That wasn’t the point though! I was asking you about the statistics based on the surveys of whatever current players that they have or that they don’t; who quit because they didn’t like mythics. My point here was that if mythics were really the reason people were unsubbing, you think that they’d have them around? When you unsub. it asks you for your reasons and they have these statistics. But you don’t. Its a company to make money, you really think if mythics were the reason they were losing subs and losing money, they’d keep them going?
So you’re wrong with this part.

Yes they are because the great vault and progression is being centered around these toxic systems. You want to upgrade gear you have to get rating in either M+ or Arena which is bad for the game. Those modes should be for competition not gearing.
Esports has really ruined the game and most player could care less about it. Not sure why Blizz is so invested in the AWC or MDI when they both have failed. People want to play an MMO again and not be forced into these activities.
No, you don’t. You can use raiding gear to raid. I have people in my guild who simply use raid gear to raid with and they do alright. They don’t have an edge like the M+ geared players do but they’re able to handle it just fine as well as get upgrades from the other M+ geared players if they get drops from the raid which they can use.
Then tell me this, supposing there was no m+ gear anymore. You think that things will be fine? At that time, not only will the less skilled players not have the gear to carry them across in content they have no business being in. But also, there will be huge competition among raiders for raiding gear. The raid progression will slow down a lot more. Not being able to simply get gear from m+. I mean, this was how it was back in TBC. If you like this, then you have the option of playing TBC, which you are. So I don’t see what the problem is, you do you and let the ones who enjoy M+ do those. Isn’t everyone getting what they enjoy lol
As for esports, I think that they’ve always been stingy with their rewards. Compare League’s championships to Wow’s and it feels drab in comparison. But having said all this, I’d like to ask you a question. What does an MMO mean to you, what would an ideal MMO be like to you?

People want to play an MMO again and not be forced into these activities.