Not sure how it doesn’t make sense. We pay for carries so we aren’t burdened with wasting time on something we hate.
Take for example my M+ is NOT content thread or I never want to do another M+ again. Between them over 200 upvotes. The fact is many of us don’t want to be in M+ we don’t want to learn the affixes, the routes, the fights. We just need the gear in there. It is gate-keeped behind something we have no interest in because we hate M+.
You don’t earn gear in this game. Don’t tell me the weekly vault is earning gear or doing a mindless activity of M+ over and over is earning it. They are chores and RNG that ruin the game.
I just want BiS gear so I can begin to enjoy the game how I want. I want to get all these terrible activities out of the way so I can finally just play the game.
This is simple and also mentioned it in my M+ is NOT content thread. You remove all the gear rewards from M+ and Arena. It isn’t complicated. M+ and Arena should only be for people that want to compete in a Season for Titles, mounts and cosmetics.
If you do this then the people that don’t want to do M+ and Arena won’t have too anymore and thus they won’t have to pay for carries.