Is Blizzard ever going to address the bad implementation of the Community Council?

The set the Death Knight has on is the Revendreth rep reward cosmetic set. It’s not restricted to a class or race.

The Warlock’s set is just bits and pieces, some cosmetic from various sources (none from the Void Elf racial set) and some just cloth pieces that turned out plate-ey for some reason.

I played a bit of Shadowlands. Covenants tmog were not really a thing I watched a lot. I’m not that big on tmog train. I’ve been using the same tmog since BFA.

But yea those also “breaks the rule” but were about identity again which probably justify them breaking the barriers.

While a lot of sets were made with the classes that played them mainly.

YES! All this. Pacing of content is something that is really hard to do right. I know that for example the Diablo Immortal pacing of a new Season every month, events nearly every week, 2 week patch cycles, etc. I could not keep up. I burned out fast because I am not a mobile player and just take my time of stuff.

WoW was sometimes too long between content, and that was valid feedback too.

I don’t want WoW to go months with nothing, but I don’t want to see it turn into Immortal pace either. Then the FOMO kicks in hard and people get stressed.

The part about numbers is important too. Just because people DO something and the engagement is good does not mean they like it.


Dragonflight S2 Priest armor? Looks more like it’d fit a Paladin than a priest.

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I mean just S1 was a bunch of rocks tier sets. If you ask me those weren’t great.

Just went to check it yea it’s a pretty weird tier set. Still mostly cloth but yea Idk I don’t particularly feel a priest vibe from it or like it.

Pardon my query, Why the focus on new things only?

There’s so many threads about old things.

I already mentioned this legacy content…

The last update about this was June 2023

I don’t know if I’m being to pushy about it but its almost another year without fixes to old content regarding legacy.

Its like my thread about PvP prestige honor system that was posted by Cyrios

That system was implemented in Legion…last update BFA pre patch that was launch July 2018…almost 6 years ago.

Kaivax reply feels like if there’s not content in the PTR, there´s not anything to talk about it…provide feedback.

I love my battle priest, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’ve done the priest campain in Legion and let me tell you the only battle priest you see is the one hiding behind a paladin :wink:

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Brave of you to use this. KEKW

Oh hey its Attimis! Crazen and I were spying on you in Stormwind the other day. (just sitting around waiting for things to do more like.) :dracthyr_hehe_animated: You are literally the only mechagnome he tolerates and thats saying something!

Smol Edit: I’d like to clarify we weren’t activly spying. We saw you were in stormwind and decided to go look for you to hang out but you were in RP so we chose to just sit back from afar instead of disrupt it.

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BLizzard has just quit communicating. The current decisions in that office have not been in line with the customers for a very long time. The discussions will always descend in to negativity. Mostly because the decisions in each of their franchises have been trash. From this new hero talent system to the beauty that is D4 trash and the social contract.

Look I can appreciate that CC members are at least trying to improve communication with Blizzard, but to be honest after all the years of listening to Blizz vomit out the “We want to improve communication” and then CC being what it’s been since its introduction…I’m not gonna hold my breath.

Blizz will listen whenever they feel like which is never. AND EVEN IF by some miracle they do listen I know that monkey paw is going to curl.

Also go to the CC forums, look at how many times Blizzard has responded to a thread there. Now out of all of those responses look at how many of them are an actual conversation and not just one post and then they dip out.


I wont stop trying though!

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Yeah. Still got some friends I like playing with

Communication has been the biggest complaint and largest item of feedback that the MVPs gave to Blizzard and the CC as well. Blizzard has needed to step up communications for a LONG time.

I will give them some credit though. There are some systemic improvements in the past couple years.

  • They now post roadmaps for content planning publicly. Players know what is going to be released and have an idea when, well in advance.
  • They release the content to the PTR with notes so people can check it out and make guides
  • They post a This Week in WoW sharing what is up in WoW for the week that has all the release info, in-game holiday events, shop or social media promotions, etc.
  • They are good now about posting the Hotfix notes on the forum, the promotions, etc. Lots of actual blue announcements HERE, not just on the main news page. Good mirroring.
  • They post a Blues News weekly to round up blue posts and discussions.
  • There IS the Community Council which is better than no Council and it is transparent to the public, not just a secret forum.

So while it is not the level of Dev communication that I think many want, it is a lot better than it was in say 2018.

I will take progress and give credit to the Community team for their work and the added regular info we now get.


The way I see it, I don’t think the devs have anything to say right now.

The communication just sometimes goes from us to the CM and for the CM to transmit to the devs as feedback but after that is a toss-up. If anything, it’s probably just a small nod and a thumbs up in return and that isn’t anywhere near to an official response.

They do listen, but responding is an entirely different case.

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I think right now is the time to discuss heavily hero talents.
They have asked for feedback.

I guess master wordsmith may be a bit generous, but he’s really good at saying what people want to hear in a way that can’t really be construed as a lie when it inevitably gets monkey pawed. And yeah, being jaded and pessimistic, I was starting to get good at reading between the lines, too.

I can’t help but notice how they stopped doing those AMAs not that long after his fumble. Guess rehearsing hot topic answers and cherry picking questions can only take you so far.

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Really? Awesome possum! And apologies – I really haven’t gotten the chance to do much in game. I’m trying to run some Mythics but I’m having no luck.

Tomorrow is going to be a HUGE day. I’m going to get a different car, but one I’ve been craving for the past 12 years.

Kinda overwhelming to see you as CC, NGL lol.


THEY DAY IS COME! THE PROPHECY FULFILLED! Congrats man! I’ll have to tell Crazen, I remember you talking about it last week.

Not for much longer though I’m afraid unless my re-up gets approved. Another month and I return to being a normie with no gold text.

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