Jingles the pet

Is there a reason why I can’t use an ultimate battle-training stone on this lil guy?


Did you select the pet as it’s spawned out in the world? Gotta use the stones on the pets themselves, not the pet list.

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I’ve seen others complaining of issues – he appears to be bugged.


Yeah, summoned the lil guy and everything.

Trust me, I’m no stranger to Wowkémon.


You are going to make him fight?! You monster! Leave that sweet gooey kitty at 1


They gave him a crazy good move set. He’s too good to NOT use!


i hate that it’s a unique pet in the journal. i’ve deleted 18 of him as my alts open their gifts (can’t even release him from the pet journal either)

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Here are some things you missed.


Can’t use a regular beast battle-training stone on him either. I had a few in my bag from some random WQ, and it wouldn’t let me apply them to the pet. The mouseover tip showed him as “unknown”. It’s like the game doesn’t know that it’s a battle pet.

Big oof.

Blizz REALLY Brought their A-Game this expansion.


Jingles is the raptor pet we got for Winter’s Veil. The name of the jelly cat pet is for some odd reason considered a bad word on the forums.

How is the pet got? plsase excuse bad framing…

go open the presents * under the tree. In Ironforge across from auction house or orgrimar next to main building!

  • You should see yellow quest markers on the ones you can open/collect etc… once the pet is in your bag click on it to learn it!

It’s one of the presents under the tree in Ironforge. Everyone that opens their presents will receive one. It shows up in your bag as the standard gray cage, click it to learn it. It’s unique so you can only learn it once, but all alts can summon it, unfortunately it’s also uncageable.

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Thanks, and

Thanks. OMW!

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I wonder when they get back from the holidays so they can tell us what’s up with this pet.

Oh, well in that case, get in the ring jingles!

Mine doesn’t even have a name when summoned. Well he does I guess…his name is unknown.

And… OMW, and now stuck with Transfer aborted, Instance not found.
For ALL my lvl60 toons. Sucks…
Edit: And still cannot get to Iron Forge. Transfer Aborted: Instance not found.
12-14 hrs now…