More LGBT content please

I don’t want you fired from your job for your sexual preference.

You’re assuming a lot, when I’ve been very straight forward this whole time. There’s really nothing to unpack or contrive.

You literally said “it’s a normal reaction to something that’s wrong.”

That’s different than “it’s a normal reaction to something I think is icky

Nah, it just appears for a second in that opening from the advance era.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


No clue. I don’t even understand why either, like is it to just make that comment seem more agreed upon? Some people do it to boost up their threads and I guess it makes their opinion more right?
Sure is pretty funny though!

I do think it’s wrong. The only natural occurring reason I could see it being a viable way of life is if it’s some form of natural population control within species. Two people of the same sex cannot procreate. If people don’t procreate, the species dies out. That is the natural order of things. Therefore I think it’s unnatural. No one taught me to see it as wrong, it’s a conclusion I’ve come to after thinking about it. Most people find it repulsive to see two men going at it and I think that’s a biological response, not one taught by society.

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Things you are saying are being told to us all the time. You are not the first or the last person to approach us with the “I dont hate your people, i have friends like you, i just think you are gross” shpiel. Its not an assumption, its a fact that most people that say those things, just want to shut us up and hide our existence.

Again, you are free to feel however you want, and we are free to respond to it accordingly. Its like this is a forum or something. Who knew?


And that’s the depressing part. Even IF it is a troll thread, why is this topic so controversial on these forums??

I think I know why.

Unnatural is prolonging peoples lives by treating them with medications, yet we still do it. Unnatural is doing IVF to couples who cannot have kids, yet they do it. Unnatural, means, not found in nature. LGBTQ people, and to be specific, gay people, are a product of nature, because they are found in multiple species so the “its not natural” talk doesn’t hold its weight.


When women get hit on by men they aren’t attracted to, they file a lawsuit.

You don’t see men calling the women narcissistic. (maybe crazy)

No point in arguing any further with you. We’re in 2021 and people still have this mindset?

I didn’t tell anyone not to talk or share their replies. I also didn’t say I have gay friends. I said I know many and we get along.

I’m not trying to semi-pander to the lifestyle either by saying that. It’s just a fact.

“It’s current year!” isn’t an agrument.

What’s with all of the hyperbolic language? So enjoying representations of our relationships in a game (or any other media for that matter) that already highlights relationships sometimes is somehow requesting that queer characters be represented “in every piece of media”? Who has said that? The OP saw a gay storyline in the game, liked it and asked for some more. I liked it too and thought to myself “Wow, that was cool and unexpected. I would love to see another story arc like that sometime.” Not all of the time. Not even soon. Just that I liked seeing it for once.

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Yes. I also think teaching it to children is wrong. Am I free to think that or is that archaic as well?

Why do you need representation? I haven’t once felt that I needed it from any media I consume. Sure, it can be cool if a certain character is gay but we don’t need it everywhere. My boyfriend hasn’t either. In fact, he found Qadarin and Thiernax cringey due to the constant emphasis placed on MY HUSBAND, MY HUSBAND repeatedly on almost all dialogue between them. It’s out of the ordinary and looks like pandering.


Do you think condoms are wrong? Because if everyone did that, the population would also die out. Two people using condoms cannot procreate.


Everything you used as an example can only be applied to humans created by a natural fertilized egg.

I would say procreation is the most basic function of a species.

Don’t tell me because I wear shoes and take vitamins that I’m going against nature either. Those strawman examples are just dumb.


You are free, as i am to say that children need to be educated.
Gay people get their sex ed either from online forums of older people or from knowing other gay people, rather than in schools, because its still taboo. I have yet to hear a story of someone turning gay from hearing about it existing, but i know stories of someone hurting themselves because they weren’t taught how things work or to take proper precautions before engaging in the activity.

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Are you for or against appeal to nature fallacies? Make up your mind.

Also people who don’t want kids exist, and so do infertile people.