LGBTQ+ Pride Month Micro Holiday?

As we progress through the new year, we will come closer to our lovely Pride Month once again! June 9 2021.

I enjoy taking part in player organized events however I think blizzard is missing out big time by not including at least a micro holiday event on the calender. It does not conflict with any existing time slots either, it’s perfect!

As for ideas for activities I’m a little stumped.
Perhaps some custom NPCs to march through the primary cities shooting fireworks and rainbows. If you attend you can get a buff, similar to darkmoon faire effect!


I like it.


I agree with the idea, it sounds fun, but stop spamming these threads.


You do legitimately understand there is a 0.00% chance of that being celebrated anywhere, right? Like as a critically thinking person you know no organization is ever going to advance that agenda? I’m only responding because I feel like you’re not trolling on purpose but it probably is a disservice to even give this a bump.


Alright… I’ll bite.

Unlike in reality, where’s the significance of a pride event in Warcraft that would merit so? As far as we understand, Warcraft’s lore on sexuality is extremely liberal, if not entirely unchallenged. Your attractions are not barred, restricted, or impacted at all. There’s no dialogue in the game or lore that prohibits LGBT identified people from exercising their personal attractions.

The case of Pride for LGBT is an open celebration despite all the hardships to get this far. Where former policies and viewpoints had changed. Overcoming formally homophobic practices to embrace who they are today…

Warcraft depicts no struggle for LGBT characters to endure to merit a pride event. It would serve nothing proper beyond a pander to a segment of the community who’s attraction is already covered in the event: “Love is in the air”. Which is not exclusive to who you show your affections to.


I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I’ve never been to one personally but looking at videos and the event itself, it looks like it would be a lot of fun. It would also raise awareness to those who may not know much about it. Those who are against it are free to not participate or simply ignore it. More content in game is always a plus in my view.


Even as somebody who isn’t straight, Pride month is such an annoyingly woke time of year. Like, a Pride weekend should be enough

Talonel’s desire to push their demographic in everyone’s face is getting a bit much.

Oh - Silvermoon used to have a basement S&M room filled with bondage gnomes and Succubi whipping them. Our IBN freak could hang out there.


Probably not going to happen.

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It would need to be disguised as something else, just like winter veil and noblegarden.

Sure blizz could do this in order to score cheap virtue signaling points, but I think this would only attract more political histeria and alienate the player base that is already very annoyed at the level of virtue signaling that is going on.

In the warcraft universe homophobia is not a thing and a parade like this would feel extremely out of place, and have the exact opposite effect. It would become “complain about LGBT agenda week” on all social media related to wow.

Annoying people in our name will just attract more hate towards us.


I can’t tell if your serious or not, either way I am entertained.


no. 10 characters. :face_vomiting:


Yeah, except IBN is plain illegal in every state of the Union.

Blizzard has already stated that there is no homophobia or transphobia in Warcraft. Therefore, the population has had no need or desire to parade themselves like a circus to get attention. There has never been an in universe need for “inclusion” activities, because they’ve always been included.

In the Warcraft universe, there are just people. Period.





why must EVERYTHING be politicized ?


sexual orientation or identity isn’t political.

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So flynn and shaw should just keep in the closet and not be able to be fully fleshed out characters?

Yikes dude, get a grip.

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darn sure is


totally a dumb idea


Talonel is the classic liberal, calls anyone that disagrees with her a “racist” and a “homophobe”