The game has definitely changed over the years. I have been adamant in the past about M+ NOT being content and have a highly like thread here that might help some. The focus and design of the game is lost and very far from what it used to be.
With that said I’d like to have better Questing, story, solo content, Gearing/Progression and also team progression. I don’t mind doing a dungeon but once I’ve completed it I’d like to be done with it for the expansion so now I can move onto the next thing.
I used to be a completionist and enjoyed completing zones and achievements but that died when Blizz shifted to a time-played metric and started gating everything behind chores I didn’t want to do. Which then never allowed me to EVER complete a character again. Feeling hollow and empty inside I was forever grinding what Blizz wanted instead of completing what I wanted. This took place from WoD to now and has left myself and friends never achieving their goals and satisfaction.
The fun starts for me, when I have completed a build. When I have Min/Max and tweaked something fun and now can fully enjoy it. Then I can go ahead and do it all over again and make another build because I completed that one. I used to make WoW guides and Youtube videos in WoD because back in WoD I used to be able to complete builds because gearing was easy and achievable.
Now I can’t ever complete any builds and never attempt some of them due to the MASSIVE gearing issues from RNG, to content I hate to do but am forced to do, Required rating in content I hate. I’d love to make multiple builds for specs and have an Alt but I can’t even make an Alt because I can’t complete even one build (without great sufferings to complete it)
In a perfect world you know what would be fun. If I could get BiS gear and complete a build without jumping through the mind field of chores and hoops to do it. My favorite content will always be PvP and I’d love to just farm HK’s and BG, RBG, WPvP all day. However I can’t. Heck I can’t even complete a build or get to the point where I’m doing that.
I got to do M+, Korthia, Raid, Resource Grind, RNG drops, Torghast, Maw, then get Rating in M+ and PvP, Renown to complete a build to start having fun. You know what would be fun if I could just take my Conquest and buy a BiS item at the Vendor. You know what would be fun? If I could just take my Valor and buy a BiS Mythic item at the vendor.
You know what would be great, if gearing and systems were simple and players could just complete builds and enjoy the game then have “FREE TIME” again to do Old content, work on Old achievements etc. However I haven’t worked on ANY of that in many expansions cause I’m bogged down with chores.
Like I said, I sucked it up in BFA. I did ALL the chores I hated like a good lil boy, I grinded ALL the painful systems and completed them, then after 3 months of playing through the pain…I completed my build and had fun. Then they released a corruption vendor and I could buy what I wanted and could make other builds and had more fun.
I also competed at a very high level with these builds too. I just don’t want to have to do that long tedious painful stuff every patch or expansion again for months before the fun starts. It doesn’t have to be like this and we can just focus on making the game fun and getting people into the content they enjoy without that 3 month period of pain first.
“The Problem” is the core design philosophy of the game and forced content/chores. The Devs forcing players to play how they want instead of making a great game for players to choose to play how they want!