas
  • The coalition reasoned these two attacking the ships may very well be Cloversheen’s siblings
  • They then interviewed the rescued prisoners
  • A draenei sailor said the non-kaldorei were used as test subjects
  • He then said that the kaldorei were transformed into satyrs by the naga’s experiments
  • They used a relic which looked like some fragment of a Legion ship
  • Aladar Stillbreeze, a demon hunter, comforted a warped satyr, telling him that control and a fulfilling life was possible
  • Reconvening, the coalition decided their next steps were to acquire the relics

Event Five Summary
Date: Wednesday, November 9th

  • The group made way for Eldre’thalas
  • Thanks to the Wolfmane’s recent efforts to combat the Gordunni, the ogres had retreated deeper within the ruins, and weren’t external to stop the approaching coalition
  • They were ambushed by satyrs from atop the walls, but dispatched the group
  • The satyrs set various traps, which they disabled or falsely tripped
  • They found a hidden chamber off the side of the courtyard
  • Satyr and Naga guards stood within, but they were dispatched
  • Beyond the chamber, in a larger cooridoor, Falorashj spoke with a large satyr - presumably this Dalorax
  • Behind Falorashj floated the fel relic
  • Dalorax held a strange spore from which water flowed and eyes sprouted
  • They ambushed the two leaders
  • Loviattar and Lyastei stunned Falorashj
  • Aladar imprisoned Dalorax
  • Rhai freed a captive satyr prisoner
  • They snatched the relics and fled as fast as they could, prisoner in tow
  • They now had the two relics!

Examination Event Summary
Date: Tuesday, November 15th

  • Archmage Aetherlaria Sunsong and Baron Alexander Calnos, recruited at the Kirin Tor Conclave, joined First Occulus Rhai Shadowsinger in inspecting the relics
  • The fel relic was a simple, pyramidal frame, made of a chaos-tainted metal - likely Argunite
  • A crystal floated within the flame, constantly burning with green flames
  • Archmage Sunsong identified several Eredun runes along the frame
  • The runes corresponded to binding, extracting, and pain
  • Baron Calnos analyzed the crystal and determined it was a soul gem, likely holding a pit lord within its confines
  • One theory was the naga or satyrs intended to release the pitlord by feeding it souls, the other was that it was being used as a near-bottomless source of fel energy
  • They then inspected Mas-Drisil.
  • It was a spore-like object, approximately the size of a torso. Water leaked from random pores
  • Frequently, red-burning eyes peaked through instead
  • It was seeped with both the magics of the shadows and the elemental plane of water
  • With the two side-by-side, the examiners wondered if the naga intended to use Mas-Drisil to make more naga, as they had used the soul cage to make more satyrs.

Event 6 Summary
Date: Thursday, November 17th


  • The coalition knew the satyrs and naga would be coming for the relics
  • A storm approached from the waters
  • Daisath inspected Mas-drisil
  • Realizing it was some fragment of a powerful, Void abberation - maybe even as strong as an Old God -, she warned Rhai not to touch it
  • While they planned, a horn sounded across the Stronghold
  • Naga invaders rose from the sea
  • The coalition hid Mas-Drisil and the Soul Cage within Rhai’s backpack, and hurried into a tower
  • The Sentinel army engaged the invaders, but some slipped past and pursued the coalition!
  • While the volunteers tried to funnel the invaders through a pinch-point, Tidemisstress Falorashj rose to their level upon a column of water
  • There, she summoned a portal to the bottom of the ocean and blasted the tightly-packed coalition members!
  • As they tried to pick themselves up, a seawitch called lightning onto the roof, and a thump was heard!
  • Dalorax clawed through the burned roof, descending upon Rhai
  • Though their lesser forces were defeated, Falorashj and Dalorax nearly killed the volunteers
  • Finally, Daloren teleported into the room, warping time to the coalition’s advantage
  • Falorashj was defeated with an Elune-blessed strike from Loviattar, while the others focused their efforts on Dalorax, who fell quickly thereafter
  • Survivors were taken to the prison within Feathermoon
  • Mas-drisil is missing, last seen in the arms of Daisath - the kaldorei witch
  • Aladar had the Soul Cage hidden away, notifying the Duskwatch to retrieve it as soon as possible, or relegate it’s care to the Illidari
  • Arrangements are being made to hold Falorashj and Dalorax within the Violet Hold or the prisons of the Sanctum of Order
  • For now, the shipping lanes are open once more! The SpiceSupplies can flow freely to Darkshore!
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