Leveling Experience in 10.x is too Easy

Make it faster.

I’m excited for HC as well. It’s really the best way to play WoW at this point. But worried official will be plagued by gold buying and other problems.

I do agree with these posts:

Im too lazy to lvl up. If it was up to me id make lvling up account bound.

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This is what happens. Players complain so blizz changes it. Now people are complaining again, probably will change it next xpac. Logic would say find a middle ground.

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Leveling SHOULD be easy. It serves no relevant purpose in the current game. ALL relevant parts of the game now occur at max level. It might not be “hard” anymore, but it still takes too long and is way too tedious. The real “leveling” is questing and gearing up after you are at max level. So might as well just let players start at max level.

All leveling does in it’s current state is create a barrier-to-entry for new and returning players. It makes it so that players can’t jump into the game and play with friends, they have to spend many hours doing a boring grind first. You can’t help your friend even if you wanted to due to phasing issues during long mandatory scripted quest chains, etc. Party Sync almost never works with these scripted quest chains.

I’ve had a LOT of friends and family members that tried to start playing WoW, but apathy and boredom set in before they made it anywhere close to max level. In most cases, they never got to the point where we could realistically play the game together, and they didn’t join an MMO to play alone, so…

I’m pretty sure that Blizzard is aware of all of this, and even they would acknowledge that leveling is a useless part of the game. But people buying level boosts from the shop brings in a lot of cash $$$, so…

Chomie Time should have a “Classic” mode. In Classic, your experience would be reduced to about 10%. The leveling path would start you at Orgrimar or Stormwind and progress chronologically through the various expansions.


The game needs to modernize, not revert if it wants to survive.

Going back to classic style leveling would be a death sentence to the game. People hated leveling in classic, that’s why paying mages for boosts became the defacto leveling method.

But your right that the leveling feels pointless, they should revamp it to make sense and feel more fun or just throw the entire concept of player level out of the game since everything is about ilvl and endgame anyways in modern wow.

This. People who know, know MMO.

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LoTRO recently added in a series of “landscape difficulty” tiers that you can turn on if you want. The rewards aren’t anything more than a bunch of emotes your toon can use, so the system really just exists for people who want a harder world to play in just because. I did it at rank 3 of 10 for 1-50 and it was fun, but as soon as I crossed into Moria, I was getting the heck beat out of me. Gonna try it again in Enedwaith/Dunland and see if it smooths out a bit.

Likely wouldn’t work in WoW because people here can’t be bothered to do things just because. No, every trivial activity needs to reward a mount, a pet, a full set of max-ilvl gear and a partridge in a pear tree for anyone to bother.

Go play Classic.

Point of Retail is endgame. That’s why everything was streamlined and catch-up mechanics were put into place.

If u wanna take forever to level, fine.
But I sure af am not going to want what I’ve done 15+ times to be slower the next time I change servers.

Sadly the day they remove leveling is the day this thing turns even more into Destiny

Yes because I want to go through legitimately useless content that’s completely screwed up because of level scaling and have it take days instead of hours.

No seriously go make a blood elf using no heirlooms and try going through eversong forest and then get back to me when a mana wraith half lifes you with moonfire.

This would be awesome! Love this idea. Perhaps even “classic” could be on normal servers. Just brainstorming here.

Yeah, Blizzard might’ve been flippant about the “you think you do but you don’t” phrase that got memed, but they definitely aren’t entirely without point there.

A lot of stuff that looks like it’d be a good change from the individual player standpoint doesn’t work out well in actual practice.

At the same time, you won’t get any changes at all if you don’t share your perspective, so encouraging people to just not complain about the status quo at all isn’t really productive either.

(Also, oftentimes a change can be objectively reasonable, and then players go and ruin it; the classic textbook case is when “alternative” ways to get gear are introduced, where the reasonable person expects them to, in fact, be choices that you can pick-and-choose from according to your temperament. Unfortunately, the vocal playerbase doesn’t treat them as choices, but rather multiple tasks that you had better be keeping up on or out comes that old canard “you aren’t putting in the effort” when you get passed over in favor of people with insane pro gamer time, dedication, and multifaceted skills, basically turning MMOs into what could be called the esports version of the decathlon and naturally turning off people who only enjoy certain parts. Unless you make the paths mutually exclusive, and then what actually happens is instead of people sorting by temperaments, they all pile onto the path that gives the most rapid - even if only slightly - improvements, and anyone picking the other paths is regarded as “dragging everybody down.” So the only other path you might see anyone on is the easiest one that the most casual of players all pick and anything in between withers …)

Well, what’s the point in gearing if the only thing that matters is doing the, “Hokey Pokey” in an instance?

Idk speak for yourself here. Maybe im just sh!t but I had several rough experiences in DF / FR / ZC on this Mage.

No offense but who even cares about that anymore? Seek classsic if your interested in something like this. Or perhaps another MMORPG such as FFXIV.

Retail is completely centered around endgame. Mythic plus is the name of the game. Or if you’re :nerd_face: then raiding I guesss idk… or maybe just quit better yet because that way we can get more focus on mythic plus like more dungeons etc.

Best of luck on your adventure!

Yeah or just let players choose if they want a “challenge mode” leveling experience or not at the beginning, like at Chromie or something.

I hate when other players try to force other players to play something “their way”.
Same goes with flying (or even gearing etc). If you don’t like flying, then just don’t use them.
Don’t try to take that away from other players just because “you” don’t like it.

Some people really like to shove their values down peoples throats.

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And making the leveling just longer and harder for no reason wouldn’t make it fun. Especially since the focus of the game is at Endgame.

I’m for one, thinks the leveling system could use a ground up remake, because just making it longer, shorter, easier, or harder for no reason, wouldn’t fix anything or address the issues it does has, nor it would make the game share the focus with the leveling.

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You can absolutely make it harder without making it longer. Just give mobs more HP/Damage, but have them reward more experience.

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