Make BFA raids soloable

Yeah. If they addressed these, it would be a lot easier to solo BfA and SL raids.


thats where the nerfs come. and tuning


that would require actual work that would increase satisfaction (therefore decrease “retention”/addiction) and decrease metrics (time played/players grouped/etc).

they would be spending money to make less, just to make you happy (which would then fulfill you and lead to you quitting).


Shadowlands also, its old content so why keep trying to force people to group in it.

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See my previous post.

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Well…We asked for this in several PTR phases, including this one and there’s not any response yet…

those are just PTR threads being ignored by Devs and CMs, I hope there’s a new time line with changes for BFA and Timewalking…

We got this response about Siege of Orgrimmar skip 3 months ago:

When it was implemented but it took years of constant posting this request and even asking the same question in different Q&As…Feedback in this game reach Devs too late…

Same thing happened with traditional flying…a few post asking for the requirements and it was changed after a big backlash…


As someone who basically didn’t play BFA (I quit halfway through 8.0), I don’t fully remember which bosses have mandated group mechanics (except Ghuun, I remember his mind control), but as an Unholy DK, I’ve been able to solo just about all of Uldir, all of Battle for Dazar’alor, and Eternal Palace. I haven’t tried Crucible or Nyalotha, but I know you need the cape for Nyalotha. And that’s just kind of button mashing my way through the encounters.

But in fairness Unholy DK is markedly easier than most classes to solo old content by virtue of being a plate wearing pet class with decent self healing.

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I’m pretty sure Ion has come out and said that he was the one responsible for attempting to keep these mogs away from the rest of us for at least an expansion. Meanwhile the people actually in mythic raiding guilds don’t even mog, they raid log, then immediately log off. They don’t even leave the instance. Their entire time is spent between the raid instance and the nearest open world graveyard since that’s where you spawn after logging out in an instance for more than 30min.

How Ion still has a job is beyond me.


I’m tired of this! Why should we have to yell and shout at them? They seem to have problem with logic at the office!

2 step forward, 2 back!

We will listen to feedback and Pathfinder is a thing in the past they said when DF released! But they still implement it, even if they know how people feel about it! And to their surprise = people mad!

There shouldn’t be anymore 0,01, or 1% fomo Mounts and stuff and still we got it now in halloween ends event!

They should rewamp holidays and we got 2 more quest and some mediocre extra rewards at brewfest, and now at halloween end was the big rewamp 1 more phase at the boss and 3 more again mediocre rewards!

They only lie to us so we get copium and buy bundles, Mounts, tendies (mog) and pay our subscription! They must be desperate since I haven’t seen so many 1 year commitment plans before!

They seem to thing that throwing some goodies like tcg, pets and stuff will bring all players back and prevent us from quitting!

I honestly don’t care what they do anymore! I start to feel the “mehh screw this”!


Probably because you have no idea what he actually does, and instead just make up trolly BS like this post. :man_shrugging:


BTW we found Ion!


Same, because for almost every topic, the playerbase already did a lot of feedback and even their idea of Council created threads about those topics and all those are ignored or they pick the worst possible result.

Just wait 15 days, they’ll forget and include this new mount:

With a low % and a daily boost attempt…then players will have a massive backlash just like the last time they added a mount to the Anniversary World Boss. I hope this is not the case but they keep doing the same.

I agree but I don’t think it’s going to happen. They decided when 9.0 dropped that they did not want people soloing old raids anymore. The scaling “problems” that made soloing impossible when it was possible before, was not a bug or an accident, it was deliberate.

They want all content to be harder, and group content to remain group content instead of soloable, because it takes longer, and everything is time metrics now.


Beyond my understanding! It feels like they want to make their players agitated!
Maybe they don’t like to work on wow and trying to shut it down?
Only logical reason I can come up with!

It feels like the game is in worse shape now, even worse then in SL! We had way less bugs going on in SL!

Correct! And they seem to miss the fact that many like to farm old content SOLO!

I would be very surprised if this wasn’t a guaranteed drop like the dragonhawk is/was. But it’s Blizzard, so we’ll see. I really hope it’s not a worst case scenario though. It’s SO BLUE. I love blue.

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A very curious thing. Id have been out of a job with the track record here, but maybe the tech industry doesnt expect performance?

Actually makes sense with more recent content being harder to solo.

The ones ive seen talking certainly prefer ilvl/stats over some cosmetic.
Maybe Ion is protecting more recent mogs for his own personal purpose rather than whats best for the game?

its been one of my conspiracty theories that someone on the team is working for the competition, lol


Hi Ion :wave:


Or maybe we could do a quest, get a “Legacy Potion” that causes all BFA mobs to be 10X weaker… but only for an hour, and when the hour is up, they go back to normal.

And you have to gather ingredients for this potion from low level legacy dungeons and raids, and only max level herb/alchemy/engineer/ who has a high skill level for THAT xpack, can prepare the ingredients, and then someone with BFA alchemy 175 to mix the final potion.

Would give old profession skills some use. Or just sell the potion for 1000 tenders on the Trading Post. :slight_smile:

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Oh hey thanks for the shoutout to the thread I made on this. I’ve made several others as well and I really don’t get why, in the expansion of “listen to the community and player feedback”, we can’t get anyone on that team to do a single tuning pass on BFA raids. We can’t even get legacy content enabled for Shadowlands yet somehow they found the time to implement solo LFR for all the Shadowlands raids? Insanity.

Also - Why do Shadowlands rares still have spec specific loot drops? Why can’t my Hunter, who can learn the transmog of swords, get the sword to drop from a Bastion rare? What is the point of that? There isn’t one.

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