Why is Fatescribe still a thing?

OMG that does my head in, even when I call people out in /rw and after we wipe personally call them out for standing on the wrong part they just go and do it again.

Nah. But the mechanic itself is actually hilariously easy. On normal there isn’t even the debuff to worry about so anyone can run a rune. It’s only on heroic and mythic that those with the debuff actually need do something. And half the time not even then if there are more players with the debuff than there are runes to run.

Literally just check if you got the debuff. If yes, run a rune to the <>. That’s literally all there is to it. Avoid the orbs if you can but even hitting a few isn’t a big deal. Especially on the inner rings where the runes move super slowly anyways. So long as you’re not completely afk, you’ve got about 5 seconds to get on a rune to run it. Even running the long way around is perfectly fine. One person per rune is the golden rule in pugs. Just remember the rune won’t start moving straight away. Just wait on it till it does. Although that’s more of an issue for people like me who can get on a rune super fast before the rune has even had a chance to trigger its movement phase.

You can also eliminate entire phases of the fight by pulling the boss to the far side of the room because that gives you much more time to dps him, thus skipping the second loom phase. On normal you can completely bypass both of his immune phases by doing this.

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Timewalking raids comment by players who played the content when it was current: “This raid is 15 years old, how do people who were not born yet when this was the current expansion not understand this mechanic?”


yeah it was super fun as a shadow priest.
pop cds
run a bomb out!
get back right as everything is dying
pop cds
you’re on rune duty
get back right as everything is dying
back to main phase
pop cds
run a bomb out!
get back right as everything is dying


Perhaps it’s because not everyone raided in Shadowlands, just a wild guess.


Hahahahaha asking for SL…Its funny because we’re requesting BFA changes in every possible PTR forum since DF launch and nothing…We’ll start our pleas for SL changes around the Last Titan at this point.

Devs focus only in new content…and seasonal content.

There’s so many threads in the Council Section and General Forums about old features just forgotten and ignored by them, its like there’s not any budget / resources assigned to that.

Did you know the last time a blue replied about Legacy content was in June 2023?

People can’t even do razorscale fight right and it’s one of the easiest boss ever.

Infact the leviathan is the easiest and STILL people can’t do that right.

Black Temple people can’t even do supremeus right and that’s just a tank and spank boss

Yeah should be shamed

Or they want to keep the content exclusive to players in coordinated groups. They don’t really want people to do old raids, they think keeping them awkward and inconvenient to solo will “encourage” collectors to push the highest keys and do mythic raiding.

Your entire comment shows why the idea that “these people should know raid bosses that were current before they were born as well as someone who raided them when they were current” is bad for the game and should be shamed.


Shouldn’t been a shadow priest then. All those mechanics easily doable by a hunter, let alone BM one

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I’m just waiting and keep doing the same threads every ptr…remove the legendary cloak from Nzoth…that’s the minimum that I expect from BFA at this point.

However; there’s mechanics like Opulence, Mythraxx that need changes.

Well considering they removed the requirement from carapace at some point over the last few months but clearly decided not to for N’zoth, I do not have high hopes for that.

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Or they read up a wow head time walking guide on how to do said raids first

Yeh I was wondering about that, I hadn’t ran Nya for some time given how had people are at it I thought I was forgetting something.

Just do the rune mechanic? :dracthyr_a1: Alternatively drag them away from middle and burst them.

OMG Kennie, why didn’t I think of that!

But but but, they didnt have this in LFR!!

I think the average player needs to be better, not that fatescribe needs any tuning. I’ve soloed mythic fatescribe so it’s definitely doable.

No you haven’t. If you do not do the runes correctly you end up taking too much damage that anyone dies. I’ve seen 487 tanks die to that boss because the runes were not done.

TBH, n’zoth isn’t too bad these days. So long as people remember to stack for paranoia and manage their sanity, it’s pretty faceroll. Meanwhile mythic ghun has been basically impossible to kill for years after it was no longer current content.

Stack properly for paranoia.

Too many times I see people all huddle as one big group and 10 seconds later when they are all MC’d ask “Why did we lose our sanity?”.