"Soul of Iron" No Trading/PvP?

Blizzard recently mentioned in patch notes that the

“…Soul of Iron system does not yet currently exist on Hardcore realms. We intend to post this system over Hardcore ruleset realms prior to their launch, with a few adjustments.”

Does this mean buffs like “no trading” “pvp” or “no partying” are on the table still?

I highly doubt that. Blizzard isn’t gonna make a single-player game out of WoW.

Then what does the dev note refer to? A way to track your death? No, they are clearly expanding on the Soul of Iron system. It’s not single player, simply an option to accommodate more play styles. It’s like an easy to implement achievement system for Classic.

Sould of Iron existed in SoM. Had nothing to do with PvP or trading.

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So they’re implementing a system to track death on a server that you can’t rez on…

Let’s use our brains for a moment here…

…they must be expanding the Soul of Iron system to track other things besides death is my conclusion.

Yes Soul of Iron simply means you did not die one single time in SOM.

Had no other requirements for getting it.

Oh and you had to go into the IF library to talk to that one NPC to start it. If you simply leveled from 1 to 60 in SOM and didnt die, you didnt get it.

So I guess the dev notes for HC are just crazy talk then.

They might put a system in similar to Diablo. They did say that there were planning on having our corpses stay there forever. But then that causes the problem of gold sellers spelling out their websites with dead WoW bodies that will end up never going away.

If you have been playing the game for long enough you would remember how they did that in retail. I dont know if you were playing then or not but that was super annoying. And if HC has bodies that do not go away then it would be 10x worse.

I actually do remember that. Even gnomes raining from the sky whose corpses would spell out a URL.

EDIT: you also just admitted gold buying will be an issue on HC.

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Yea Youtube was not what it is now back then so I highly doubt you can find any vids of that happening it might be possible too. Very clever way for them to do it back then cuz you could not right click to report a corpse back then. I think you can now so maybe that is why I have not seen that in years.

Yes Blizzard claims they are going to be a lot more strict with enforcing HC rules than ever before in WoW…so if they are not bluffing then those bots should not be a big problem as they will be dealt with swiftly…so I hope.

I’m with you 100% but kinda gave up on coping daddy Blizzard will save us from gold farmers when they best solution over the past <20 years has been to capitulate by adding WoW tokens. Which I mean isn’t the worst solution. The only time I’ve really seen a server without gold buying is Bloodsail though. I enjoy in-game commerce but look at the meta is leads to. No trading is cumbersome but leads to a much more enjoyable meta.

Solution? Modify Soul of Iron to track if the character ever accepted a trade or not.

While they’re at it, add an additional buff to track /pvp flags?

Or if they removed all mailboxes so that way you could not get mailed any gold and also remove all ah and remove the ability to trade. They could do that if they wanted.

There’s zero indication of the dev’s desire to do that. On the other hand, they are talking about implementing Soul of Iron.

HC = SoI. Same thing. It is just one who has never known defeat is what the achieve is labeled as and that is zero deaths 1 to 60 and you only got by going to the NPC in Ironforge in the library and then you get it put on and then you make it to 60 no deaths you got that and then move that toon over to Wrath but already played my toons to 60 and got what i wanted. So yea idk. It just means no death there is nothing else to it. Well a tiny bit more but those are the basics. I say no mailboxes. No AH that will stop people from being able to buy gold and then get a bunch of epics from doing so or buy carries with the gold. No way to have anything given to you from someone else at all.

While everything you posted is true, the point of this thread is to speculate that SoI may be being modified to include no trading. I don’t see why else they would implement SoI on HC Ruleset.

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I hope it works but I do dread a d/c happening. I think they claim you cannot come back even when caused by a disconnect.

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See now me posting on this toon will help Mees (how to pronounce) armory pate as logins and out dont work, still shows guild I am not in, gear I am not in and not the right amount of achieves. That guild died months ago and I havent been in it for over a month. Nothing short of a faction or name change will reset things but 3 times I did on that toon and all 3 times reset my post count back to 0. Post on this 'till armoury updates. Mïiïs.

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