More LGBT content please

I can get behind this statement.

The game is riddled with Blood Elves… what more is needed?

Yes I’d like blizzard to add similar characters and stories in future content. I don’t think they were badly implemented but you’re free to that opinion. No where in my post did I demand lgbt representation be added everywhere like you implied. I’d like to see more in many different parts of the game.

They were doing multiple threads on the subject over a short period of time .

That is called spam . Now if they made one thread and rode it out then made another one some where down the line then there would be less of an issue .

4 of those threads were in the same week and 2 were on the same day .

It is the spamming of the topic by them that has fostered a lot of animosity towards the topic.

I have no problem that they have added stuff for the LGBT community and in time hopefully they will add more as well as stuff for others but the more people try to force the issue the more backlash there is going to be.


Honestly at this point I’m starting to assume that OP is Talonel’s alt account.

“I’ve never heard of this Talonel fellow, but he sounds like a smart, handsome guy with many great ideas” is what I’m hearing.

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Ok so I believe that people are born homosexual, bisexual, etc. I think we both agree on that. My question is, why? Is it just for the sake of biological variety? Is it a natural form of population control within species? People and animals are sometimes born without all of their limbs, but it has no purpose. It doesn’t help the pack to have a wolf with only 3 legs.

The reason I think it’s wrong is that it doesn’t seem to have any direct benefit to survival or the continuation of life in general.

Contraception is around to stop teens from having children before they’re ready in a society that requires a lot of resources. Condoms help prevent the spread of disease.

Though promiscuity is the reason they’re necessary. That’s a whole other problem in itself.

What do you think?

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I think the forum needs a pinned LGBTQ thread and deletion of any other spam attempt, seeing as these posts are quite common and filled with the same thing. That way it can stay up and people can go there and express their opinions and not make several threads on 1 thing.

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Okay duck jokes aside…

What important about adding LGBTQ characters is to not let their orientation define them so it doesn’t feel forced.

Rule of thumb, if sexual orientation doesn’t significantly change the character or their story then its good.

Like the unicorn story in Ardenweald. We only know they’re gay because the male stag refereed to the other as their husband, but it could just have easily been their wife and the story would have remained the same.

Now if you got a new character coming in hard like “my name is Val-cor the obliterator and I like men and I obliterate hard because of my man lust.” “Okay cool story bro how the hell are you going to help us kill the Jailor?” “Pft IDK I’m just here to check off some SJW Activiton suit’s agenda list” Then that’s a problem.

Like that girlpower scene from Avenger’s Endgame.

How fake as hell was that? Like yeah all the female heroes just happened to be in one place at one time during an all out war. As if captain marvel need help from the Wakanda chick and her spear…


? Are you okay, my dude?

Epic fail logic. I was harassed and interrogated as to why I would “dare” post requesting LGBT representation on my very first thread. Get a grip.

You need to go see an ear doctor. That or you’re hearing a ghost. What you’re viewing is another player posting their thoughts on the topic which he makes valid points.

So you were ““harassed”” and therefore have to be an antagonistic blowhard to everyone else who thinks differently than you?
Take your own advice.


OMG…seriously? This is news to you? Where do we even begin dealing with the ignorance of right-wingers? Your confident ignorance is so deep I don’t see how we as a country will ever dig ourselves out of this hole. Aren’t you at all intellectually curious about the world around you? Do you have absolutely no desire to learn and grow? Here is one little reference of thousands…look it up.

“Cultural factors into why we like or dislike people, new Stanford research shows”

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You are continually missing the point. The people that keep stalking these threads are obsessed with trying to gatekeep ANYTHING LGBT.

I dont want LGTBQSS+ content from being gatekept. I just don’t want that forced fed down my throat just to check off some SJW list.

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Think of it as a natural population control. If you have too many males born and not enough females, some males would take the role of a caretaker in tribes to balance out raising children and vice versa. You can continue the train of thought here, as to how nature would control populations in different species.

As for Sex ed, its important because we as a species only partially use sex for reproduction, especially in modern times. Shorter encounters have become popular, while less and less people seem to opt in for starting a family with children in mind due to economical and societal pressures doubling down on younger generations. Prevention from spreading of STD’s, sexual harassment and basic attraction is something we need to teach younger generations. They all grow up on adult content due to exposure to internet and get a really bad idea what sex is. Now more than ever, we need to teach our kids what sex actually is and how to deal with it.


Until a point where having an LGBT+ character in any sort of media is just as normal and unremarkable has having a straight cis character, then ANY representation at all is going to ruffle feathers. And the only way to GET LGBT characters to that point of non-comment normalcy is to have them represented enough until it’s no longer “a thing” worthy of even commenting on.

There’s no way around it. This period of complaints and temper tantrums from both sides is just something we need to get through.


Our experiences are just very different if you’re looking at women and thinking about how great it would be to create babies with them. Your choice of online adult entertainment must be sort of specialized. Is specialized the right word?

That would be the case if gays had a bigger population then straight people, which obviously isn’t true. I think that’s why a ton of gay characters just coming out of nowhere feels weird and forced.

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