[N-RP] Helping Hands Second Year Commencement| Fri 2/4 | Dalaran (Broken Isles, Portrait Room)

Time 5:00 PM ST
Date Friday, Feb 4th
What Discussion and Planning
Who Advocates for Faction Peace
Where Portrait Room, Dalaran (Broken Isles)

Check out our Discord!

Peace is a path, not a destination.

One year ago, those whose peoples’ allegiances lie with the Horde asked of the Kaldorei, “What can be done in the wake of Teldrassil?” The Kaldorei demanded action. Though they would not accept direct aid, they instead requested the Horde set out in acts of healing across the world.

Those who committed to those reparations formed the Helping Hands coalition, and spent several months traveling the world to heal the wounds created by the Blight. Despite their work, this is only the first of many steps towards healing. Once more they convene to evaluate what is needed and what to do next. The path stretches ever onwards…

Can we continue to walk it?


Thanks for reading!

What, Where, When?

This is a congregation to discuss plans for the Helping Hands coalition for the upcoming year. We will invite public speakers who wish to voice their opinions, and then vote on what items we want to prioritize.

Our current goals are to manufacture and distribute medical supplies, restore arid lands in Kalimdor, rescue souls from the Maw, and cleanse the lands of Blight.

  1. Opening Remarks/Prayer
  2. Invitation for Kaldorei to Update Requests
  3. Discussion on New Requests
  4. Vote to Confirm New Requests
  5. Discussion on Goal Priority
  6. Vote on Goal Priority
  7. Open Forum Discussion
  8. Closing Remarks

Speakers will have ten minutes each.

It will be held at 5:00 PM on Friday February 4th, 2022.

Location will in the Portrait Room underneath the Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran (Broken Isles).

Help Needed: Volunteer Speakers!

We need characters to be volunteer speakers! If your character is interested, please contact me via this forum, in-game mail, or by visiting our Discord!

Guards may be anyone who wishes to expand the goals of the coalition, anyone who wants to prioritize one goal over the others, and anyone who just has something they want to say about faction peace and neutrality!

Guards will be there to stand around and look mean, keep the peace should any troublemakers show up.

Volunteer Speakers

Volunteer Guards

  1. Duskwatch Saberguard

Additional Details

What is Helping Hands?

This is a public event series that started as a coalition of peace-advocates seeking to build relations between the Kaldorei and the Horde by resolving actions that both parties agreed to address. Having traveled the globe together for several months, they are seeking to expand to provide diplomatic and relief efforts wherever needed! This event series has both peaceful and combat events, though, initially, the combat will largely be RP-PvE.

It is an open invite to all participants! Our goal is to provide consistent roleplay opportunities for as wide an audience as we can.

Target Audience

This event series is aimed towards Alliance, Horde, and neutral groups and individuals. Really, anyone who is interested in rebuilding Azeroth might enjoy this series, though we have a particular focus on those who want to see progress made towards lasting peace. We also have room for antagonists too! Just get in-contact with a DM!

IC Background

In recent conversations with the Horde, the kaldorei demanded action as reparation for the War of Thorns and Burning of Teldrassil. Many Horde-affiliate groups offered aid, so the Kaldorei gathered among themselves to deliberate. Though they rejected direct assistance, they produced a list of actions they’d like to see resolved. They met with the Horde in the shadows of the Nighthold and agreed on which they’d address: destroying Blight stores, manufacturing medical supplies, rescuing souls from the Maw, and restoring arid lands.

They decided to start with destroying Blight stores. In this, they found a Blight-tainted barrow den in Ashenvale. While cleansing it, they encountered a Blight alchemist, Celestine Sorrowsong, performing experiments on the corpses of the druids that once slumbered there. They chased her away, removed the Blight from the den, and cleansed a nearby lake. From there, they cut off her supply lines and pursued her to Lordaeron. Though she initially had the upper hand, they eventually apprehended her. A jury of Horde, Alliance, and neutrals found her to be guilty of multiple war crimes and sentenced her to execution after the crisis in the Shadowlands resolved itself.


Is IC Conflict permitted?

Of course, I fully hope that there is some tension between characters! Working to resolve the distrust is a large part of the event series! However, I would be remiss if I allowed excessive conflict to derail multiple events. The event series caters towards the specified target audience, and it won’t be fun for them if every event just turns into a brawl between belligerents.

We do welcome IC conflict! With that said, if you are bringing a character that you believe will have an exceptionally poor reaction to the opposing faction or peace-building activities, I do ask that you contact me OOCly prior to the event, so we can discuss. I’m not against it, because it makes sense, feels natural for the story world, and could make for interesting story! However, I would like to OOCly coordinate prior, for maintaining the flow and scheduling of the event.

Please understand that the DM(s) of any event maintain OOC control over any combat RP. Guards may be empowered with the ability to power-game for the purpose of roleplaying the prompt, IC removal of belligerents from the discussions. That is to say, for this event, they can take action to remove belligerents without needing to “attempt” or roll. They will automatically succeed on removing belligerent characters. If the guards are ignored, I will instruct attendees to ignore belligerent characters. Again, this is for the sake of maintaining the purpose of the event, so please respect that.

Of course, OOC aggression or other belligerent OOC behavior will not be tolerated, and such players will be promptly ignored.

Help Wanted: DMs Needed! We are seeking storyrunners, dungeon masters, and/or event hosts to help improve our event series!

We are especially interested in Horde (OOC)-main DMs, though any help is appreciated! Primarily, we are looking for dedicated people. People we can count on showing up to almost every event and actively contributing to planning.

Expectations would be to anchor players of your faction to WrA, help plan story arcs, help plan individual events, run booths or sub-activities at non-combat events, potentially plan individual events, and potentially DM combat-oriented events.

Experience is preferred, but not necessarily required, so long as we can count on your showing up! Just let us know how much you have, and we can find a place for you!

Combat System

This was originally inspired by the Year of the Scourge combat system, then the Helping Hands system was incorporated into the Year of the Scourge system.

Combat System

Previous Threads For reference!

Helping Hands (Ch01): Cleansing the Blight
Helping Hands (C0E2): Confirm the Requests
Helping Hands (C0E1): Name the Requests
Peace Summit

Shaha lor'ma! Thanks!

I hope you can make it! :smiley: Please let me know if you have any questions!


Tossing this on here! It’s an event invite on Discord! Not really sure how they work, but they’ve been useful so far! I think it also serves as a Discord invite when sent to people not in the Discord? Oh well.

EDIT: It appears that, yes, it’s just a server invite when sent off the server. Oh well! They’re neat! If anyone hasn’t started using them in their Discord server, highly recommend!

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You have the Duskwatch Saberguard as guards for sure!

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So glad to see you’re still at it. I will be looking into this and see what I can do.


Hey guys!

Helping Hands will be wrapping up 2021 with our obligatory beach episode! Sholazarty will be happening this Saturday, January 15th, at 5PM server time! There will be a cannonball and swimsuit competition, so stop by if you want to chill!

We’ll also be hanging with the Year of the Scourge folks, since they’re our sister campaign!

Two weeks to go! (Well, a little less, but still!)

I’m excited for whatever happens! If anyone wants to prepare a speech, please let me know!

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I was very much looking forward to participating in this but it seems I will be required to work 2nd shift on Fridays for the forseeable future. Is there still any way for my wife and I to be involved?


I’m sorry you can’t make it, but… Yes! This will just be the first of many events :slight_smile: If you can’t make it to this one, we’ll keep you informed on other ones! post about other ones on the forums and in our Discord!

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Not long now. We hope to see everyone out there!

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Hey guys! A few announcements!

IMPORTANT! Change of Location
Due to request from our participants and civil unrest in Suramar, we have decided to move our Commencement to The Portrait Room underneath the Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran (Broken Isles)! Time and topic are still the same!

Looking for Speakers
While people may speak ad hoc, you may also reserve a spot to speak! The benefit is both ad hoc and volunteer speakers have 10 minutes, so volunteer speakers may prepare their speeches early, and thus get to say more! Plus, it helps me with planning.

As a reminder, our current goals are:

  1. Manufacturing and distributing medical supplies
  2. Restoring arid territories of mutual interest
  3. Rescuing souls from the Maw
  4. Continued cleansing and destruction of the Blight

We will be talking about them in this order:

  1. We will be discussing expanding our operations to include additional goals.
    So if you want to add stuff to our list, please sign up to speak!
  2. We will be discussing priority: i.e. which do we want to work on first.
    So, if you think we really need to focus on one thing, please sign up to speak!
  3. We we will be opening the floor to anyone wishes to discuss anything.
    So, if you just want to say something, please sign up to speak!

Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to sign up!


Even though we will be under the watchful eye of the Dalaran mages, the Duskwatch Saberguard will still be there to make sure no one causes trouble.

Watch me be the one to cause trouble like last time. :smiley:

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Scrolls were mailed to anyone who expressed interest. Others were posted on Hero Call Boards across Azeroth!

((You can click to zoom!))
((Still have that glitch…))

Plain Text A Summons Addressed to All Interested Parties

With fate having granted us a successful first year, our coalition now turns to the future. We gather to review our mission and ensure we still walk the most effective path to a brighter future for all of our peoples.

Currently, our objectives are:

  • Manufacture and distribute medical supplies
  • Restore arid lands of mutual interest
  • Rescue souls damned to the Maw
  • Continued cleansing of Blight

We invite you to our discussion in the Portrait Room of Dalaran, underneath the Chamber of the Guardian. We will evaluate our current objectives, expanding or removing as necessary, then prioritize our focus for the upcoming year. Please write me if you wish to reserve a speaking slot.

I am excited to chart our course with all of you.

Zin-al Elune,
Lyastei Starbreeze

Priestess of Elune
Penned: Captain Loviattar Al’shaanth

Just two more days! Still looking for speakers! Again, anyone can speak, but you can reserve a spot!

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Cancelling our Friday night guild event to encourage folks to go to this! Always want to encourage server-campaigns.


Tonight! Come out and join us!

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Groups will be going up in about 30 minutes! Message Lyastei-WyrmrestAccord (Alliance) or Loviattar-WyrmrestAccord (Horde), or search for HH: Dalaran in the group finder! Joining the group is not required! We’re offering to help anchor people and in case someone needs directions!

As a reminder, we’ve moved to The Portrait Room underneath the Chamber of the Guardian in Dalaran (Broken Isles)!

Hope to see you there :smiley:

Great first event! I’m excited to see what comes next! Thanks for hosting and putting it on!


Annnd here’s an album


Funny enough I didn’t take any screenshots of myself speaking, just a bit of the chat log after I poofed back up stairs.

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sad noises since has issues excusing characters attending thanks to previous experiences that left them very dissatisfied

Click to zoom!
Plain Text A summons addressed to all interested parties,

Our coalition and several interested parties gathered in the Portrait Room of Dalaran to discuss our plans for the upcoming year. Per the suggestion of our delegates and majority vote amongst those present, our coalition has been set upon a new path.

Our primary focus over the next year will be establishing secure supply and trade routes to provide reconstruction materials to any kaldorei villages, provided they welcome the aid. A diverse and broad supply network will be created to maintain the natural balance in the lands from which we extract those resources.

Though supplying reconstruction materials is our primary objective, we are also evaluating if resources and time will permit us to tend to some of our other goals. Additionally, the coalition elected to expand the scope of our objective of manufacturing and distributing medical supplies to include services aimed at alleviating mental trauma.

May fate guide us swift and true into a new year of growth and recovery.

Zin-al Elune,
Lyastei Starbreeze

That’s it for our Commencement! After a year of “We have been asked not to provide direct assistance”, the Coalition - per suggestion of an attending kaldorei - are switching their focus to providing supplies for any kaldorei settlement that will accept them!

We’ll be focusing on establishing trade and supply routes, rebuilding villages, and try to incorporate bits and pieces of our other goals! We are also considering expansion to a subcampaign as well!

I’d also like to give a giant thanks to ur wonderful support DM: Loviattar of the Duskwatch Saberguard! For generally putting up with me while I haphazard my way through virtually every step.

Anyways, I’m excited for this next year! There will probably be a new forums post for that campaign, and I’ll see you guys then!

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