I made this post awhile ago and it was heavily upvoted and wanted to address the elephant in the room in terms of “what is and is not content” and the direction of the game.
The problem with Modern WoW is it’s a hamster wheel, instead of a wonderful journey.
I can’t stress this enough, doing something over and over IS NOT CONTENT! M+ or daily’s aren’t content! Farming for resources is not content! When you break down actual content in 9.1 there is about 12 hours worth if that.
Now if you enjoy M+ fine but there is a lot of players that don’t. Arguably and statistically the majority of players don’t like M+. However that is where the gear is and people get forced into doing it for gear progression and it not only feels bad but promotes toxicity in the community and for the people that do enjoy M+
Next point is, there isn’t any completionism anymore which is HOW YOU FEEL REWARDED in an MMORPG. Where you complete a task and you are DONE with it. That is what I enjoyed about dungeons or content in the past. I did a heroic and then I was done with it for the expansion, unless a friend or guildy needed help. I could move onto the next one or different content. This made it feel like I was progressing through the game and I felt rewarded for COMPLETING a task.
If I am never done with a task, and have to do forced chores like M+ or Arena every week for a terrible system like the Great Vault to get RNG gear. You can never complete something and progress in this game which feels bad and is emotionally draining. You are on the hamster wheel or misery and pain!
I haven’t made an Alt since WoD because I can’t. I am never finished on my main and all this forced repeat activities devoid of any meaningful value except RNG gear leaves most feeling empty and just uninstalling the game. This is why WoW players have a 1-2 month typical life span.
The solution is simple. Things like M+ should ONLY reward cosmetics and titles. If you love M+ and want to compete in a season go for it. However don’t drag the player base that doesn’t want to be in there with you due to required gear. It’s bad design and HAS TO STOP!
I can’t for the life of me figure out why Blizzard doesn’t want us to complete content in the game and rather have us be completely unhappy doing chores and leaving when they are too much. I also don’t understand why they are sooo scared of us gearing up. Pull the rip cords!
As for PvP, sorry but the best PvP gear should be able to be acquired from BGs and just getting conquest and buying it at a vendor. None of this gatekeeping behind ranks, it’s as bad as M+. Most of the PvP player base doesn’t want to do Arenas or RBGs either. So forcing them in there just leads to uninstalling when they don’t have a good time. All of these points are just common sense.
Long story short- TLDR let people enjoy actual content! Get rid of the great vault. Let players complete a task then move onto the next one which is how you attain a rewarding feeling in an MMORPG. Then you can make Alts. Then you can focus on the activities in game you enjoy and thus you get WoW players to actually stick around for longer then 1-2 months.
Blizzard you got my Email I can help you fix this game step by step, it won’t be easy but we can start.