[N-RP] Helping Hands: New Paths | Open, Public Campaign | Weekly Events | Central Kalimdor

Thread has been updated with most recent plot stuff!


Desolace - Burning Blade of Grass
The heroes were summoned by the Cenarion Circle to stop the Burning Blade from corrupting the growing Wildlands. The coalition invaded Thunder Axe Fortress to confront the newest sect within. However, they were able to negotiate a peace between the Burning Blade sect and the Cenarion Circle. The Circle will provide some supplies for the Blade to use for their experiments, and the Blade will not touch the Wildlands, allowing them to heal. Mission accomplished!

Dustwallow - Black Dragonfight
The coalition was asked to investigate dragon attacks on prototype shredders. They found a cult dedicated to a black dragon named, “Fenmirion”. The dragon attacked them, but they managed to defeat it. However, they were forced to flee, and the dragon’s cultists were able to recover him.

Feralas - Bad Tidings All Around
The coalition was asked to stop naga attacks on ships leaving Feathermoon, carrying supplies to Darkshore. The Bloodsheen naga have been taking prisoners. A satyr was captured with an encrypted letter written in Nazja. Through interrogating the satyr, the coalition learned the naga were using green flame and communicating with the Wildspawn satyrs of Eldre’thalas (Dire Maul).

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Plot posts have been updated!

This week on Helpingball Z!

Dustwallow - Black Dragonfight
The coalition scouted the nearby area, trying to find the dragon’s lair! While they were successful in locating the monster’s fortress, they were caught while investigating. They managed to spot Fenmirion inspecting a metal plate with his dwarven servant before the coalition fled for Mudsprocket!

Feralas - Bad Tiding All Around
The coalition decided to rescue the civilians from the naga-infested ruins on Sardor Isle! They barely escaped an attack as they sailed for the island. As soon as they found a fel-flame addled corpse in the ruins, naga ambushed them, and they were forced to flee!

Next in Helping Hands!

Tuesday, October 11th @ 6PM WrA - Black Dragonfight - Alchemy
With the heroes readying for perhaps another engagement with the dragon cultists, they may need to find a way to deal with that nasty poison. Can they create an antidote before the next battle?

Thursday, October 13th @ 5PM WrA - The Trial of Broodqueen Vess’tra
Having brought the Void into Broken Isles and orchestrated countless horrors, Vess’tra was captured by the heroes. Now, she is to be brought before a jury of those she harmed in a trial to determine her fate.

[TENTATIVE!] Thursday October 20th @5:30 PM WrA - Bad Tidings All Around 3
Typically, Feathermoon Stronghold would send supplies to Auberdine, but Naga have taken up residence off an island to the west. They lay siege to any ships that attempt to leave the harbor. To add fuel to the flames, a satyr spy was caught in the stronghold. After an earlier defeat, how will they recover and proceed?

Feathermoon Stronghold needs our help.

Join us in Feralas to aid the Kaldorei in their fight against the Naga.

Plot posts have been updated!

Last week on Helping Hands!

Dustwallow - Black Dragonfight
Seeking to find an antidote for the cult’s poison, the coalition scoured the swamp for any ingredients that could be used to replicate it. However, they found a section of Blighted forest, and a corpse in a hazmat suit with an arrow stuck through its head. They collected a poisonous frog and used it to develop an antidote; however, Miss Glitte - admin assistant for the site - said their services were no longer needed. What’s going on?

Feralas - Bad Tidings All Around
The coalition gathered their forces once more and infiltrated the naga camp via a portal guided by astral scrying. They found a naga using a relic to infuse a kaldorei with fel energy - converting her into a satyr. The volunteers sprung into action! They drove off the naga and rescued the prisoners, among which were several satyrs.

Next on Helping Hands!

Wednesday, October 26th @6PM WrA - Black Dragonfight - Suspicion
Something is amiss in Mudsprocket. The coalition was dismissed from service with little explanation. Why don’t they want the dragon hunted? What are those technicians bringing in? And what’s the concrete for?

Thursday, October 27th @5:30PM WrA - Bad Tidings All Around
With the prisoners rescued, the coalition turn their attention to the encrypted messages and the satyrs lurking in Dire Maul! What will their next steps be?

Wednesday, November 2nd @6PM WrA - Black Dragonfight - Invasion
With the antidote developed for the poison, and the dragon’s cave located, it’s time to finish off the dragon once and for all! Hopefully, they’ll be able to this time.

Feel free to stop in and join us! We’d love to have you!

We’ve been having a lot of fun! Come out and join us for the upcoming events!

Event tonight!

Plot posts have been updated!

Dustwallow - Black Dragonfight
While investigating a cure for the cult’s poison, the coalition found Blight within the swamp, and a body wearing a chem suit with a “Saltbomb LTC” logo on it. They realized that Raid Logs LLC was owned by Saltbomb, a customer of Blight Alchemist Celestine Sorrowsong. So, they, begrudgingly, turned to Fenmirion for mutual help. The dragon agreed, and the two worked together to drive Raid Logs from Dustwallow without any bloodshed! The dragon agreed to teach his disciples druidic training, so they could grow lumber for the kaldorei.

Feralas - Bad Tidings All Around
The coalition rescued the captive sailors from the naga and decrypted the messages between the naga and the satyrs. The naga had been transforming kaldorei into satyrs in exchange for a relic called “Mas’drisil” - the Eyes of the Ocean. They interrupted a meeting between the naga and satyr leaders, stole the relics, and, upon inspection, ascertained that Mas’drisil could likely turn kaldorei into naga. The naga and satyr invaded Feathermoon, but failed to escape with their relics before being defeated! With the naga threat freed, the shipping lanes between central Kalimdor and Darkshore are open one again!

With that, we are going on hiatus to give people time for the new expansion and all the weird time-skipping that’s gonna happen! Helping Hands Chapter 2 was an experimental format, relying solely on player missions and with minimal guidance from “leader” characters. So, we’ll be evaluating and returning in early 2023 with Helping Hands Chapter 2.5! In the mean time, stop by the annual Duskwatch Saberguard Military Ball for awards and a party!

We’re excited to see where this community goes, and hope to see you there come 2023!

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Hello friends!

Due my helping with other, January events and a lot of our participating guilds wanting to sink their teeth into Dragon Isles RP, we are not looking at restarting activity until mid-to-late February. Currently, the tentative plan is to have another “summit”-style meeting, where people can get introduced to the campaign. Then, likely, we’ll be planning events in Northern Kalimdor - Ashenvale, Felwood, Azshara, Winterspring, and Hyjal!

Can’t wait to start up again in 2023! See you guys then!