Gifts are up

Gifts are up now in org and iron forge, No achievement though but I dont think there was one in 2019 either.

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I think there is an achievement only if you manage to keep the wrapping paper intact.

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I’m not even going to try for them until tomorrow after the crowd dies down.

Yeah one of the present is buggy it won’t allow me too level it up with a lvl 25 battle stone…and name says “Unkown” not Jingles.


i was hopeing for somthing cool. like in minecraft got new skins .

its easy no one is allowed or able to block them

Will it stay up until when? I’ll be only able to login on December 27th.

Until New Years at least historically.

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I’m so disappointed this year, not only did we not get the achiever (I have one from every year all the way back to 08) but the pet is unique to 1 and there are two versions! I got the plain one and my husband got the merry one…can’t trade. I think he’s cute either way but…at least make it random what he looks like when summoned, or make him merry only during winter veil, don’t make it so some of us can never have him like that…


Folks are covering them up with that water ball thing you can fish in lol

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Getting the achievement and a working battle pet would be nice …it was all buggy and still my new pet says its name is Unknown still.