I don’t care what Blizz wants and neither do the players. The reason this game is in the apocalyptic dumpsterfire state it is in is because Blizz tried to force players to play how they want. Instead of letting players play how they want.
The Devs job is to create something fun and GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE PLAYERS.
I HATE M+ (I’ve explained this and just gonna put you on ignore for trolling now because this isn’t complicated) M+ is one of the things killing this game and hope at some point we never have to go back in there again. I don’t play Prot or Tank to do dungeons. If I have to do a dungeon, I get a friend to Tank so I can play Prot as a Dps.
I even have a Mega thread on how M+ is bad for the game and explained my thoughts there.
The only time I did Raiding was when I finally was able to play Glad stance. I stated this because I hate Tanking and don’t want to Tank in a Raid but I want to play Prot. You see the problem yet?! The ONLY exception was BFA 30 Tank Raids cause we could use TD and SotW. (which I clearly explained already
When they removed magic mitigation and D stance on Prot War and gutted their tool kit like Shield Slam dispel they became squishy unviable spec that lacked damage and tools. So I switched to Prot Pal since you can block spells and stacked Mastery and Dps Azerite Traits so I could Dps, kill and effectively own it up.
In DF hope either Prot Pal or Prot War can be specced to be competitive Dps and always am playing that way. Thanks and sorry I wasted my time explaining this 100 different ways only for you to not understand.
Just give us Glad stance thanks. Don’t care if you hate it. We love it and was the best Dps spec ever put in this game.
Prot Pal should also have a Dps spec because Shield Dps is the real Dps.
By not giving us Glad stance just hurting participation because players can’t do content with the Spec they want which is Prot Dps. Which means we can’t Raid or do Dungeons when we want.