More LGBT content please

So you want more but not really? Got it, loud and clear.

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Could it be the fact that you alone have made so many threads over the last few months in regards to the topic?

You have done so much alone to hurt any good will between the LGBT players and the rest of the WoW community alone that any new thread by anyone else no matter how honest and meaningful they are in their opinion or desires has been tainted to the point now that most people including people of the community you claim to be a part of think of them all as trolling.


I think abortion is wrong, but I’m not against contraception.

That also has nothing to do with the reasoning behind animals being homosexual. What is the purpose of it? If it doesn’t propagate the population, then how is it not an anomaly?

Really enjoying this discussion, by the way. I’d like to hear about people’s thoughts on the benefits of people being born attracted to the same sex etc.

Same can be applied to your “its not natural” talk. If we only engage in intercourse to procreate then why use condoms and birth control at all, lets all procreate until there isnt an inch of free land left on the planet.

Yes it is archaic. lgbt is as natural as being straight. Blizzard realizes this from recent character development and I hope they continue to add more. If you can’t accept lgbt characters in media then that’s a you problem, not Blizzards.

Can we just have straight up animated gay “love” sequences. Let’s skip to the good part?

So answer the question as to why you people are so obsessed with stalking such threads?

You are controlled by your compulsions to spread hatred against us, and to you, we’re not even allowed to be visible.

No. We’re not playing that game anymore, and never again you old man

These arguments always amaze me. Do you understand one iota about how media and the culture around you shapes your likes and dislikes? Have you ever been educated about these very simple concepts? There is an avalanche of scholarship that describes all of the nuances of these issues. The ignorant arrogance of people like you: “It grosses me out so it must be the nature of all things!” Get over yourself, listen, learn and grow.

Yea, you can do that in your private time buddy, i have no desire to see ANY animated love making in Warcraft. Oh the horror!

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No one cares what side of the closet door you reside on, troll.


Where in my post did I say we need lgbt representation everywhere? Are we not allowed to enjoy the very little lgbt relationships in game and hope for more to be added?

Im still waiting for a romance in media where two characters happen to be gay and are not the “yas queeeN!” best gay friend stereotype. Also, romance, not a sex scene. That’s important.

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I’ve never heard of talonel but his posts have no influence on others. Stop trying to stir the pot and blame prejudice actions on one individual. Those who dislike lgbt have always disliked them and sadly it’s hard to change their perception once they’ve been wired to do so.

I have never spread hatred in any of the threads . I have always said I don’t care if LGBT characters are added if they have a good story to them . I liked the Elk and unicorn story because it wasn’t just about them being a same sex couple in like but how they shared the power of the Night Warrior to defeat from what seems to be an Old God on their world by their description and how it cost them their lives.

I have said if they are going to add them then give players a reason to be invested in them and not just add them because people are demanding it because all that will do is add stereotypes into the game.


I agree with this 100%. There needs to be more insight into Jaina’s and sylvanas’s love life. I want to know the details or better yet, why doesn’t blizzard add a cinematic and show us it. This is without a doubt a lack of representation. I say we protest blizzard for their bigot outlook on girl on girl.

Bringing up your receipts isn’t stalking. It’s just pointing out how abhorrent you treat other people who disagree with your zealous mindset. Even when they are members of the LGBT+ community, you just hand wave them away and dismiss their neutral stance because they’re “fence sitters” or even “fakers.” You can’t stand when we point out how rude you are, so apparently we aren’t even gay. In that very moment you say that, you dehumanize your own community members and insist we cannot think differently than you.

It’s so rich you talk about how much someone spreads hatred when that’s all you can ever spew in an attempt to get your points across.


Wow…you really ZINGED the OP by pointing out that making past posts that engage LGBTQ+ visibility has somehow “hurt any good will between the LGBT players and the rest of the WoW community.” What a hyperbolic snowflake. Hurt the good will of WoW players…are you serious? Get out of here…

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You said you enjoyed it and wanted more, implying you wanted more? As in the incredibly hamfisted ones they added in this expansion weren’t enough.

I don’t see the normalization and widespread insertion of the LGBTQ culture/lifestyle as growth or progression. To me, it’s regressive.

Could you link me to some of these scholarly nuances?

I have a question, then.

Why is gay sex wrong and contraception is not, since the reason you gave me for it being wrong is, verbatim “Two people of the same sex cannot procreate… Therefore I think it’s unnatural.”

Both are:

  1. Optional behaviors.
  2. Prevent procreation.

I don’t think there are any other effects.