[N-RP] Ascension: The Dreaming Spider | Thurdays 5:00 PM | Suramar

:spider: :dragon_face: Into the Nightmare :dragon_face: :spider:
Index: The Dreaming Spider - Event 8
Location: Ironhorn Enclave - Highmountain
Date: Thursday, June 9th

The coalition met in Ironhorn Enclave to discuss the information gathered from last week’s venture into the Drogbar caves north of their camp. The tauren, Defa, whom they had rescued in Val’sharah passed out hot stew and bread for the hungry group to eat while they made plans.

However, just as dinner began, their minds were assaulted with disturbing images and whispers. Even those that did not eat found themselves seeing and hearing things.

Those with a strong connection to Elune tried to call upon Her power, but she did not answer. Void-mutated entities, rats and spiders and all manner of vermin, swarmed the group. As they fought the creatures, they had to fight off encroaching hallucinations.

Eventually, the final creature fell, but their vision blurred! They fell unconscious and awoke in a tangled cavern of red and black vines. Not only was the coalition here but a resident of Duskwood awoke in the Nightmare as well!

Their confusion as to how and why the Duskwood resident was there was suddenly interrupted as they moved further into the Nightmare twisted cavern, to a place where it expanded into a massive clearing…

…only to find a rotting dragon asleep in the center. As they approached, they noticed a fal’dorei roosting just overhead, trying to stay out of sight.

The heroes engaged the fal’dorei, but the dragon sprang to life! It spewed vile breath, and their vision twisted. However, eventually, both the mutant elf and the corrupted drake fell.

Still yet, the heroes felt their vision blur once more. And then, they roused in their beds in Ironhorn Enclave and Duskwood. Each one found a strange bite on them, that of a spider.

It would seem as though the villains had hallucinogenic arachnids and those arachnids were no longer contained within the Broken Isles. They were spreading and had apparently reached Duskwood.

Where else in Azeroth had they spread to?

The heroes prepared to keep an eye out for them and search for whatever might be controlling the creatures as their campaign against the Nightmare continues…


:mount_fuji: Battle for Thunder Totem :mount_fuji:

Interrogating a drogbar gave the group some important information: the fal’dorei needed more void corrupted troops and there would be a push soon to get them. The largest, easiest source of civilians- Thunder Totem.

Many civilians had sought refuge in the city, hunkering down inside the lower sections for fear of the flesh construct dragon that haunted the skies at night. Highmountain defenders were worn out and exhausted from constant Drogbar attacks. It was clear the coalition needed to reinforce and help defend the city should an attack come.

The group moved their camp from the Ironhorn Enclave to Thunder Totem, setting up on the outskirts of the city where they could be readily available for any attacks that could come. As soon as camp was made, the work began to fortify the city.

Then, as the sun set between the mountain tops, shadows moved in the caves outside of Thunder Totem. Drogbar suddenly flooded out, attacking the lower levels to try and grab the civilians. The team split up, a group led by Lyastei and Huwah heading down to try and do what they could to stop the drogbar.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group stayed up top to assist Highmountain protectors should the dragon join the battle. As the final rays of the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, a heavy mist crept across the valley and then… a roar.

The flesh construct dragon had joined the battle! Just as the dragon attacked, massive boulders slammed into the side of the city as void corrupted Ettin suddenly charged down from the hillside above Thunder Totem. It became a battle on three fronts as Veladrin, the void corrupted San’layn appeared to lead the corrupted forces in the attack.

Despite taking heavy casualties, one of which a dragon ally, the group was able to destroy the constructed dragon and the ettins. The civilians were saved and Veladrin was forced to retreat.

The group had saved Thunder Totem…


This story is amazing! Is this open to new people to join? If so, is this only for WrA characters, or could a MG character join?


Hi! A Moon Guard character is welcome to join! Please whisper Lyastei-WymrestAccord at the start of the event! Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to review our combat system, linked in the first post.

Tonight’s event starts in 1 hr 15 minutes! We’ll be in Meredil, Suramar. Everyone will have needed to complete the very first intro quests for Suramar, but it only takes about 10 minutes. Can’t wait to see you there!


This is tonight at 5PM WrA! Come tag along as we try to retake Shal’aran from the Nightmare Fal’dorei!


Its happening!


Return to Suramar

After driving off the mutated San’layn and destroying her constructed flesh dragon at Thunder Totem, the group turned their sights on Suramar. Leaving a few members of the coalition in Highmountain to help where they could, the rest of the group traveled back down the high road to Meredil.

Thin, wispy webbing covered the land and from all sides they felt they were being watched as they traveled the ancient main road through the forest. Then they arrived at Meredil… only to find it completely taken over by Fal’dorei and those Duskwatch that had stayed behind were prisoners wrapped in tight, nightmare webbing.

Inside Shal’aran sat the Arcan’dor, the tree that had quickly become sacred to the Shal’dorei people. As the group pushed into the depths of the underground complex… they found the Fal’dorei leader, Brood Queen Vess’tra, forcing void magics into a gnarled and twisted Arcan’dor in her attempts to kill it.

The group attacked the Fal’dorei, fighting against nightmare amalgamations and a strong force of Vess’tra’s elite Reavers. After a long and hard battle the coalition forced the Brood Queen back and she slipped away through a void warped portal to the Arcway.


Suramar City

News of Dalaran going into a lockdown reached the coalition in Suramar by way of the Sunreavers. Fal’dorei sympathizers were shipping tainted wine and dreamweaver spiders out of the city in their attempt to gain a foothold outside of the Broken Isles.

As Suramar City also went into lockdown and news of corruption on the streets came to the coalition, they decided to help the civilians rather than persue the fleeing Vess’tra. Leaving Meredil in Duskwatch hands, the group then moved onto the city itself in order to set up a safe zone and save what civilians they could.

As soon as they were cleared to cross into the city, the group found themselves faced with mobs of civilians trying to flee the city. The tiers closest to the Nighthold were being corrupted, civilians warping into monstrosities and family members lapsing into horrible nightmare induced comas. The people were afraid, panicked and quickly overwhelming the gate guards in their rush to get to Meredil.

Luckily with the help of the coalition, the masses were briefly calmed and were brought to Aubade, the home of Lady Seilune Astrande. There the coalition began preparing wards and defenses to create a safe zone on the high, upper tier of the city.

While the group was setting up the safe zone, two different elves arrived to ask for help. News of the coalition being in the city had travelled fast and they had rushed over for help.

The first was a Sin’dorei, one of the relief team that had been sent from Silvermoon to help Suramar. The main force of the Sin’dorei unit was missing, last seen around the Menagerie, and he was hoping the group could help him find them.

The other elf that appeared was a nervous and stressed out Shal’dorei, a medic in the lower tier that appeared exhausted and desperate. She and her assistants had set up a field hospital beneath the canals but they were in danger of being overrun as more civilians and strange aberrations roamed the streets.

The coalition decided to split up and help both if they could.

The Menagerie

Led by Loviattar, part of the team traveled fast to the Menagerie. The paths through the exhibits were eerily silent with trash strewn about as if people had dropped their snacks and fled mid tour.

While they followed clues that the Sin’dorei had been here, they were suddenly attacked! Void warped penguins waddled out of their paddocks and up to the group, exploding on them when they drew close. A nightmare Zevra suddenly charged and in the distance, a void twisted devilsaur was in deadly combat with a group of raptors.

Using the dino on dino combat as a cover, the group snuck into the cave behind them and found the Sin’dorei group barricaded inside. With them was a gaggle of children that had slipped out of their parent’s grasp and wandered into the Menagerie alone. With promises of painting the kids faces and help from the Sin’dorei, the group was able to use illusions and invisibility to get themselves out of the paddock and back to Aubade.

The Canals

The rest of the coalition, under leadership of Priestess Lyastei, traveled down to help the medics and exhausted Duskwatch in the lower tiers of the city. Beneath the canals, the Shal’dorei had created a small safe house to treat the wounded and save as many as they could.

There, drifting along the streets, were eerie shades that seemed to be perception-shifted shal’dorei mutants. In an effort to distract the mutants, they attacked and the team quickly moved to defend themselves and the ailing civilians.

With the shades destroyed, the group found medics attempting to cleanse the corruption from the sick and wounded. With the help of the coalition, the cleansed Shal’dorei were escorted back to Aubade and the safe zone.


I love the font in the OP. The whole concept sounds cool, love me some eldritch cthulhu horror!

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Thanks! It’s a custom font called “Raven Song”. It’s coming up towards the end of the campaign, but you’re welcome to join us if you want to hang out!


The finale is upon us!

Its been great to be apart of this campaign on the small groups of characters have have brought.

I hope I will be able to make it! RL be so kind!

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This week will be the finale for Ascension! We’ve had a wonderful time DMing for our friends in the community, and we’re excited to wrap up the campaign!

A few things about the finale!

  • It will be a two-part event! With the first night being Wednesday, July 27th and the second (and final!) night being Thursday, July 28th!
  • It will be in the Nighthold! So, your character must be at least Level 45 to attend! Please make sure to level your character! (I think Wisdom of the Winds 50% EXP buff is still up!)

Can’t wait to see you there!


Yeah, the buff is up. Lvling has been a lot nicer.

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I LOVE that you guys are doing this as a two-part event.

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Well we wanted to make sure there was plenty of time for After RP (aka everyone kills me bc I’m a terrible DM and storms off RP)

But really, we wanted to make sure we had plenty of time for after RP and healing. :smiley:


I really love that! How long are both events expected to last?

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We usually end around 11 est or a little bit after


I super wish that I could be there for the finale, but sadly I’ll be working during on both days. I hope everyone has a great time! :partying_face:

It’s finale time!

It’s been a wild ride!

Final is starting up right now! Message Vesstria-WyrmrestAccord (Horde) or Lyastei-WyrmrestAccord (Alliance) for an invite!